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The Curious Case of the Homeless Saga Continued!

Here we are in December and I am not going back to read part One, I am just going to update this and review everything later! Why is this so incredibly hard to write about? I guess, it's the people-please(r) that is a die hard emotion. No matter the countless messages, the arguments and fights, at the end of the day, she has to face herself.......this is what happens to that spoilt brat that gets their own way, this is where they go and this is what becomes of the child that must have their own way, this is the saga of the homeless One....
    There are Two primary needs we want: Our own space, as well as, our own income! Independence the ultimate achievement of a parent and the ultimate accomplishment of a child. This is success! Standing, despite the odds and the circumstances! Allow me to introduce the worst house guest in History, meet the woman who refuses to work! Lady Courage, the Cowardly Cat!

Lady Courage spends all day curled contentedly while she sleeps the sun rise and when the sunsets Lady Courage is ready to come out and play. Lady Courage moved in with the other cats, a mother and a daughter and her son. The cats dragged her in on a stormy afternoon and somehow Lady Courage just stayed.  She ate the mice the others caught, she drank their milk and they sat at night and cleaned her as she lazily stretched out and basked in her attention. Lady Courage began to forget the trauma of the street and began to expect the cats to continue their adoration. Thin and tired, the family of cats began to squabble among themselves, finally they could manage to feed themselves and Lady Courage grew discontent with their insensitivity and their neglect. How dare they not feed her? Tired and weary, she found herself back on the curb. Her stomach growled, her head filled with memories of warmth, food, laughter and love and she grew angry. How dare they do this to her? Her mother would fix this. No sooner blooms the thought, then it dies as she savagely reminds herself, her mother is gone.

Lady Courage was the kitten that scratched, bit and snarled. Her sister complained and finally she merely retreated as she watched the golden kitten claim her attention, claim all, it was always a case of it's okay, pet, let your sister have it! Lady Courage was an only child and her sister was an outsider looking in, there but never there. Three sentences is what this kitten merits while Lady Courage consumes this blog. This is their power. They manipulate your mind, your thoughts and games is their specialty. Lady Courage got everything she wanted and that's how life worked, that is the world of Lady Courage. She must have her way. She does not bargain, she does not negotiate, she is unreasonable and in essence the grown up is still just a child: a very angry child!

She will tell you anything, promise you anything. She finds out what she thinks you want from her and then she bargains with you. Here's a typical line:
"How am I suppose to get a job if I don't have a home?"
This was a message from her after she ran from the house, afraid of being institutionalized when no one mentioned this. I simply greeted her and she ran like the wind. Why did you run?
No one wants to hurt you, you silly Cat, you require help! It's not normal not to want your own space, not to want to work! Healthy people are productive, happy and focused. If there is any trace of negativity in your spirit, I can promise you that you are less productive, you are falling behind in your work and life is gaining control of you. Clear Out All TOXIC ENERGY NOW! If it's your mother, break contact! I have one source of Negativity that is now formulating it's attack, but already a plan is forming within my spirit to launch a counter attack. I asked God for Help and every day I am growing stronger. I am learning that no matter how I want to help folks, some folks do not want help. They actually like sleeping all day and they don't want to worry about money for food, they just want food. This woman will not dust, will not do one thing for anyone, she will clean her own space, feed herself, she will not offer to assist, but expects free accommodation, toiletries, cigarettes and will flatly refuse to offer any form of assistance. But she eats three meals a day, is a coffee addict and we are expected to offer these services. How is this not a mental issue? Here's the shocking bit: There is no one that cares!

What do we do with a living, breathing human being that has needs that cost money and she refuses to work? If there is no bread in the bin, or there is no coffee, it's a big deal, I never knew groceries walked themselves into our homes! She accused us of victimization! Yes, darling, we were your victims, but our eyes opened and we came to realize you all about yourself! You overdressed. Tone it down. As you were told, there is nothing unique about you, but that is not true, you are unique in your persistence and defiance!  


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