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South Africa Resist The Satanic Attacks!

TO ALL WHITE PEOPLE!!! READ THE BELOW AND THIS IS IMPORTANT. Good day you all. My name is Nick from Cape Town and I'm a coloured Afrikaans speaking person. I do not like racism at all and I do not even mention the word because it's a headache. I've been called a racist by a black man all because he did not get what he wanted. I can say that I also do not believe that in South Africa we should call ourselves by colour. Because we are all one colour and that we should call ourselves South Africans. Julius Malema is feeding young South Africans hate, war and intense violence, his the up coming Adolf Hitler of South Africa, notice that all African countries that has no white people are countries in civil war, genocide, poor infrastructures, malnutrition, economical problems. Need I say more? I'm not saying that Julius Malema is crazy I'm saying Julius Malema is like cancer, and cancer is toxic to us. He MUST leave South Africa perminantly. Racism in violent forms and to various degrees, has been a plague on humanity for thousands of years. Brothers and sisters of all ethnicities, this should not be. Victims of racism, prejudice, and discrimination need to forgive. Ephesians 4:32 declares, "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Racists may not deserve your forgiveness, but we deserved God's forgiveness far less. Those who practice racism, prejudice, and discrimination like Julius Malema need to repent. "Present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God" (Romans 6:13). May Galatians 3:28 be completely realized, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." If Julius Malema believe white people are the enemy I would like to know, the coffee that he drinks, milk, cereal, etc all comes from farms, boere en van die plaas. I used to work for a white Afrikaans man, he used to mention racist words towards me before. But that was it, racist words, it was not enough for me to hate him. My mentality was not to hate him as a person, but only hate what he said. Today I still see him and we have the best of conversations, the best of laughs, all because I do not hate him, HE IS NOT MY ENEMY. White people or boere as you are called do not let the past be your curse, do not let apartheid be your children's curse, if Julius Malema is seeking evil, hate, racism and death, then I suggest he look in the mirror and he will find the enemy he seeks.

Julius Malema joins politics at the age of 9!

What do you do with a political activist who is hungry for leadership, so hungry that he will say and do anything to gain power! How does a political party allow membership of a minor. A young mind brainwashed in to hating, living to kill and destroy, if his ideas are not disrupting life of campus for students who are serious about their future, then he has his followers attacking statues, burning schools, burning trains, burning and destroying this is the life blood that flows through this being. He has no idea that the kingdom of God lies within him, He has no respect for the God of Creation and he exhibits all the signs of the Anti-Christ. The Spirit of destruction lives within this man and his sin is compounded by the fact that he encourages and incites violence and hatred wherever he goes, but he a product of the Mk Ultra establishment that is triggered to cause disruption in our society. He is the the key destabilizing agent that works among us. What is concerning is that the world seems to be having this Communism revival that is spreading like a cancer from country to country. Communism is economic slavery and is this man not the voice of Economic Freedom, a complete oxymoron.
  1. a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g. faith unfaithful kept him falsely true ).

He is standing advocating Economic Freedom while he is planning on taking everything South Africa owns and hiring it back to the People. State owned land, business and people, this is his great plan for South Africa and the world is on board with this theory as the greed has been taken to the next level where that was once open to opportunity will not be leased from the respecting governments. There will be no independent ownership! Communism is slave trade at it's best. 

Lord Robin Renwick wants the memory of President Nelson Mandela erased from our memories as his racist point of view is that no black man will attain sainthood! You, do not dictate to us.....your racism is your illness, your disease, we, South Africa, will hold to memory of President Nelson Mandela and no amount of your little henchman Malema will destroy this memory or the life's work of President Mandela.
Your red coats came to South Africa almost destroying the Zulu nation, your racism turned white against white as British placed Afrikaans people in concentration camps. The British starved the women and children and fed them bully beef with fishhooks inside, a most painful death. Is it any surprise that this young man, Malema is calling for the death of South Africans? Hatred, destruction comes from the one who is against love. Love they enemy, pray for them is completely lost to this mindset! 

It is absolutely useless placing crosses to signify the lost, the dead and the fallen. You want to save your life, place a cross in your yard, your compound, your front door! Activate Christ within you and stand for Him. 

There is not one South African that does not grieve in this country, violence touches all our lives and this will continue until we recognize that the Kingdom of God lives within all of us, we are the Kingdom of God.   

Thank you Nick from Cape Town, we are sharing the words you wrote and hoping we can write them on our souls that our actions may reflect the love we share for all South Africans. 


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