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Imagine......It's Powerful!

Know ye not that ye are Gods? 
   The Kingdom of God lies within! 
       Life exists in The Knowing! 

For the purpose of the discussion or thought stimulation, we going to Imagine. Imagine that everything around us, everything we think, feel and do is an experiment. Due to circumstances beyond our control, we have arrived here at this place at this time and this is what it is! This is our world. We find ourselves Economic slaves, shackled to our jobs, while others raise our children, we educate classrooms of children with information we believe to be true when we know differently, but we block out the reminders, we dilute the truth and we lie to ourselves. Social media is our greatest power and this is a wonderful chance to unite the world. But we have to realize that if we continue on this course we will fail and the experimentation will be a complete and utter failure.  I don't do failure and I don't quit. I am strong enough to stand. My home is a haven from life's storms, within it's walls there are no strangers here, for every face is welcome and is a precious dear friend.  There is food in my home, food to feed the hungry. I have enough to share. There is love in my heart, enough so I can share my smiles and have a spring in my step.  There are plenty of grey hairs, but they are welcome and not frowned on. Wherever you come from, whatever drives you, we need to listen to the beat of the Universe and unite for many suspect this vision will fail, but we are humans and we are Love. It's time to create a new world and fill it with love. This is our destiny. This is why we are miserable when we stray from the purpose, our reason for being here, The truth is buried within and the truth of our mission will slowly be revealed to us as we open our eyes and expand our thoughts. Do not fear leaving your warm cocoon, we have to step out and step up and become all WE ARE.  Imagine lived in Dick Gregory. A wise man. He rests in peace and it is well with this dear precious being. Search and listen to his words, John Lennon wrote down the vision and dream of Dick Gregory and Imagine soared to the charts. Why?
Because the heart of humanity lives in Imagine! Focus on and create all that this song speaks, focus and imagine and imagine will become our future, our present and us. Love wins.

Pleiadian Message Explaining Everything

We must return to our creativity, we are not machines and we are not controlled, we are born free and freedom is the heartbeat of Earth. Return to creativity, return to all that is beautiful, honest, righteous and pure. You are not dirty, you are not broken, you are not worthless. You are required. You are precious and though pain can cloud our perception, perception deception. Pay attention to your soul. We have perfect bodies and sharp focused minds, but our Spirit is weak, broken and afraid. Feed your soul, nourish your mind, be attentive to your body. The Power Of Attraction is being used by our enemy, the enemy, the wolf that hides as a lamb of God, they are known as the children of God, but ask yourself, what God! You are known by your works and deeds. We know this. We judge on looks, acts, words spoken, we are ruthless when we judge and we are mean and condescending, but how we can plead our cases and demand understanding. When we accept our own limitations, accept our own defects, when we find peace within then shall peace be a possibility. Now since we are love and since we are all possibility, it is time to find our true potential and love with all our being. 

John Lennon Lyrics


Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today... Aha-ah...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace... You...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world... You...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one


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