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Walking Zombies and Pawn becoming Queen

Sometimes a pawn becomes a queen! It is rare, but stranger things have happened and I am not talking about the Royal couple in the headlines, I am talking about you and myself, The People.  There is a reason that the pawn becomes Queen, because the pawn is the female of the chess species and the female always dominates, this is how it is in nature and though men for centuries fought to suppress women, this will be something your species should think about as some men out there have lost all respect for women as a species and this is as true for women. If you still here, we had better start accepting each other and our many, many differences because we all walking zombies! (Still here?) At this point most of my family would have already walked away.  See here's the thing:
When the life force within us which is our Soul is sucked away from within us, we keep compensating on a daily basis accepting the rising levels of indifference.  The walls have us enclosed in our own bubble, a bubble we choose to create. WE listen to what we want, we call opinions belief systems and ridicule ourselves, constantly accepting less and giving more. Our scientists buried their heads in the sand and blatantly gave up on solving billions of critical personal problems that need resolutions and there are none to be found so the cowards decided to give up on us. They closed their eyes and gave up on us and decided to play god and so they invented technology that looks human and is becoming the new humans, new age religion, scientechnology, oh come on......we have been infiltrated and turned against each other, humans want to be replaced and become technology. The Soul is dead and the zombie wants to live in a world of numbness and machines. We so tired of fighting, we gave in and surrendered.  WE so dead we don't even know it, our memories reprogrammed as we replace the yearning for nature with a yearn for the mall. Got to buy, must have, feel dead inside must go shopping.  We don't even think in complete sentences.  So what did our wise men trade, wise men brought Jesus, Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh, and we know Jesus is connected to the Pleiadians, he returned there to rest at nights when He just could not take the negativity here.  (Research begins when we open our mind and ask a question we consider off limits.)  
   Hold to love and justice. Hold to love. Hold to the divinity that lives within you. Pray in Hebrew means to work.  Let our actions work for the kingdom of our blessed Creator.  Who sees all and knows everything and yet, He loves.  This is our nourishment, this is where our Soul gathers it's ability to sustain itself. We are required to speak to each other, communication is what we are longing for, a smile, connection, acceptance, friendship.  It is time to sink the Ghost-ships and take a leap of faith and reach out and connect with someone.  The way to live is to encourage our leaders and our scientists that we are worth fighting for, that we are not billions of problems, but we are billions of one solution, we need to help each other! Unity is the strength of humanity! 
    There are walking zombies, but that's not us! The live. But WE ARE ALIVE! 
       Seek, Ask.....FIND! 
Not all women will be the black widow, not all women will be lady butterfly, but we are women and sometimes a pawn becomes a Queen, it depends on the game being played, never forget this is their game, we just need to understand as pawns we are not powerless, but can change the entire game! 


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