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Human Race Arise!

I awoke from a bad dream and I was aware I felt edgy, as I went through the motions of a morning routine, I found myself acknowledging that lately I was angry at everything. This is NOT my character, I am easy going, will get hurt but will make sure everyone around me has their needs met, so where was motivating this anger? I sat back and smoked a joint and for the very first time in forever found myself composing a song.  In fits of giggles I called my sister and began singing the song that goes like this:
Diagnosing, diagnosing, we diagnosing,
just diagnosing
always knowing,
we diagnosing, 
can you hear us?
Would you care? 
(sung to the tune of Sailing) 
If you lived in this house being one of the three determinedly opinionated women, you could well imagine. 
The song died and suddenly I began to pour my heart out. My husband works away and I have NOT seen him for a year! When he returns home, I want him to quit his job and stay at home. I have my reasons.  Every day in some form, shape or fashion, the powers of darkness and all consuming negativity stretch out because they know they are dying! They can't hold on to what does and never will belong to them. Life belongs to the living.  We always get sicker before we recover and right now we are sliding into the illness of negativity, it's almost all consuming! Remember this is NOT where you belong! Death holds no power over the living!
I want my husband home, I want him doing something he loves, I want him alive and living! If this is where is at now, then by all means, we need to get to a place where we focus on each other, we have done all we can and neglected ourselves. So I guess we have some issues, but that's okay, everyone has issues.  We need to change the way we talk to each other. Stop watching television, they teaching us deep dark sarcasm that is disrespectful and completely unnecessary. What I do appreciate with great amusement is that Enki/Lucifer succeeded in convincing the world the Spiritual existence is real and now no one believes him! 
I have to say that I admire and respect David Icke.  I Have a friend who is so infantile, if she wins (in her mind) a conversation, because there are actual idiots that think winning and loosing applies to a difference of opinion. So she jumps for joy shaking her fists in the air, "Yes, Yes, I was right!"  
David Icke never gloated. While I was rushing to the defense of Stephen Paddock, David quietly gathered the info, processed and then spoke. What he said really spoke to me and I am sure to many. We need to pause and breathe. 
Our minds are being herded, our thoughts and emotions chased, the pace of what is expected from within us is making us angry, resentful and they feasting on our negativity! 
It's time to kill the beast. 

Remove everything from our lives that cause negativity. If you feel uptight, remove the cause. Walk away, find what makes you happy and go there as often as you can in your mind. What brings you peace? A song, a walk, a coffee, a joint, what brings you peace?
I asked God why was my heart so angry and He showed me and answered me and then my friends arrived and we laughed and teased each other, friendship, love and happiness was unleashed here. Because I asked, I received! 

Our enemies employ the same tactics. Only they are evil, they have blood sacrifice and Jesus did not die as a sacrifice, he died so that he could rise again and pave the way for us to join him. Enki/Lucifer is the God of sacrifice. God of Creation is the God of Infinite Love, all possibility, birth and life! 

Feeling angry and misunderstood?
Feeling sad and there's just no reason?
This is the time of the season
For love to take root and grow
Your Soul is a gardener
Come meet the constant gardener! 

Love, Light and Peace be with all of YoU!


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