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David Icke feels that we will see more and more dialogue regarding a world government. We know he is 100% correct, but here's the thing, see people don't like people telling us what to do. So while their objective is to have a One World Government, they are delusional and need to wake the fuck up.  No country will surrender to a one world government. Japan will no more take orders than South Africans will unite against Jacob Zuma! 
     Ah the delusional power hungry Zionists that hijacked Israel and the Jews and hold them hostage in a land that is not theirs as they terminate Palestine, people fighting for the right to govern themselves, yes, it's abundantly clear that we will roll over and say yes to a one world government. But when they hold the rain. Then anything is possible. Blackmail. Palestine was given to the Zionists who led unsuspecting Jews into the "promised land" promised by England who is German who came from Rome and the red cape was replaced by the red coats! I know nothing, my knowledge is a drop in the ocean of deceit, the lies and the bullshit swirl and circulate like the pollution in our oceans and my husband asks me why can't I just work on my scrapbooking and I tell him that to say nothing means I agree and I do not agree with murder. 
Murder, exploitation, blackmail, corruption, torture, mocking, bragging, morons that call themselves scientists but instead of working on greatness, they making weapons out of illness, decease and then they raise the cost of medical and we dead. Game over for us, but who cares, there's 7 Billion of us. My God are you dispensable? No. You are precious and worthy and required. You were created to live, laugh and experience this life and all the joy each day has to bring, who are the monsters we pay? They bleeding us dry. Taking everything we create and turning it against us. 
I am mad as hell. I am indignant at these monsters. Who would cultivate germ warfare? 
                       Why the fuck are you not mad? 
Cancer is man made, GMO foods, thank you Monsanto, chemtrails, Artificial Intelligence, really? If it's artificial how can it be intelligent? And then we buy Organic food. What a joke. 
The air is poison, the water is poison, the food is poison, but we buying Organic food! 
The bastards in Japan once slaughtered our dolphins while they were in the ocean, they would herd the pod in and then the trainers would come and make their selection. Once this is done, the rest of the pod is slaughtered. For get that these are families that swim together, live together and travel our oceans in freedom as is their right to life! Now they pulling them out of the water, as the Dolphin lies on cement gasping and fighting to breathe, the bastards walk among them and stab them with spears. This is not done to the Dolphin, this is done to you and me. This is the maximum torment they can put us through because we are helpless and they want us to feel the rage, they want us to feel helpless and they want us angry. It's their power and this is the purest form of terrorism! So with our war on terror, no one says a word.  Fuck you all! 
Fuck is a word born in England it means (fornication under consent of the king) there was a time, a man needed the kings permission to fuck his wife. Guess we heading back to those days. WE not progressing, we regressing.  
I am 47, unemployed as is my son, there are no jobs here in South Africa and they want to take the few jobs that are available. Petrol stations want us to pump our own petrol so they don't have to pay attendants. Fuck you. These guys need this job. It's not going to buy them a mansion, but it feeds their family. Just try taking their jobs. 
Try replacing our cashiers with machines. South Africa is a 3rd world country and we have a hidden outbreak that has claimed 700 lives and not one word in the news. They targeting the poor. 
Disposable. Humanity is not disposable. We are not food for consumption and you all think David Icke is a lunatic, no, hardly, which mindset has declared humanity disposable. 
The reason we cannot get rid of Zuma is that he is here placed here to do the bidding of the Rothchilds as they want South Africa and they hate the Afrikaans nation simply because these folks have a deep love for our Creator and they are punished for their beliefs as they have been for years previously. Where do we get the idea that there is a perfect nation? We are all created in various shapes, sizes and color, but how we are tormented for our skin color. Why? There are many species of monkey, do you see them at war? We need to be different, because that's where our creativity and our beauty lies, no one can hate skin color, it's stupid. Get your racist ass on a spaceship and get off our planet! 
We hate Indians, but we going out for curry! 
We hate China, but we eating Chinese?
Do you know that there is no traditional South African restaurant and no one in South Africa is interested in developing one? I wonder why? When you arrive in South Africa, unless you are invited to a South African home, you will eat KFC, burgers, pizza, but you won't find South African food! Mind blowing and not one business wants to help me start a franchise. Just not interested. Is it because you know we will be obliterated from this planet? After all South Africa is the pavement specials of the world. Not British, not German, not French, not Xhosa, not Zulu because our bloodlines are corrupted. We not pure blood. This matters greatly to the gods that rule this world and they do think they are gods. Only they self centered, arrogant, greedy, lustful and out of control. 
This is my country, my father holds German heritage and my mother is British and here I am born in 1970 with 6 awesome children and all I can say is, this is not progress! This is pure bullshit and everyone is out to grab as much money as they can, forgetting themselves and forgetting that giving is greater than taking, but this is where we are now. Money, money, money! 
It's not the root of all evil, technology is the root of all evil. 
Here's a small example of how to stop co-operating with the system, a group go out for dinner and arriving at the restaurant, we discover the porch is closed in with a tarpaulin and there is no smoking zone. Because we are a group, we unzipped the tarp and went to sit outside. Rain was threatening, but as we sat and watched H.A.A.R.P. push away the rain as we knew it would, our waiter asked us, were we not worried about the rain? All the signs for a storm were there. We laughed at him and asked what rain? Where do you think all that water came from for the Hurricanes? I asked someone, who wants to remain anon, where does the rain go?
Their reply was: "Out to sea."
This world belongs to the God of Creation and there are morons playing god that simply must be stopped. There is a Spiritual war, they are trying to break the bond between man and our Creator, don't let them win! It's not difficult. Simply unzip the tarp and sit where you want to sit, don't be afraid to speak up, be the voice to the voiceless and they will crumble. They will back down. 
The beauty of North Country is that when Josey stood up after her husband beat her and she said enough, it rippled through the pond and when she stood for herself, she found herself standing for everyone. This is greatness. This is why we are born, we born to be an asset, not a liability.  You, me, Us, we are all assets belonging to God, they have no right to take away our freedom, silence our voice, hold us in chains. WE ARE 7 billion wonderful beings. 
Yes, we are whipped, crushed, scarred and beaten, even broken, but we are not dead yet! 


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