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Dark Side Of The Moon!

Roger Waters! Poetry Genius. Pink Floyd....a gift long may we continue to appreciate them. Dark Side Of The Moon. 

The Dark Side Of The Moon (1990 Movie)
  In the near future, a maintenance vehicle is orbiting the Earth on a mission to repair nuclear-armed satellites. Suddenly, the crew experiences a mysterious, inexplicable power failure that cannot be accounted for. As the ship grows colder, they find themselves drifting toward the dark side of the Moon. An old NASA shuttle, the Discovery, drifts toward them, although NASA has not been operating for 30 years. Two of the crew members board the ship and find a dead body. The mission records of the crew's own ship indicate that the shuttle they have found disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle many years before. So what is it doing in space? As they attempt to solve this mystery, it quickly becomes apparent that a malevolent force has been waiting on the NASA shuttle, using the aforesaid dead body as its host and it now begins to stalk the crew members one at a time.

The End of Innocense (1990)

A young girl is spiritually torn apart by forces beyond her control. After suffering a nervous breakdown, she is placed in an asylum, where for the first time she is treated as a human being by a compassionate psychiatrist.


Rebecca Schaeffer's final theatrical film before her murder on July 18, 1989 and was released posthumously. The End of Innocence marks the film début of future Days of Our Livesstar Alison Sweeney.

Interesting stuff: Sacrificed or is this why Hollywood movie stars visibly push away from the characters they play. During an interview with the dog trainer from "Doc Martin" I wondered why she kept emphasizing their real names, surely one would just naturally mention Martin as "the doc" or "old grumpy" but she called them Stephanie and Martin. You being interviewed to comment on a show viewers watch, we know this is fiction, but could you just use the character's name, after all this character is paying your salary and then I thought, perhaps this is the problem. The brain suffers identity issues and the stress and conflicting emotions is never discussed. Everything that glitters is gold, but the gold is gone and we still standing because our money has retreated into cyberspace. In self defense, in a fight to hold on to all that we know as life, we are clinging on to old concepts like contracts. We no longer require contracts.  Newsflash but everyone and anyone can pop around to find you if they wish, it's not difficult, this we can clearly see as Russia who has never received popular press is now accused of sabotaging the USA elections. Yes, a country that has only ever been your enemy cares enough to stop Hillary Clinton! No one believes this non sense. Donald Trump! Sir, you want to be the best president ever! You will be! But You must think smart Sir. Think smart. Then destroy smart and think about humanity and do the opposite, this is your time, do not derail the Trump train. 

The Final Sanction: (1990)


The United States and Russia have had a nuclear exchange, wiping out most of humanity in the process. In order to decide a winner without any further bombing, the nations both decide to choose their best soldier and let them fight in a restricted area in Virginia. The result of the duel will decide the winner of the war.[1]
Sergeant Tom Batanic (Ted Prior) and Sergei (Robert Z'Dar) fight mercilessly, but at the end they realize the futility of their duel and agree to end it, just as the U.S. general in charge decides to explode the building they are in. It turns out that the whole affair was just a secret agreement between the American and Russian general to let the world realize that in a war, no one is a winner. However, Tom and Sergei survive the explosion, the American general is arrested by the FBI.[2]

How freaky is that plot???

Do you know that when you say are you going to buy that? We saying everything comes at a price. Your dignity. Your reputation or lack there of and don't tell me that stuff was real about Britney Spears, that she has been cloned, perhaps we all about to be replaced? Given blood lately? Been for an aids test? We are too free with our information. WE pay in ways that are not always money. Humiliation, blackmail, extortion. The higher your pedestal, the greater the fear of falling, the more willing we become to negotiate, when we want we are at our most vulnerable. We have been carefully programmed. Deactivate by reviving our environments with nature. Relax. Make it a standard practice to set aside 1 hour when it is most inconvenient.  It's the only way you going to find yourself. We not asking you to kill yourself, we not asking you to wear a vest, we not asking you to inflict any pain at all, least of all on yourself. We, that is us, the children of humanity, are pleading with us to grow up and become the beautiful adults WE ARE.  Leave the playground and take responsibility for your life, your actions and your deeds. Learn to be kind. Learn to be gentle. Look and be watchful always be prepared to assist. You are required. You are needed. The dark forces that grip you and fill you with hatred will leave you if you simply have faith in Yeshua and say his name YES! For every time we whisper Yeshua, we are calling out Yes to Life! When someone says please believe me, know it's a lie. Notice: every time someone says you can believe me, they have a hidden agenda. It never works out as planned. It's a sub-conscious confession. 

REPOSSESSED (1990 movie) 

After a montage of attempts to free Nancy's body using phone donations, song, and insults ("You're so tough, how come you possessed a woman's body?"), Ernest and Fanny's Exorcism Tonight is announced as having the largest audience in history. Upon hearing this, the devil, in Nancy's body, sets the studio on fire, causing the audience to flee. He reveals to Ernest and Fanny that he used them to get the largest audience, and turns them into a pantomime horse.
Using the camera, the devil tries to claim the souls of the viewing audience, but is stopped by Brophy, who destroys the camera. The devil announces he knows another way to claim their souls, and runs away, heading for a satellite transmitter. He is pursued by religious figures from around the world, who have gathered at Brophy's command. Brophy teases the devil about his defeat to Mayii.
Back in the studio, the devil successfully uses the camera to lure Mayii to him for a rematch. The exorcism, with commentary by "Mean Gene" Okerlund and Jesse "The Body" Ventura, is ineffective until the devil mentions that he hates Rock 'n Roll. Turning the TV studio into a live concert, the song "Devil with a Blue Dress On" is played to the devil by the various religious figures, including The Pope on guitars. The devil is tormented so that he is finally driven from Nancy's body, declaring "I'll be back!".  

Right in this plot from this movie hides a bunch of lies and truth mingled and mixed, sowing confusion. It is believed that Lucifer traveled into a forbidden part of cosmos where he and many others suffered severe trauma and that he suffers from multiple personalities, in short, Lucifer is mentally unstable. This is why he can no longer create, manifest, why he has resorted to using technology. Technology has the added bonus of obeying without the option of change of mind. This is why those that worship him must suffer, their suffering eases his own.  Misery loves company. 



In 1978, Kate Melendez (Amy Irving) is a television news reporter who investigates the mysterious deaths of two radical Puerto Ricanactivists. The government claims they were terrorists while others claim the two were merely student activists. Despite threats to her own life, Melendez investigates the deaths, gradually leading her to conclude that undercover American agents were responsible for framing the activists as terrorists, and then murdering them.

This is a perfect example of wtf and now you will understand the origin of my irritation. The CIA created the term, Conspiracy Theorist! But then Hollywood which is just another division of the CIA, openly pointed at the crime of our government and we watched and remained silent. Our silence is our consent. 
Now here we are after 30 years of a steady Hollywood diet. WE have watched comedy, mystery, sport, weather, news, then came reality tv, and now it's just blood, guts, shit and piss with a lot of "F" words that I can so revert back too.   What the old man Bush fears is that we will realize that the great depression was the start of the war on The People and it has not stopped and it's not about too unless we stand. 
This is not about silver or gold. This is not about oil. This is not about pollution.  This is about The people of The Earth and our children. We ARE either for each other or we are dead. 

(Waters, Gilmour, Wright) 2:44

Breathe, breathe in the air.
Don't be afraid to care.
Leave but don't leave me.
Look around and choose your own ground.

Long you live and high you fly
And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry
And all you touch and all you see
Is all your life will ever be.

Run, rabbit run.
Dig that hole, forget the sun,
And when at last the work is done
Don't sit down it's time to dig another one.

For long you live and high you fly
But only if you ride the tide
And balanced on the biggest wave
You race towards an early grave.


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