Movement must start somewhere, the Football players/athletes have taken a stand and now we, The People need to follow through and back up these guys. The Zionist Globalists have strategically placed themselves throughout the world to usher in their New World Order. Only sadly daddy Bush, you will not succeed! The Zionists made a covenant with the Reptilians and the many entities that have traveled to this our world. Our controllers/leaders want us, the world, to submit to complete control and world domination. We will be the cattle and they will become the gods, this is their view, their ideal, their vision. The day Moses left Egypt, the Hebrew nation pledged never to return to slaves ever again. However, the God of Creation, Adam and Jesus finds service rewarding, honorable and greatness. The Zionist rules this world and with every passing day the monster becomes bold and daring as they step out of the darkness and declare themselves before us.
1) Monsanto (Genetically Modified food)
2) Chemtrails
3) HAARP weather warfare
4) Pizzagate
5) Narcotics
6)Nuclear weapon used at Ground Zero (Ground Zero means nuclear weapon detonation)
7)Harvest Route 91 attack on citizens
8) CIA operatives violating The Constitution and Geneva Convention, Human Rights)
9)The Clintons - failure to prosecute
10) John Podesta - failure to prosecute
The black op's crime committed against citizens!
Health Care or lack thereof
Education crisis
Those Awake are exhausted, weak, tired and their Spirit gravitates toward truth, as the lies fade away, leaving only the ugly truth.
They come at us with guns! They kill us and plan our destruction.
Hold on to your guns and stand! Stand! Do not waver. Stand.
You have the power, it's all yours! Every corporation depends on YOU! The police, the servicemen, the navy seals, the people are all customers, clients and YOUR money goes to them! Stop empowering The Beast! Stop killing yourself. Close down the corporations and small companies will grow! Stop buying from Amazon and start supporting arts and crafts, handmade is awesome! There are awesomely talented folks that design and make incredible products. Support them. Shutdown google and design your own Facebook! We are mad enough that this will actually work and without firing one shot, without taking life or blood, we will destroy them.
The United Power of the Almighty Dollar! Make this power work for you and not against you! If America is going to destroy the NWO and you have the ability to do so, this is the way to go!
Boycott Country music, stop buying the CDs stop downloading, find a George Soro's company and withdraw your money from a Rothchild bank, start your own bank! Resist with your dollars!
Watch them squirm.
Don't buy products, Nike needs you! You do not need Nike!
Find small stores and support them.
This is Economic warfare........we are not slaves..or are we?
They not going to quit, they going to break you, the question is, what are you going to do about it????
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