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This is OUR WORLD!

The Body, The Mind and The Soul........

Poised in thought, it hit me and so began this evening's epiphany, it began with a scene from a series and as I sat there, in my favorite chair sipping a cup of coffee watching beheading's for view entertainment pleasure.  This is the Lalaland in which we live, where we watch people fucking, being fucked and beheaded and we don't blink, pardon my language! Game of Thrones, oh how adept we have become, so civilized, cultured, full of hot air and shit for brains.  Our "Enlightened One's" are killing our world, poisoning our food and connecting man to machine. Hello! Forget your angel wings, just grab a pitch folk and join the mob outside! Rioting, pulling down statues! You think it's only the USA, darlings this started all over the world, the same programs are being launched at different time zones and we all going to go through this onslaught on our humanity together.  So, here is some information, we might find worthy of discussion.  
           The belief that beheading a human body, the very act of breaking, puncturing the human body results in the death of the Soul.
       Yes, I am saying that when our bodies are alive and the flesh is broken our Spirit dies along with that body! Eve purchased death when she betrayed God and Adam failed Eve for not counselling his wife and for being weak, when he knew to stand and hold her to their commitment and promise to God.  We have all sinned and come short of the Glory of God, what is Glory? 
  1. 1.
    high renown or honour won by notable achievements.

    "to fight and die for the glory of one's nation"

    synonyms:renownfameprestigehonourdistinctionkudoseminencepre-eminenceacclaimacclamationcelebritypraise, accolades, laurels, recognitionnotenotabilitycreditreputereputationname, illustriousness, lustreMore
  2. 2.
    magnificence or great beauty.

    "the train has been restored to all its former glory"

    synonyms:magnificencesplendour, resplendence, grandeurmajestygreatness, impressiveness, gloriousness, nobilitypomp, stateliness, sumptuousness, opulencebeautyelegancebrilliance, gorgeousness, splendidness
    "a late 17th century house restored to its former glory"
  1. 1.
    take great pride or pleasure in.

    "they gloried in their independence"

We crave glory, it's our strongest motivational force within us, the pursuit of happiness, success, glory and wealth.  Good things that give birth to life and movement, for where there is life, there is growth and when the growth is dying, especially in economics, know this much, you are dying too! 
It was never advised, asked, or demanded, it was commanded! Our Commander in-chief, Our God, Our Creator of this Universe ordered us not to kill! Where is your respect Hollywood? You are Judas and your 30 pieces of silver will not console you! Where is the respect for human life from our leaders who are fathers, uncles, brothers? Where is the woman that will lay down her weapon and not take life, we give life, we birth life, we nourish and nurture and we hug! Women do not kill! But we have become weak, as our leaders take another snort of cocaine and sign away our precious resources to those that come from a distant place and take what belongs to God as we sell what is NOT OURS to sell and we possess technology that was never discovered by humanity, and we lie.  We deceive each other, we deceive ourselves. Humans do not kill humans.  We need to lay down our weapons and seek the inner light that is pleading with us to resist this darkness and become One. 
     A choice exists for all of us and we will get to choose.
Life is precious and we are infinite love and all possibility. 
What have our leaders stolen from us? They have stolen the birthright of their own grandchildren.  So blind have we become to our greed that we live in stench and don't even smell it any more.  Gone is the fragrance of fresh air and wild flowers, replaced by air conditioners and air fresheners. They want to charge us for the right to live and China did this and the world sat back and watched as couples sobbed over abortions in order that a one only child policy succeed. 
Can we list the crimes against humanity? 
Does anyone have a spreadsheet?
*Homeless when homes stand empty!
*Refugees forced into foreign countries because Zionists seek to destabilize Europe! 
*The deafening silence as death comes to the freedom of speech! and no one says a word!
*Food that creates mental illness so humanity is forced to buy drugs the anti-dote to the cause! They all work in labs and we are the rats! 
*Chemicals sprayed in our skies
*Weather altering technology, sorry did we create this planet?
*Doctors that are in fact wizards and witches and their witchcraft is the drugs that kill us! Don't trust me, ask your pharmacist! 
80 million North American Native Indian humans killed because they knew too much, they know the Spirit world and they know Our Grandfather, Our God, Our Creator! 80 million, but no holocaust, no outcry, banished to reservations and believe me, I have a few reservations of my own about this world.  But this is OUR WORLD, it's mine and it's yours. I am not living in chains of technology, I want to let the river flow and let the birds fly, let the Earth live! We Are more than idiotic technology, we belong to each other. You are mine and I am yours and tread softly for you tread on our dreams! 


Jesus of Nazareth was born, lived and was crucified on a cross, this cannot be disputed! King Herod wrote a letter to Pontius Pilate who wrote a letter to Rome giving an account of that day, the day that liberated Adam and bought back the right to Eternal life! It really does not matter if we dress in finery or rags, have much or have little, this body, this vehicle is just a vehicle, we will discard it and move on.....for some that is....the some that know, understand and practice, live and do God's will! We don't kill, we don't judge, we don't condemn.  We get angry, we feel pain, we are betrayed, but we know right from wrong, we know we have a choice. The Grace of God is sufficient, when you are ready, you will find infinite love and all possibility and you will know Jesus Christ of Nazareth, it just is this way.   


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