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The Father of Creation!

There seem to be no words to describe the every day challenges of life. Think about 7 Billion unique points of view, 7 billion minds that think, well I happen to be stuck in a house with 2 humans both are mothers, one biological, one in-law! Both are capable of being awesome, mostly they just older versions of myself. This is no comforting comprehension. The mother-in-law is Virgo, perfectionist, materialistic and frankly ungrateful, with a touch of superiority. What I am coming to realize is that all people share many common traits, we have common ground, if we could step back far enough to the characteristics of people and see each other for the actions that annoy us, we won't see color, we will see greed, we will see hatred, we will see love! 
        The absolute shame of television is the absolute onslaught our social skills received as we watch series as House M.D. It is now permissible for Doctors to be rude to their patients! Family shows have made it permissible for kids to retaliate with verbal abuse towards authority, when our need for survival depends on us learning to submit to authority, When we are told to would be advisable to duck! There are reasons we have rules and reasons we are supposed to uphold the law and enforce rules. But when our authorities is bending the law to accommodate crime and refusing to enforce rules to maintain the safety of the country, we have a problem! When a plant is pruned or cut; never again will anything grow from that place. It's a dead spot, a dead branch and there will come shoots of life from the branch, but that place that was snipped will never produce life again. Be careful what you prune, be careful what we plant and sow and be careful of the words we speak for we are planters in the gardens of each other. Many will walk in the gardens of our hearts as they spend time with us and we will all discover what we are growing for everything about us is a reflection of our Soul. From the smile in our eyes to dragging ourselves around, we speak without saying a word! What are we saying?     

There is white supremacy, there is black lives matter, there is 7 billion reasons to stand together and find a place in the sun for all of us. The Spirit of the Anti-Christ comes to seek, kill and destroy by any means possible and we shall overcome, we shall defeat and we will win for love conquers all! There is an agenda to destroy us, using each other as weapons against ourselves, why would we willingly kill each other? There seems to be no logical explanation and yet, we do! We seem to be quite adjusted to this killing and being culled notion that is being pedaled about so callously as though life has no sanctity! We as humanity have lost all sense of shame! A Creator that has given us this amazing skin, a body that copes both with water and copes on land, we have educated, evolved and here we stand in 2018 and we have the audacity to present to the world, Artificial Intelligence. Do we imagine that if this was not preferable to humanity, our God the Creator would not have made a world full of robots? How dare we? What Spirit is this that dares rise to mock the God of Creation with this miserable technology and think that they can replace humanity with a defunct antiquated technology! Sophia! How sweet and she is a citizen of the world. This mind that can think of a million thoughts while she struggles to process one complete thought! The secret to humanity is there is no logic! We are compulsive, feeling, emotional, loving, beings that need each other. We don't need the nastiness, but we sure could use a little t.l.c.! 
I don't know how to love someone that has a stone for a heart? I guess we just close our eyes and carry on being and doing what we need to do and let it go....let it go when they hurt, let it go when they stamp, let it's their nastiness, their anger and their greed. Let them carry it. Carry what is mine, own my own life and live by my own standards. Walk matter what they know your heart, you know your intentions, and know you belong to a bigger picture. Walk tall! 
I tried this approach. It was courageous and it got me through this morning. This evening I found myself hunched over the dinner plate as small and insignificant cowering away from behind my dinner plate avoiding the cold dead eyes. The death stare. Although a special trip had been made to purchase the correct meat, although the stew was cooked as requested, for as long as it took us all to empty our plates, I heard that the meat was chewy, boiled potatoes are not appreciated, fried or baked, but not boiled. As though a stew is a boiled potato. I know folks are aging, but so is my patience. What happened to being thankful? What happened to be happy? What is a amazing is that love shakes it's head and shrugs it's shoulders and tomorrow is another day........  


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