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South Africa: Stand for the Dream of President Nelson Mandela!

There's a restlessness within my Spirit, so tonight I cannot sleep. I sit here watching YouTube clips, processing thoughts and all the time there is a fear that churns within me.  For my country, South Africa? What have you all done? Our leaders. Those who must answer to the children to whom this Earth belongs, for this is not ours, we are lent to this place, we come here to experience life. To hug, to learn to laugh, to fully experience our senses and we have chosen to kill. What has the ANC done? The ANC is no terrorist organisation, they are much, much worse. Masquerading as the oppressed, the evil that lurks within the ANC is unspeakable and it breaks my heart to pen these words. Using beautiful people, truly oppressed, people that re talented, happy with the basics and want for little in life, evil corrupted and enslaved them. Greed, power, lust, death follows these men and they are not bound by color. They use color as their primary weapon of mass destruction, they have no regard for South Africa and even less for the people of this land. They don't care if we are white or black, they going to kill us, but first, they going to exploit us and torment us and turn us on each other and as God is the ultimate witness, these men are destroying us. Where is the rain? Where is the rain? Who has undone the rain? 
    Mud the color of dusty blood.  The revolution will eat it's children. 
    The children of South Africa are being eaten alive by a dying man's dreams of being a great General, a man of war, a young man, dying and he has the potential to kill or save this nation. He is choosing death because he knows death = death. He has been purchased and sold his soul to a god of destruction that is trying to raise his army and bring about the great destruction, to finally shove it all in the face of our Creator and destroy all that Love created. This young man has sold his soul so his wife and family will be protected and yet, he knows nothing, for as surely as South Africa will burn, so too will his family. Trusting the lord of darkness is never wise. Frankly, he doesn't care and that's what Michael Jackson was trying to tell us. All I want to say is that they don't really care about us! So his followers that are embracing this freedom to break and destroy, hooligans that offer nothing to this world, they are not many, they are but a few! Understand that You are the difference and You either become the instrument of destruction or you become the instrument of Love. The Hebrew meaning of Pray is work. WE have to work for Love. Our ACTIONS speak louder than our words. Don't tell me you love me, I know you love me. I know. We all know. Deep inside us, instinctively we know the truth. 
      The Economic Freedom Front that stands with The Constitution of The Republic of South Africa waving around our lives and demands the joker; paid by the Rothschild to drain South Africa and break us as a collective nation; then they, the EFF brings violence to a school, terrorizing children, forcing our police to fire rubber bullets. Did they once care about the emotions of those children? The EFF is silent on the attack of our petrol attendants as petrol station owners want greater profits and so why not force South Africans to pump their own petrol/gas? Are you kidding me? The amount of unemployment this would create is alarming and do you want people to seriously pump their own gas? OMG. The chaos and the mayhem! Great, reason number 2.  Big Mac has robotics, there went more jobs. The EFF remains silent on these issues. They don't care! They are here hired to insight violence and will do nothing for this nation, but bring death and destruction and the powers that be love them. People are pregnant. South Africa is having babies and who is going to take care of these kids? No one. They will be a sacrifice for the Reptilians. Instead of standing side by side, uniting, we have a common enemy, the young man is playing the game he professors to hate and claims he stands against, but he is no soldier, he is a pawn, just a mere pawn. Greatness is opposition, greatness is not conceding, greatness is doing the opposite, but while we watching the blissful tennis match we missing the action taking place in Antarctica. Distraction. The great distraction. 

Everything is birthed in goodness, death cannot birth a movement, evil infiltrates and destroys, evil is the parasite that buries itself into our very being and becomes us until we no longer even recognize the face in the mirror. Its a choice we all make, but we must understand that firstly it is a choice and secondly, President Nelson Mandela is our hero and we long for him, while no one speaks on the evil one wants to talk about death. So the question, young man, is do you want to live on our lips as the man who saved this country from a blood bath or will we whisper your name in disgrace and shame? It's your choice. Our choice is OURS alone and to support death is to say to the world our lives have no value. This is what we say every time we advocate murder. 

Why did we let this go so wrong?????


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