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Here I AM Sir Evelyn Robert De Rothchild.

Here we are Wednesday evening, October 18 2017.  Today listening to The Kev Baker show, I got to listen to Christopher Everard.........and there sang my soul! The truth broke free and things that I had been writing about, my premonitions were spot on and I closed my eyes and said: Thank You Yeshua! Please give Chris a listen.  Then something strange happened, just a small stupid but nevertheless interesting! So I shall share it! 

So "Reverse Chess" posts the letter by the Rothchilds to cease and desist ( here is my comment: Not only will the USA NOT Cease and Desist, we will engage in economic warfare the likes of which will crush the Rothchilds! You will rue the day you were born and conceived a plot to defraud the world! Karma will destroy you! You already broke! Of course they would issue a letter these people are pissed off, they were suppose to have killed everyone at the Route 91 HARVEST 50 people died and 500 injured! WE will never cease and desist!Australia turned over their guns after one mass shooting, The USA has stood because the USA is built on the gun! The cowboy is our legend! We will never surrender our weapons! So yes, they will issue a cease and desist! If taking the weapons is the deciding factor of the success of the nwo....then they have failed! The Rothchilds are cowards! Please know this! They will do anything to avoid the draft! Their supporters are cowards! Nothing but baby killing raping elite bankers that hide and feed off our hard work. Everyone has a loan. Don't pay it! Everyone owns a car. Stop paying for them. Close down the corporations and remind them who has the power! Take your money elsewhere. Then I get a NOTIFICATION that Sir Evelyn Robert De Rothchild replied: $790 Trillion in precious metals. Your vaults are empty, filled with paper not even fit to wipe an ass with. Your population has been infiltrated & turned against itself! (This was deleted but appeared in the notifications) I took a picture on my phone from the notification bar because copy and paste was not an option! Infiltrated and turned against itself! I doubt ignorance is any longer a factor! If you still living under a rock, don't bother coming out, if you are awake and aware, we need to implement boycott ethics this is an economic warfare, we playing by their rules and they breaking their own damn rules! Human race what the hell are we doing??? Reverse Chess has nothing on his chanel, but he said was moving stuff are a coward Sir Evelyn Robert De Rothchild for deleting your are a coward, a baby killer and monster of epic proportions......the NEW WORLD ORDER will never succeed, a house divided cannot stand! We will watch you all crumble and your corporations where you hide your assets dissolve one at a time!

My Questions are:
1) Why was this message deleted.
2) Who deleted this message it still shows in my notifications on Youtube 
3) $790 Trillion precious metals. 
Yes, we always brag about the things that concern us: Clearly the Zionist is all about Greed. I don't give a damn about the precious metals, I care about the dead millions of souls your greed has cost this planet. Death follows you and death accuses you and you stand guilty of the destruction caused to this Earth, our World! So you can take your precious metals. 
Not one person on this planet exchanges gold for paper. We have plastic, we have paper and we have promises. No paper, no plastic= no life! The computer owns me and my home. My debt lives in cyberspace. I make bank transfers and everything I do relies on cash.  This is my reality. For every person lives a different reality and we cannot generalize, but I can tell you that when my bank account says zero balance, my plastic card no longer is nice to me, 
The fact that our vaults are filled with paper is deeply concerning. 
We need to spread that paper around and get the paper out of the vaults.  There are plenty of people that can use that useless paper! So maybe it's not so useless after all and I have no doubt that we have been infiltrated, and that yes, the Zionist has done everything in their power to turn us against each other, but they cannot kill love! Our World, all of Humanity is captured and held in a war against Humanity using economics. It's a war of have not, the shelves will be stocked but we will not be able to have what we want. This is going to be our shame. Our poverty. WE always have a choice. Follow your bliss. This is where the turn around lives, this is the secret, follow your heart. The more miserable we are the more miserable our reality becomes and this is their bliss. Who do you live for? You live for love! The minute your Soul is troubled and your mind is clouded, feed your soul! Know what makes you happy, and go be happy. A hard day at work reward yourself with what makes you happy! You must control your stress. Kill unkind thoughts, destroy selfishness, toss out unhappiness. Need an energy boost? Find a baby to hug! Find a dog to walk. Find someone and share a beer! 
1) Stop worrying.
I have every right to say this because God is teaching me to stop worrying and it's working and what's more The Universe is supplying answers to my problems before I can worry. Every time I clench up and double over consumed with anxiety, I am killing myself! The poison is spreading through me. There is a process that I have learned and I can share it, but I doubt anyone reads these pages anyway. Well it's easy actually.  While playing the song: Lay back in the arms of someone (Smokie) one day, I leaned back on the sofa where I sat listening to the song and did just what the song suggested. I lay back and completely relaxed as though I were lying in arms surrounded by love, warmth and I was home. I let the song wash over me, for the duration I was completely relaxed and surprised at my natural state of stress that grips my shoulders and causes intense neck pain. So find something that works for you, but learn to switch off or this world is going to get to all of us.
2) Pray and pray with friends. The Universe is waiting to connect The Children of The lamb.
3)Pay tribute to nature for we are nature. 
4) Stand for something and develop character. 
5) Be yourself, for you are beautiful, worthy and required. 
Lucifer is not going to solve your problems. Chanting death equals death will you think about what you are declaring? Your death. Not mine. Jesus is the Beginning and the Word and the Word is Jesus. 
I have faith, love and hope because of Jesus otherwise I would be you seething and foaming at the mouth, angry, pissed off, confused and condemnation oozing like puss from within my soul. Instead I have a gentle river flowing through my soul, where birds chirp and there are roses, so many different types.  Make the world go away, and get it off your shoulders. Just say the words, I thank you and love you and accept you Yeshua as you love and accept me, the door opens and the mighty wind that rushes in, or maybe it's a gentle breeze that whispers into the soul.  God knows what you need. He is waiting to give you all you desire. 


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