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Good morning world!
Well I finally discovered the role of cell phones. WE would have no internet, no smart grid, no RFID chip, no police state without our cell phones. The question was: How do we connect the world? 
We give them cell phones to carry and then we track their movement, GPS, this gave them the power to map out our movements, the rest followed naturally. WE never required a cell phone. The money the poor have poured into financing their own death is criminal.  Then came RICA. Proof of address, proof of identification and then the cell companies still have the right to cancel our numbers at their will and we remain powerless. We started out with a phone that was able to make calls and text. While they mapped out a grid, we upgraded and upgraded and look where we are now, we take a simple picture and everything anyone could possibly want to know lies hidden in that picture. Only it didn't much help Philip from flight MH 370. No one came to save him on Diego Garcia, he didn't know that he was being held prisoner by his own country. WE have armed our children with tracking devices, the internet has claimed our lives, Lalaland as I like to think about it. WE lonely, secluded and wrapped up and tucked away in isolation as we walk through life texting each other and I have to ask myself, as I walk and text am I walking past the person I am texting? So last night I found this amazing channel on YouTube and got to chat to some pretty special people.
So, now they brave enough to confess and declare in 
GEOSTORM that indeed weather modification does exist. 
Chemtrails lead to weather modification this puts our governments in a state of helplessness: buy Monsanto seed or we will just take away your water and you will have no rain: Cape Town about to run out of water in 80 days.....please join all of South Africa as our country is led into prayer by Angus Buchan, Wednesday 24 January 2018 at 13:00 South African time as we unite and pray for rain for Cape Town. Never mind that we should as a country be praying for our nation every Wednesday, yes our dams are empty, yes we are suffering terrible weather modification. We watch the clouds gather, the humidity hangs in the sky and the heat is unbearable and then as the rain begins to fall, lightening strikes behind the clouds. Winds pick up and the clouds are blown away. The Earth is screaming for water, only God above knows how the wild life that live in the bush fighting for survival manages? 
On a purely personal note:
Please on behalf of humanity will all Scientists, Reptilians, Bill Gates etc kindly please board the nearest spaceship and fuck off our planet! I liked my milk delivered in glass bottles. Nappies or diapers should be made from hemp and with immediate effect anything with the word disposable; production stops now. Idiots that want to kill 7 billion people because the world is over populated is madness. Stop producing so much bloody garbage. 
Stores are popping up everywhere, we take our containers and purchase what we need, awesome. This bloody laziness has got to stop. Do you imagine that a God who made this world did not contemplate making AI? Lets explore the reasons why our Creator opted to go with humanity. Robots will rust. Eventually these machines will not hold to the climate of this planet. Hence our skin, our perfect bodies that sustain and heal themselves! 
Re-animation. Shocking, only truly mad fuckers will awaken a corpse! The body is dead, does rest in peace mean nothing to this lot? My God evil is bottomless, there is no end to it. 
The robots working in fast food joints will suffer a break down, hot oil, flipping burgers made from human flesh, really lovely thought as Cannibalism is promoted on television, these machines will burn out and will fail. You can flog a human, try flogging a machine when it shuts down. So, please on behalf of all of us unskilled workers, all of us rubbish humanity, all of our unborn children, please fuck off this planet and leave us alone. So we can get back to restoring this planet. Plant our marijuana crops, have healthy food and we take apart and dismantle every nuclear fucking weapon. We will destroy everything that they our gloriously stupid and collectively greed fucking morons brain damaged from the cocaine they snort, their greed measured in graveyards around the world. 
They murdering us and we standing here waiting and I don't know why? Most glorious YouTube clip about a guy and his father who rebuilt a scrap, and I do mean, scrap old Mustang. They rebuilt this baby and she looked glorious and I watched this and my mind was silently screaming, why the fuck are they doing this, go and buy a new car! Then I realized, life isn't about a new car. It's about love. It's about taking something that is broken and giving it life again because we love it. If we can restore old cars.......imagine how we can restore this planet? We don't need pharmaceutical companies, we don't need drugs with a zillion side effects, we don't need anti-depressants, we need each other and we need jobs! 
You are either for this planet, our world or you get yourself onto a spaceship and go find Mars! 
That's my thought for the day! 
Bon Voyage and Vaya Con Dios........


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