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Are You the idiot that still buys Magazines?
Jason A
Something Isn't Right About This!

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri preaching in Los Angeles California.  google does not supply date.

His success in business has been applauded throughout the world. He has invested a lot in the US and many other countries. In February 2018 alone, he invested $450 US million in the US economy. As of 2017, his business, Shepherd Bushiri Investments (SBI), which employs more than 10,000 people, has several entities (e.g. SB Hotels, SB Mining, SB Telecommunications, SB Beverages and SB Airways), has an asset worth more than $1.2 US billion, and has been strangely surging and growing at a very fast rate that defied projections. In February 2018, he received a Business Excellence Award (Person of the Year 2017) and was inducted in “Africa’s CEOS Hall of Fame” by the prestigious African Leadership Magazine.

Considering the status and impact of the people who were granted the honorary citizenship of the United States, it is obvious that this impressive honor is a proof of the historic impact that Prophet Dr. Shepherd Bushiri ( is having in the world. Details of the services he provided for the US to deserve this prestigious honor at his young age may be classified and never revealed. However, some public records exist about his success in business and in ministry.

For any well-informed person who is Black or who is a friend of the people of African descent, this historic award deserves celebrationIndeed, the United States of America has 2 main paths to citizenship:
  • birthright citizenship, in which any person born in the USA, or born abroad to a US citizen, is declared a citizen, and
  • naturalization, in which an immigrant is granted citizenship after applying for it and meeting certain requirements (e.g. biometric screenings, interviews, tests, and oaths).
GQ Magazine puts the Bible, The Word of the Living God on the list of 21 books we no longer have to read! (there were books we had to read? as in compulsory?) 

While testifying on February 25, 2018 at the Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) Church, the biggest church in Africa also ranked as the world’s #1 fastest growing church, Prophet Dr. Shepherd Bushiri (Major 1), informed his millions of followers that, he has been nominated to receive the Honorary US Citizenship Award and very soon, a ceremony will be held for that purpose.
So let's digest this: while we don't have to read the Bible, the USA is giving honor y citizenship to the highest earning prophet of God to date, most successful in raising money, the Spirit of the Anti-Christ is stealing from you, open your eyes and consult your Soul, if they are all about money, they are not of God. God never wanted your money, He wants your love, your adoration, your respect, He wants just five minutes of your time and do something beautiful for someone because you choose too! Be the miracle, notice how they despise the Bruce Almighty and will focus on Evan Almighty, because somehow Jim Carey managed to sneak into this little miracle and spoke the truth of our lives, we were always intended to be each others miracle, not each other's disaster!  The Beatitudes: Be Attitudes! Be the Miracle! 
Wherever you are open your eyes to the opportunities of kindness and allow the Spirit of Love to work within your life, this is experiencing Jesus this is walking with Christ, be the miracle and be gracious and kind. Lend a hand and not always a hand out! I had to learn to stop letting others take advantage of me, I had to learn to stand up for myself, but in a manner that gives me victory while remaining calm, polite and always in control of my emotions, I had to learn discipline,  I had to learn to remain silent and because I realized I was shouting at the wall, no one was listening; and no one is listening, we talking furiously, mindless chatter, afraid of the silence.  
There are two kinds of love. 
Love thy neighbor or Love thy Wallet! 
1 Timothy 6:10
9Those who want to be rich, however, fall into temptation and become ensnared by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction. 10For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. By craving it, some have wanderedaway from the faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. 11But you, O man of God, flee from these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness.…
Matthew 13:22
The seed sown among the thorns is the one who hears the word, but the worries of this world and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.
Our mission is to keep the word pure, this is our task, this is our duty! The world is trying to contaminate The Word of God already they are turning us against each other as we are asked what God do we believe in, there is only one God! How clever, how manipulative, but the question is why am I listening to this stuff and nonsense! Divide and conquer, God is a God of Love and He Holds Us United! They cannot shake this house for this house is built on the rock of all ages! You are the word of God and the kingdom of God lives within all of us. God will not be found in man, God leads us, and where He leads we shall follow! We ask that Jesus seek this man and speak to His heart and Soul, may he repent and do good for the people of God may he use his money to the glory of God, people are starving from theft and injustice, may God deal with his Soul and be with all of us that we may hold on to love and see the false prophets, but hate not, just love and always pray for each other. We are the chosen children of Jesus Christ and we have work to do. Keep the word of God pure and always make the right choices, be honorable and be kind, tolerate each other and accept we all have different points of view, love means we forgive each other and give each other permission to be different, we still love you, we just don't agree. You can choose to take any road you desire, every road has a lesson and we are carved out of hard learned lessons, we know truths, we know reality and we know the cruelty of life. When asked Bono responded with, of course I believe in miracles, I am one! 
Love never asks about money, there is no debt where love is concerned there is only depth! The more you love you give, the more you are fulfilled and satisfied and love is satisfaction. 
Local minded people will never understand global minded goals? Wow! 

”Your Excellency, while I intend to receive nothing but cooperation from your government, it is so unfortunate that I am being treated as a threat to your political career. I have said it time and again that I have no intentions of joining politics now or in the near future. I am a man of God with a prophetic anointing and I am very contented with that. Treating me as a threat is a big mistake that your machinery is making.”
Jesus Christ encountered these people. He knows them and there is no place to hide from the father of Creation, if God is looking for you, you will be found. The answers to all the questions we ask lies within us. The answers are encoded in our thoughts, our DNA and when we are still either in meditation or in prayer, we unlock the door that satan guards as we push past him and overcome his feeble objections, we step down the corridor of our intentions and examine our Souls. 
Mark 11: 15-19
15 On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple courts and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves,16 and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts. 17 And as he taught them, he said, “Is it not written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations’[a]? But you have made it ‘a den of robbers.’[b]
18 The chief priests and the teachers of the law heard this and began looking for a way to kill him, for they feared him, because the whole crowd was amazed at his teaching.


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