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Showing posts from September, 2017

Make The World a Channel of Your Peace Jesus of Nazareth.

This is dedicated to my best friend, thank you for reminding me of this gem! This is my prayer for the World....this is my prayer for my country, my community, my family and myself!  "Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace" Make me a channel of your peace. Where there is hatred let me bring your Love. Where there is injury, your pardon, Lord And where there's doubt, true faith in You. [Chorus:] Oh, Master grant that I may never seek So much to be consoled as to console To be understood as to understand To be loved as to love with all my soul. Make me a channel of your peace Where there's despair in life, let me bring Hope Where there is darkness, only light And where there's sadness, ever joy. [Chorus:] Make me a channel of your peace It is in pardoning that we are pardoned In giving to all men that we receive And in dying that we're born to eternal Life.

What is Greatness?

Light Bulb Moment: 13. Friday 13. 12 Disciples. 1 Teacher = 13. Friday is of no significance! It's only the day Yeshua, Our Messiah, sacrificed everything so He could rise, because WE rise when we lift others! Jesus raises. Friday 13 hated and how we are taught to fear, how death is brought to us and fear instilled in the weak sheep, but the lion does not concern themselves with opinions of the sheep but moved forward the hunt for the truth is over. We either accept and unite or drown in defeat. The choice has always and is and will forever be ours!  B/C we are dead, all is lost and gone forever; we are the walking dead, faking life and stealing, until the moment of deliverance and then WE become A/D and a new timeline begins, where the Spirit awakes and new life flows, an infinite love that unites the Spirit, Body, Mind. The Trinity. The Power of 3. Where 2 or 3 are gathered, Jesus told us, who needs 15 000, 2 or 3 willing hearts will do! WE ARE NOT LESS THAN. God w...


Just the way you are! When We can sing this song to OURSELVES we know we healed and we have accepted ourselves!       As long as WE continue this WAR with ourselves, there will never be peace! In order to change our world, WE must realize the change must come first from within; the enemy within must be defeated and peace will come to this Earth. Heaven will reign for We are Gods, We ARE THE GODS.....WE Are Sovereign, WE ARE PERFECTLY CREATED FOR THIS EARTH. CREATE. EARTH. WE ARE SPIRIT. BODY. MIND. THE TRINITY. WAKE UP MR WEST! WAKE UP PHIL COLLINS! OPEN YOUR EARS,EYES,SMELL THE AIR,TASTE LIFE,FEEL LIFE!      Fall in love with you!  "Just The Way You Are" Don't go changing, to try and please me You never let me down before Don't imagine you're too familiar And I don't see you anymore I would not leave you in times of trouble We never could have come this far I took the good times, I'll take the bad times I'll take you just the way you ar...

The Joker Personality!

The "Joker" Personality! Within all of us lies a bit of "The Joker" some use this energy as a to make a living, most of us resort to this state when things become simply too emotional to process.  "The Joker" is exploited, encouraged and manipulated within our society, especially in the South African community.   First we must explore "The Joker" character. Who is "The Joker"? The Joker is a dangerous character and is a chameleon, in a deck of cards, The Joker can be anyone, it takes on the form of any card that is required to be played and this is The Joker in life.  They move around us and sometimes within us.  Hollywood is built of The Joker personalities, it has no substance and no character and offers nothing of real substance to any of us.  We idolizing liars and fakers, hanging on the every action and word of complete and utter nothingness.  It's bottomless as an abyss and this is the truth that escapes all of us.  Our ...

Observations on Surviving September.....

RIGHT OR WRONG WILL NEVER APPLY TO CREATIVITY! As We All walk in our own shoes, so we have unique experiences, perceptions, and understandings, we may speak the same language, and we may share certain characteristics, this in no way assures us that WE ARE ALL THE SAME! We must accept that there is no wrong or right thought, no idea is wrong or right......there is exists incorrect behavior, acceptable behavior, but wrong or right will never apply to our creativity! All thoughts are birthed from either Love or Hate, Life or death. Be tolerant and allow each other to find each other through our journeys and experiences, one day we will share each others shoes, but for now, we each must walk alone and seek the truth within.....listen to gentle words spoken to us.....or simply observe the fruits of the tree.....soon enough you shall see...either there is food for my soul here or I must journey on....We Must Grow Up and become the adults we claim to be! but WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER< NO...


When will we comprehend that right and wrong does not apply to ideas, expressions, communication, no one is right or wrong regarding ideas and sharing.  This complete lack of toleration that grips all of humanity must be destroyed.  We simply must accept that WE ARE infinite love and all possibility. WE must accept that all ideas however ludicrous and improbable, idiotic and anything that is condemnation and skepticism, must be allowed to express, be and that which is formed in truth, love and honesty. The fruits of the Spirit will always flourish, life lives, death = death.  Why do we not comprehend that when the satanists chant death = death, they are openly declaring they are dead! Do you not understand that zombies walk around us, they pass begin and collect their millions which is harvested by their god and they are dead! Any living creature is a threat to them, they must kill, death to all that lives. Zombies walk around us and we are blind to life! We si...

What Are We Doing? Poem!

Everything is LOVE! We argued, you were so determined Our voices rose awakening the dormant anger disturbing our inner peace until we stood glaring at each other the voice screamed and we turned our head our child stood there, confused and shattered On the late night news, another child is missing We looked at our him, a combination of both me and You I watched in a daze the tears roll down your cheeks and breathlessly you whispered "What are we doing?" This miracle we called our child again is running late for the school bus I am ranting and he is huffing and he turns and looks at me and asks "Mommy, what are we doing?" I reach for the magazine and take a long, lost look beauty in every curve in all the right places the flush, the stir, forgotten feelings, once memories and then my son reaches out to me and asks "So, daddy, what you doing?" I am lost and all alone I am cold, I have been bought and sold Stolen from my home...