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When will we comprehend that right and wrong does not apply to ideas, expressions, communication, no one is right or wrong regarding ideas and sharing.  This complete lack of toleration that grips all of humanity must be destroyed.  We simply must accept that WE ARE infinite love and all possibility. WE must accept that all ideas however ludicrous and improbable, idiotic and anything that is condemnation and skepticism, must be allowed to express, be and that which is formed in truth, love and honesty. The fruits of the Spirit will always flourish, life lives, death = death.  Why do we not comprehend that when the satanists chant death = death, they are openly declaring they are dead! Do you not understand that zombies walk around us, they pass begin and collect their millions which is harvested by their god and they are dead! Any living creature is a threat to them, they must kill, death to all that lives. Zombies walk around us and we are blind to life! We sitting behind our desks, posting Chemtrail, Pizzagate, Clinton/Soros (sorrows) our minds hurt as we watch the onslaught on humanity! We dying and we are confused, we making decisions on minds that are conditioned, controlled and cultivated.

Those that we paid, those that cashed a paycheck, received a salary, exchanged their hideous actions: The man who invented the microchip, but is quick to point out, that was all he dear friend, do you not comprehend that we know you had ALL the information presented to you, before we can design, create anything we need all the information presented to us, in order for us to create it! You knew exactly what you were doing, but you turned a blind eye to humanity, you sold out and this is the meaning of the One Eye, the Enlightened Ones us to constantly mock and taunt humanity. Knowledge is death. Just look how they have poisoned and are busy destroying all creation. Our ability to create is mocked, we are ashamed, afraid and cautious of our ability to create, WE ARE CREATORS! This is the characteristics of Gods and know ye not that ye are Gods? We have a responsibility to ourselves, a responsibility that I am just starting to comprehend.
We are experiencing divine grace. The jealousy of the spiritual world is shown to us by their every attempt to steal our lives away from us.  Do you know the power of a hug?
Can you comprehend the power of giving birth, carrying life and creating the life that grows and is birthed from within us? Then we want to listen and believe that God hates women, the bearers of life??? Open your mind and give life to your own ideas, your own opinions, God dwells within us and He longs to commune with us. YOU are required and YOU Make The Difference! 

Listen to your heart, mind and body! Listen and discover the you that life has tried so hard to punish, hurt, and destroy.  Death is their death, death consumes us until we are born again. This isn't a Christian philosophy, this is our life. This is the basis of life. We are either Love or Death. Understand that Jesus is the one gatekeeper who did not sell out and that's why He is hated and detested. He never sold out because Jesus is God who walked among us, God walked in our shoes! He is not a general that never actually saw the pain of war. He is not a politician that sends innocent men off to war, while our criminals are protected and kept alive? Ever wonder about that? Why is Satan saving his own? 
I can assure you that being me, I would make sure the bad, bad boys are on the front-line and those that uphold our laws and focus on building a healthy nation protected, but that's just me. 
*****We Must Grow Up and become adults! Get off the playground, this is serious times and small minds are tripping up and holding us back. Small minds that steal our attention, we must comprehend, bullshit baffles brains! This is the motto of all the secret societies. We must comprehend that church and state are ONE! 
The church cannot exist without the government. Religion is not a friend. The truth lives within you.  God save us from Religion, it is a wall designed to keep us apart! 
WE going to ask stupid questions!
We going to seek everywhere!
We going to encounter unpleasantness!
But WE will find the answers!
We will find each other!
WE Will find truth!

In God we trust always! 

Be patient and kind and exchange all information, be patient and be kind, don't inflict pain, don't sneer, WE ARE BORN TO BE ALIVE! The tone we use to respond when asked a question, the expression on our faces, the irritation, the anger.....let it go! Let it go and become the adult this world needs. Listen to the exchanges between humanity, listen to the script of life and do you hear love? 
Can you see the abuse, the humiliation, the hurt inflicted in common dialogue used on the shows we so love and watch? Game of Thrones, open pornography, child abuse, sex with minors openly encouraged, openly accepted, I watched this series 3 times before I realized what the hell I was watching! No matter what they make us watch, they cannot resist openly taunting us with the walking dead! We dead without Jesus, and we don't even know it! This is why this world is dying! They killing us because we have forgotten who we are! WE ARE THE CHILDREN OF THE CREATOR OF THIS UNIVERSE! Now accept it, meditate on it and remember, YOU ARE BELOVED!  Our creator loves us and WE ARE ONE! 



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