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The Quiet Unyielding Anger

It's a quiet unyielding anger. Slowly simmering at away in the depths of the soul. Slowly churning and burning. A hunger and loss combined with a sense of knowing that things will never be the same again and being creatures of habit; this is disturbing. Change. Barack Obama (lightning falling from the sky - the meaning of his name) promised us change. He said he would be the president of those who liked or did not like him. Change. No one likes change or finds it comforting or exciting unless you are young and still able to dream. There will come a time in our lives when dreams fade and living becomes survival and one day fades into the next. Your words of hope and encouragement echo in the recess of a mind that looks out at a world filled with absolutely no care whatsoever. 

Change is not something the body, mind and soul can cope with the older we progress and the wiser we become for it is inevitable that as we grow older we acquire wisdom, unless we choose to live within our ego. The perception of I is merely an illusion and will surely lead to the second death of which little is ever mentioned. We do not die once. Our human body will perish but our souls travel on and will come to face the consequences of our decisions made her on this place we call Earth. The second death is much more real and the consequences face a timeless, lost in a second or forever. What does it truly matter when you consumed in torment. The gift of lift here in this dimension is that while your soul is at war, your body rests. Leaving our minds to roam the corridors of thought and wrestle with fears. 

We live in a world of activity, movement, conversation, physical, emotional, mental energy harvested and used all the time. Most of us are drained, exhausted and just want to get off the hamster wheel. Only we can't, because we created this hamster wheel and we perceive that there is no getting off. No stopping. No changing. BUT WHAT IF THAT IS VERY FAR FROM THE TRUTH, WHAT IF THE WAY IS THE LIGHT THAT SHINES WITHIN US. Now what is this light? It is simply the ability to want to be better.  Those of us born with a good, kind, caring heart are the foundation of the new Earth that Jesus Christ will bring and build and will stand forever more. The darkness that consumes the hearts of mankind will begin to grow dim as The Light steps in and the anger fades and retreats. Kindness will show it's beauty and gentleness as humanity sags down in exhaustion sick at the sight of blood and grasping onto kindness and out of a foundation of faith will arise a new beginning. These are birth pains. Many will die, but this is just their human form. They will meet their judge whom will determine their final fate. This is the second death. Depart from me for i know you not! 

Fatal final words. Words that will crush and break the soul as the energy of darkness must return to the pit. For we are either light workers, doers of The Word of God or we are doers of Darkness. We open ourselves up to these spirits, either Holy or Dark, the choice remains ours. We are vessels here, vessels with a soul that is either fed by Heaven or fed by darkness. Our mission is to connect with God our Heavenly Father and do His Will; His bidding, our lives have meaning and purpose and although there are forces working against us, wanting to prevent our missions, derail us from our connection, there is only ever Grace and Mercy and Love that encourages us to endure and push on. They may silence us, but they cannot silence our prayers. They may imprison us, but Jesus Christ sets us free. No one can control the power of a mind devoted to Jesus Christ and life that vibrates with His eternal Spirit. 

And so as I acknowledge this quiet unyielding anger that sizzles away within me, holding me back from Jesus, erecting a wall that only I can tear down. I sit here and recognize that this anger is of no benefit to me whatsoever. I hereby ask Jesus Christ, in the name of the Father and The Holy Spirit to set me free from this anger. Tear down the wall Jesus and refill me and use me and make me into what it is You desire of me.  

In Jesus name, change me and make me into what it is that will be of a benefit to the Kingdom of God that lives within me. 



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