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South Africa: Whom Do We Serve?

The Farm Murders = Satanic Attacks = Serial murder 
                               SOUTH AFRICA!

This is not my subject of choice, but we must address the slaughter taking place in South Africa because to remain silent means we are complicit and an accomplice.  Born South African, my heritage is German, Netherlands and British. The first language I spoke was Afrikaans, as I was the only English speaking child in our street. Languages is not my strong suit and so I look to the Africans around me with respect as many of them speak more than three languages.  We are a playful people, from the outside looking in, I will tell you that all of us enjoy family, loved ones and we have a deep respect and love for this country. Terrible evil was unleashed on this country and it happened at the funeral of President Nelson Mandela. The darkness must come out of the light. So, infested is this world that the incorruptible are corrupt.  There is compelling evidence to suggest all manners of witchcraft has been unleashed on South Africa. So we going to take a look at the not reported news. 

 Isha was part of a group of three boys and a young girl who were arrested and tried for the attack on Grammar, then aged 14, and her best friend Kirsty Theologo, 18, in October 2011.
The group lured Grammar and Theologo to a hilltop in Linmeyer, armed with a knife, petrol, rope, a lighter, candles and a Bible.
In a trial that made headlines, it emerged that she and Theologo were served drinks laced with brake fluid. Theologo was tied up and hit on the head with a brick. Both girls were then doused with petrol and set alight in what was to be a satanic sacrifice the attackers believed would give them power, wealth and fame

Moody testified on Tuesday, relaying the story of how Kirsty came to be sacrificed to the devil in the hope that the four accused could receive “power, wisdom, fame and money” in return for “drinking her blood, eating her flesh and burning her with fire”.
 Wearing a gold cross around his neck, Moody admitted that he had explored Satanism, despite beinga pastor’s son who was forced to attend church every Sunday.

EASTERN Cape police have appointed three detectives to specialise in occult-related crime as part of a national drive by the SAPS to crack down on muti murders and other crimes that may occur during the practising of satanism, witchcraft and even vampirism.;postID=8857572038571556740

well as several other small Karoo towns.10 Diabolic graffiti had been drawn, graveyards had been desecrated, children were missing, and divorce rates were increasing.11 Tales of bloodsmeared walls and burnt excrement – ‘typical of their perversions’ – were rife,12 as were rumours of black-clad strangers who ‘looked like spooks’.13 Newspapers claimed that satanic prowlers were searching for sacrificial victims, that suspicious white cars were trailing children around school districts,14 and that satanists were recruiting children through drug-laced soft drinks, sweets and stickers.15 Reports maintained that children caught in the devil’s trap were raped and abused, placed in graves with dead bodies and forced to slaughter animals.16 In Cape Town, a policeman claimed to know of at least eleven white babies sacrificed to Satan – their throats slit and hearts eaten by devil worshippers.17 It was claimed that satanic parents laid their own children upon the altar, and that unwed mothers were enticed to hand over their new born infants. Others were adamant that the doomed infants were bred especially for the grisly satanic rituals by ‘warlocks’, and that foetuses and body parts were regularly stolen from hospitals.18 Whilst bringing horrific allegations of satanic activity in South Africa to the forefront of the public imagination, anti-satanic crusaders grudgingly admitted that ‘getting hold of a real satanist proved as easy as catching the wind’.19 For such claims-makers the lack of evidence did not detract from the reality of satanism. Indeed, it underscored the very power of these ‘masters of deception [who] are able to disguise their activities to such an extent that no trace can be found’.20 To some, however, such reports spoke of little more than the

When the farm murders started, I held firm to the belief that this was a secret army sent in to assassinate farmers, for an obvious economic agenda. I have held to this belief. The average man on the street is not capable of the violence at the crime scenes which human beings have to analysis and live with those haunting images for the rest of their lives.  Despite what anyone may say, the heart of the Afrikaner is a beautiful heart, he wants to see the land grow and watch his cattle and he wants a country that reflects his success and his pride. He is a hard working man. He is everything the NWO wants to destroy. There is a war against humanity. 
Our men are not allowed to be men and the women may not be women. We are pitted against each other in a bazaar war set of circumstances that has us alone, isolated and lonely. You do not need a sex bot, you need humanity! What an evil miserable concept is the sex bot! Degrading, humiliating, and unbelievably unashamed. I am ashamed of the inventors. Shows what state of hopelessness you dwell in on a permanent  basis. WE have had here in SA unreported cases of women with breasts removed as well as various body organs and parts. Rapes. Murders. Last week a father killed the mother of his child stabbing her once and then as she died he lay their daughter in her arms, while she gurgled her last breath. This baby crying in her arms is how she died. They monsters. The pit of evil is bottomless. There is no end. Where they come on racism? The farm deaths are either military or satanic or they both, one and the same. Every week we have a funeral. We sitting and discussing the virtues of food poisoning over a stray bullet. Money. South Africans have developed a crazy hunger for money. It's a rage, and it's killing our country as more and more of the citizens turn to crime. Cocaine is the drug of choice. People love it. They up 6 days without sleeping.  We are in grave danger in this country. 
But that's because we not praying, we have turned our back on God and laugh and jeer and make fun of Him. 
Our God is an awesome God, He will see us through the valley of the Shadow of Death and we will Fear God, but we will fear no man! This isn't racism. This is Demonic forces that are coming after you and you need to know your enemy. Clean out our homes, our lives, our business and find our way back to the place where we started. We have to find our way back to success, strength and victory, but first we have to know whom do we serve? 


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