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Reunion Day

For We Are Surely Dying....

I am dying to try the new place down on the street
everyone goes there, the place is insane...
yeah it's a little overpriced....but hey, 
ain't that the way!
We just dying, Craig and I, to step by the store
they have the cutest containers, and less is more!
Yes, it's plastic and leads to pollution, but it's not 
like anyone ever asked our opinion or permission
but hey, ain't that just the way!

What do we say, when everyone's fighting, 
when we clinging to life, and thinking we are flying
we broken, wounded, we hurting and scared, 
please stop and realize, 
the mask hides a shadow and the shadow is an illusion.
How well do we know ourselves....
let alone each other....
we stealing from each other
we wounding with words
we confusing with lies
we know what we doing
and we doing it with the spirit of rebellion

You have to break that spirit of rebellion
We going to get down on our knees
We going to bow our heads in thanksgiving
we coming to Jesus 
The time for loving each other is now
The time for blessing and sharing and care
The time for happiness, sowing and reaping and preparing
This is the time to remember
Gather ye rosebuds while he may
Look to the sunrise and remember with pride
The Love of Jesus Christ purchased your freedom
This is Our Reunion Day! 

For We Are surely living
when we can find a smile and a hug and hold out a hand
yes We Are surely living when we still understand 
that life is a treasure, a gift and we have one chance!
We stand against chains, we break every curse
We do all things in Jesus Christ because He lives within us
For the Kingdom of God lives within....
WE Are Surely living when we can see the sin in the world
We see you
Butt, You are already destroyed! 
God will have Reunion Day! 


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