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Confessions from The Reptilians!

Ronald Reagan tried to warn us and perhaps many before, but mostly as I type this is dear President Ronald Reagan who's face I see in my memory and his words that hint that at some point humanity will have to unite, good and evil, in order to survive. The "hides" that the elite have mock humanity with the definition of dumb's, see in Winston Churchill style, Madam, I may be drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you shall still be ugly! They will become the food for the Reptilians, see in the Word of God it is written that no one shall escape destruction. There was a Treaty or Covenant signed and declared between the Reptilians and Humanity and it has been violated by the Reptilians. The Alien Covenant clearly is explaining our history past, present or future, for there is nothing new under the sun and everything that came to pass, shall come to pass, hold on to love and justice! Hold on to the Cross, hold on to each other! 
        This is the very first movie that speaks of the death of humanity! This will probably become an icon movie of sorts, so many have disregarded this movie and that was with intention. Hide it in plain sight so that their eyes wide shut can't look for seeing, the windows of the soul, corrupted and confused by the concept of love.  See a machine is a machine. It processes. This is the gift of my laptop as long as the battery is full, I type, it works! 
We fell in love with laziness and the lazier we became, the more human we designed our destruction. See destruction or life is birthed in the consciousness. It is a thought, constant thinking this is humanity. Constantly planning our actions, our needs, wants and desires, we speak because we think. Machines don't need to speak, they have nothing to say merely actions to perform. Do the work. We nasty, rude and aggressive with each other, but we nice and sweet and we make our A/I sweet, gorgeous, sexy and irresistible. WHY? 
Who spawns these thoughts in our minds, where do our thoughts come from, what gives birth to our thoughts? 
) The perfect wife
)The perfect husband
)The perfect child
and so the list goes on and on and then within that division comes more and more division until we so broken and confused we have to watch The Alien Covenant and NOT hear the human race go ballistic, are you all dead? 
The Captain is a mouse. So The Reptilians think our men are weak, crying, babies. 
A woman still a baby herself is our leader, so Reptilians have great respect for us women and in turn our men hate us for it! The tension and sometimes war of the sexes! You can be a man and still give me the grace, confidence and right to be all the woman I AM. This is the basis of Ying-yang. 
Wagner was probably a Reptilian.  Reptilians are cold blooded, highly intelligent, they have used us to evolve and controlled us for much of our existence. Please watch 

theJonathanKleck on youtube and be fascinated! 

David, the clone in the beginning (how more antichrist and just plain mockery is this?) is the warning of how far they have come and how they are broken inside, their souls still confused as to the origins of their creation. Lucifer is a liar but he is a killer for he is death and death equals death, they chant this to him.  To watch this piece of machinery debate with an arrogant self righteous, self contained human waste the anger began to subside and I began to understand that we are not here to fight about Christianity or religion, we here to put our faith to the test and reach out and save somebody. How snobbish of me to think I am here to impress and win over the affections and admiration of other Christians, I AM here to win the lost, save, rescue, love, hug and feed everyone.  

The Zionists signed the deal with The Reptilians, everyone has been trying to say it, now  I shall spit it out. The Alien Covenant says it! Declares the war on humanity and we will win. We need to build a blueprint, a code of conduct, honor and integrity, we have to shut down the Cowards In Action, mice who refused to go to war so they soothed their consciousness by becoming enemies of the state and committing treason against The Constitution and The People of The Republic of The United States of America! They became domestic enemies endangering the safety and life not only of the American people but by bringing dishonor and ill repute to The people. This is a criminal organisation and the people need to harvest their justice. This is the time when men shall stand beside each other because we are human and they want our lives.  They killing us so they can live while we die. How long must this continue before we realize they not just killing us they killing our world. This is a plague of locusts, don't you get it? I have a locust that lives with me. She was homeless, I have a soft heart, now she consumes everything until the cupboards that once held plenty hold nothing because as fast as i buy she consumes and I am exhausted! Lack is what we shall know, lack is what shall be shoved in our faces, lack and want, greed and need. We will eventually do anything to have this need satisfied, this is brain washing and we are already there.  
May the Love and Wisdom of the God of Creation open your eyes of the mind and the soul, bless and protect and give us the weapons we need to overcome this challenge. 
If entertainment is watching the death of humanity.............
There once were a pair of pedigree Labradors,male and female respectively. This is the design from Our Creator, The God of Love, an emotion, concept, idea the Reptilians just cannot seem to process and how they want too. They want to know what love is, for they feel hatred, feel destruction, taste blood but they cannot grasp peace, love, kindness and caring. Parenthood is foreign and bewildering and that's for those that pause long enough to contemplate, this is why many marry humans, they long for warmth and life. So our world has become a cosmic Earth filled with various forms of life and now we struggle with concepts such as transgender and those that are infiltrated and filled with evil which is the emotionless coldness of the Reptilian. As the genetics became intertwined we all became something monstrous and ugly. God knew that when Adam and Eve left the safety and protection of the Garden of Eden, humanity would be vulnerable. There is consequences for our behavior, there is repercussions and there is acceptance.  The Reptilian seduced Eve and Adam and the god of Love must have been speechless, how many times is love not ambushed, we all know the pain of a broken heart, we know God's suffering as He knows ours. Love is our sword, Love is our defense, Love is our shield, Love is our strength, so when we need we have to give each other LOVE!  
How does Jesus love? Unconditionally.
He is there. ALWAYS. 
Our challenge is to be there always for each other. 
For the prostitute. For the lost broken CIA agent, for the President, for the Criminal, for the pastor, for the school teacher, for you and for me, in times of drugs, alcohol, pizzagate, chemtrails, monsanto, CERN, HAARP! Listen, read, think, love and be kind! 



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