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Observations on Surviving September.....


As We All walk in our own shoes, so we have unique experiences, perceptions, and understandings, we may speak the same language, and we may share certain characteristics, this in no way assures us that WE ARE ALL THE SAME! We must accept that there is no wrong or right thought, no idea is wrong or right......there is exists incorrect behavior, acceptable behavior, but wrong or right will never apply to our creativity! All thoughts are birthed from either Love or Hate, Life or death. Be tolerant and allow each other to find each other through our journeys and experiences, one day we will share each others shoes, but for now, we each must walk alone and seek the truth within.....listen to gentle words spoken to us.....or simply observe the fruits of the tree.....soon enough you shall see...either there is food for my soul here or I must journey on....We Must Grow Up and become the adults we claim to be! but WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER< NOR SHALL WE FEAR< OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD! STAND FIRM!


U2 How to dismantle an atomic bomb........give me love and peace.......and to a satanist this would be.....hate and death....God created this world.....only God gets to destroy the name of Jesus Christ, son of God and our Messiah...Lucifer; coward and viper cease and desist and return to the pit from whence you came forth! WE ARE the children of God, know ye not that ye are Gods? Stand firm, stand strong, do not cower or show fear, a house divided shall fall and God's love will come to Earth as it is in Heaven! Love one another and be kind! Do Not Lay down your weapons, Do not surrender your guns! It's not to inflict harm, but to keep them at bay, stand firm on your convictions, cling to justice and love! Love is protecting all you love from destruction! We love our planet, we love each other, we will die to defend what we hold dear, we will die to make sure love lives on!


Technology! say it!
Tech. No. Logic! (aint that the truth!)
Don't think, just process!!!

I Think.....Therefore I AM!
I AM (Nameste, recognize the God within you)
The choice between life or death is entirely Ours to make.
WE Don't Care About Your Sin.....WE Care that you love and know you are beloved, you are the beloved! Forget condemnation and critic,
This is our return point, our starting point. All roads meet here!
WE start here and then we journey forth together!
If we going to extend our journey and become the Earth Warriors,
We must return to love, learning love and kindness....
we going back to basics and YOU ARE THE DIFFERENCE!



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