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I have just discovered that our team leader has no vision, no plan and no goal for our team. How did he propose to accomplish anything with none of the above! Before a building is built, we start with a blueprint. Mechanical, Electrical, Architectural, everything is carefully taken into consideration, carefully planned, the plans are submitted for approval and then the team is assembled. If there is no one on the team with a vision, work ethic and strong will and determination, all the physical power in the world will not get that building completed! Everything starts in the mind. This is your life, this is our world, this is our planet and it is being managed with extreme negative agenda. This stops now. 
        Do you have a blueprint for your life? 
Because someone has one for all of us and it's not motivated by greatness, it's motivated by extreme negative forces the likes of which we cannot comprehend. This negativity will be crushed, destroyed, but will you be part of the overwhelming greatness or will you wither and die in the process? We either part of the solution or part of the problem and death is defeated. As you prepare for work, co you do so with dread or do you go committed to being the difference? Our view of ourselves is reflected in how we live each and every day.  It's called attitude. To be the best we have to give the best.  Our leaders and journalists and those we look to for information, protection and security have assured us that they give less than the best of themselves. The world has grown comfortable with lies, disinformation and customers, consumers and those relying on others have grown accustomed to being less than, productivity is at an all time low, but that's perfectly understandable and acceptable, we all going to die in world war three any way. Over population. What a load of garbage accepted by the most sane and intelligent of minds. There is no over population. There is neglect and there is huger and poverty, but what else would we expect when the weights on the scales of life has been altered and we being cheated out of our existence. Fair is a word no one recognizes, free means the poor pay for it and hence become even poorer, but that's acceptable because we all clawing for a piece of pie when we have the ability to have our own pie and eat it! We don't require money! We have enough. There is enough shoes, enough clothes, enough for everyone, we don't require money, we require time with our loved ones. We need time and the clock is ticking because somewhere in an office with a great view is a bunch of generals plotting our destruction. Ah the many ways to kill us. Do they send the EMP or do they nuke us? Should this be a slow starvation as the world committed world war 2 because if ever that was a farce there was one! There are brilliant beautiful designs that have been stored away for the Zionists to use in their new world when the pigs and cattle have all  been slaughtered and my question is, do you know they regard us as pigs and cattle? 
In the back of our minds we know this world can be different, but who are we to want more? Who are we to think we can bring change, hope when our doctors bring death, our food poisons our bodies, our air is filling our bodies with toxins and our water is dehydrating us.  We angry, we afraid, we worried and we feel hopeless, only we are the powerful, we are the mighty, we are the chosen because all we need is the blueprint and we will find our team leaders and we will find those with great work ethics and we will arise and defeat this scum and erase the stench of death. The world is at war and world war three is not nation against nation, it is the rise of negativity defeating all that is positive and powerful because we have forgotten there is a blueprint! We should not wait for more destruction, we need to bring their destruction and it lies in the money and the trail it leaves. Follow the money. It will reveal every nasty ugly concealed plan and then enforce justice. We have to clean up after a storm, so it's time to find where the rats are hiding and clean up our lives, our homes, our schools and our countries. If you are unhappy with education, take your children out of school, if you don't like what you watching, throw away your television, if you don't like your news, make your own news, we all want to be a part of the uprising, we just need leadership. BUT WE NEED A BLUEPRINT. Do you know what you want from this world and what you are willing to invest? We need to think long and hard, but quickly, time is tick-tock, tick-tock. There is a purpose for your life, but without a plan, we all lost. I want this satanic scum sent back to the pit from whence they came, it is my hope and dream to see this done, if not it falls to our children. We are people. We are humanity and there evilness has no place here among us. From the moment Moses was smuggled into Egypt until this very day, these pharisees have scatted themselves like seeds to the winds and they are everywhere, but God's greatness lives within us and we shall overcome them. We shall defeat them for this world is not theirs to destroy. We stand because we shall never bow to them and they shall not break us. We are life and life abundantly. 
We ARE their destruction. We Are Gods and we rule with fairness, honesty, honor and righteousness. This is our way. Our way is life and theirs is death. They have chosen, they have made their intentions clear, honor, loyalty, trust and love is ours! Hate, pain, suffering, lies, treason, sabotage, is theirs. 
When a body is infected, we cut out the infection and with medication and rest we heal. Find the infection and remove it. We not meant to be a one world order, we meant to be different and celebrate our differences. Russia is not meant to be ruled by anyone but Russia and South Africa needs to remove the abscess that is the Gupta's (thank you Zionists) and then the cancer that is Jacob Zuma! None of this will be achieved without taking responsibility for our lives, our goals and our intent! To stand up and change the tide is going to require sacrifice, determination and commitment. 
How low are we willing to go before the stench of death becomes our own? In giving life to each other we insure our own lives and that's life insurance worth investing. This is just speculation, mere drivel, but it could be the beginning of a new day for me! What about you? Where lies our intention?   

Nameste and God be with all of us.    


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