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The Awesome Revolution of YouTube Censorship!

This is just a big shout out to Jane Tande from YouTube, wherever you are my darling friend, be safe and know you are loved by our Creator! According to Joe, a really awesome guy who takes time out of his schedule to care about the world he lives in, what a truly brilliant man! Dr of Common Sense, I will never forget you! Fuck Youtube as Kanye West would say! The real Kanye West, not the Mk Ultra dude walking around. You stole his soul, his thoughts, his dreams. Pray for yourself and for all of us. This world is not my home, we are passing through, where we end ups is where our journey began. TotalEclipse YouTube channel scrubbed. Download, save, share while we can, it's not our time that is running out, it's theirs and they know it. 
      They have drunk the blood of the innocent and vengeance is mine says the Lord. 
To God be the Glory great things He has done! Only God could land a plane, no murders, no death, after an 8 hour flight with a screaming three year old. Eight hours stuck on a plane with a screaming child and no one died! That's powerful. That's willpower and determination, have you tried to throw a temper tantrum for 8 solid hours? The torture, unimaginable. The restraint, I marvel at it, a crying baby must be silenced when I am around. Whatever the issue, do something, sing, feed, burp, walk, but please restore the harmony to the baby. This is imperative. This flight is the most amazing thing ever to me. No matter how I look at it, it's incredible. I have been thinking a lot about children lately. Things come so easy to them. They automatically know what a cell phone is and how to use it. They smart, clever, beautiful and they vulnerable because they trust completely. 
      If we could lay back in the arms of God, just lay back and relax and know He has got us, He has got the perfect plan and we are a part of His perfect Will, we would spend our time having fun. Stop stressing. We can't change Donald Trump. We can hold Podesta accountable and we need to do the things we are doing, posting, sharing, speaking out, but stop stressing. We making ourselves sick over things we cannot change. Fight the fights with all our might, lean back and relax and know we did all we had to do, now God will do the rest. Give God opportunities to be awesome, it's not in our own strength, but in the strength that God breathes into us. Rest in the arms of The God of Love and surrender to perfect peace. There are awesome friends on Facebook, I left mine behind. There is a world full of awesome people, we need to find each other. YouTube revealed the jewels of the Kingdom of God, now we need to step out of our homes and find each other. Censorship is part of the plan to get us talking to each other. Face to face. Conversation. 
The grannies out there are wonderful praying woman, strong and courageous and we send you all our love and appreciation. Play more, laugh more, pray more and share more, This is not our world, it's not theirs either. Possession is nine tenth of the law and God has full possession. In the beginning was God.....and God is always here....remember Elijah expected him in the Earthquake, but God was not there. God was not in the fire nor was He in the raging wind. God spoke in a whisper. Love comes quietly and gently and oh so tenderly. Love does not condemn, but encourages, Love watches the pain, but holds to comfort. Love is what makes us hope and keeps us pushing forward. Onward Christian we care about our doctrine? Or do we love unconditionally? Will we stand or will we bend the knee? 
God breaks the chains that hold us, we have to break down the barricades we have built between each other. Take every opportunity to share a smile, a good morning never killed anyone, acknowledge life around us. However they try to hurt us, they will only bind us together closer and tighter with cords that cannot be broken, because Love grows and never dies. Love conquers and love sustains. Thank you to awesome folks for the knowledge shared, God be with all of us, He made beautiful people. Thank you. 


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