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fOR FAR TOO LONG ALL OF US HAVE BEEN DECEIVED by worthless insignificant slime that masquerade as greatness, but their stench of their actions is poisoning our very behavior and this we cannot tolerate! The buck stops here. This is Our opportunity to TESTIFY for the ALPHA AND OMEGA, JESUS CHRIST, OUR CREATOR AND OUR GOD. 
    As our leaders continue to align themselves against us, we are left working, selling our freedom for a value that we get to funnel back into their hands, they laundering their riches through us. The goyim, cattle and shiksta's. We slave to receive cash as we give it all back again.  We saying goodbye to all the luxuries and comforts and we stepping out into tents and camping out on the streets. 
We raised our noses to the poor, the poverty, the homeless and the drifters. Condemnation, judgment and self righteousness brainwashing, but we are discovering that none of that stuff matters. The more homes we lose, the more that find themselves back on the streets, the more we find each other. In loosing everything, we find each other! This is nothing that this world hols that interests me, but give me love, true, pure love. Pure acceptance. Pure toleration, pure forgiveness and complete kindness. The less money I have, the more I value in life and the more I appreciate all that life holds dear and precious. I know the plans I have for you declares Our Lord, plans to prosper you, plans to heal you. In loosing myself, I find all of me in Jesus and I want for nothing. Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done on earth as it is in Heaven. All things, we must remain grateful, joyful and encouraging. We can do this, we can stand for each other, we are awesome folks, we will stand for Jesus! We need to stand for each other, alone I am nothing, but with you beside me, I am not alone. We Are Not Alone, we are each other! We all going to go through the same circumstances, there is no reason that we cannot be respectful to each other. The colors black and white do not argue with each other. White shines brightly and black glistens in the dark. Both are required in any form of art, both will forever stand side by side, balance is perfection. There are seasons, we have emotions and seasons are commonly used to related feelings. God experiences anger as do we, Jesus picked up a whip and whipped the vipers from His father's place of worship. When we step into The House of God we step onto Holy Ground and it's sanctified and belongs to God, this is our sanctuary, our safety and our home. The family of God gathers here. We don't lock up the House of God, for no weapon or harm will come to the property of our living God. Why are we locking up our churches and these places have alarm systems, what are you protecting?  Everything within these churches, all churches, for God seeks Love and condemnation/judgment through Jesus Christ who saves, forgives and renews all things. Get to church and get into the Word of God, we cannot afford our churches to keep playing at kindergarten level. You are old Christians now, you know the word of God, you have been steadfast for years. You have trained for this and you the end times. It's time to step up and start encouraging a deeper more spiritual love with our God. We need to step up, wake up and get with the program, the time has come and war has been declared. We know each other, we know we will stand, we know we are One and we are united. We will find each other and watch as a new love burst forth within all of us. 
Get ready to Testify....... 


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