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Showing posts from August, 2024

Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah

 Children's song Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah  Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Silence Soft introduction Children forbid them not To come to Me Said our Lord and our Savior Children, Yeshua said, as he held a child  in his arms forbid them not  For such is the Kingdom of God Loud praise  For such is the kingdom of God For such is the kingdom of God To be a child in Your presence oh Lord  For such is the kingdom of God sing  Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah  Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah  


Just call me misinformation that's not what I am Just call me misinformation Because you know that you can Just call me misinformation watch me take my stand you seem fascinated with your term conspiracy terrorist sorry i meant theorist  You seem to be a lot of things  focused on the rules daily created majority outnumbers you  your scared and so frightened Hiding behind your misinformation Narcissistic abuse  policed by a government dedicated to mental health There is no surprise,  all that is left is simmering anger People took to the streets  their heart alive with righteous anger Both sides defending their position As the KIng watched silently  May history record and remember  we didn't start the fire it was always burning  since the worlds been turning  You scripted out your fate  while thinking you were scripting ours we have yet began to dream  we have yet to start this brave new world For this brave new world  belongs to the free  not downtrodden broken humanity but a w

The Quiet Unyielding Anger

It's a quiet unyielding anger. Slowly simmering at away in the depths of the soul. Slowly churning and burning. A hunger and loss combined with a sense of knowing that things will never be the same again and being creatures of habit; this is disturbing. Change. Barack Obama (lightning falling from the sky - the meaning of his name) promised us change. He said he would be the president of those who liked or did not like him. Change. No one likes change or finds it comforting or exciting unless you are young and still able to dream. There will come a time in our lives when dreams fade and living becomes survival and one day fades into the next. Your words of hope and encouragement echo in the recess of a mind that looks out at a world filled with absolutely no care whatsoever.  Change is not something the body, mind and soul can cope with the older we progress and the wiser we become for it is inevitable that as we grow older we acquire wisdom, unless we choose to live within our ego

The Darkness must come out the Light

The Darkness must come out the Light  How do you live with yourself How do you live with the lies you tell How do you not censor the shit  that streams from your mouth We all have basic humanity  Basic goodness that exists  Basic empathy and a common need to survive The chess game being played  pawns are always disposable The Queen is dead The world's manifesting hell For what happens in the Spiritual World Will Manifest here  Surely you realize the power of the spoken word How you bitched and complained Well here is your creation  Behold the manifestation of all your negativity But YOU can change history Flip the script Do the opposite If they herding you  change your direction  become your own you  reclaim the power that is dwindling within you  turn the anger into positive anger  use the rage to motivate yourself  to out think them.  Create your own currency  focus on the life you want  put all your effort into what you need  It's working for the darkness The light will bani