This is dedicated to the South African Citizen:
There is a class system among some cultures, if not all cultures! We all have a measuring stick to which we hold ourselves and others. The White South African is not your enemy! We are all people, victims of governments and their manic methods of governing! The only government worth paying attention to regarding leadership skills is Russia and the Philippines, President Duerte, a man worth standing behind and supporting because he cares about his people! My question is: why don't the rest of you?
The Facts of my life are as follows, these are facts and they cannot be disputed!
1) I was born to middle class parents
2) My grandparents struggled financially and were active in the community, my grandfather a preacher for the Salvation Army, my grandmother devotedly supported him.
3) It was made clear from small that Black people were inferior to us, this is what was quietly unspoken and came directly from the British side of my family. The Dutch side hated the black nation and many still do to this day.
4) Besides our gardener and our cleaning lady, I had no contact with Black people.
5) 1986 the South African Army entered our school grounds and we were assembled in classes in a an auditorium, newspapers were handed out and men in uniform spoke about a man named Nelson Mandela, a traitor to our nation, a man who plotted to overthrow the government. This is a clear memory.
6) A state of emergency was announced.
7) Elliot, my grandmother's gardener, was very, very good to me, he would watch over me as I played, he was there to pick me up when I fell off my bike and he shared his food with me, I was just a child. To this day, I have a very soft spot for older black men.
8) I married a farmer of British decent.
9) It was on the farm that I would come face to face with the Black nation that to me was such a mystery. I learned that Farm school teachers take abuse of their privilege of working out in the open, our farm school was a lovely building, rustic with windows, desks and it was a basic class room with board and had electricity. It wasn't posh, but it was a classroom and the teacher was not always at school. The department of Education sent the books which we collected and dropped off at the school. The Farmers collected the books and distributed them, not the teachers.
The staff were taken to town every Friday.
Rations were distributed to the staff one a week.
Life for the Black nation was kinder. At this point in time, everyone went to town, all the families loaded up on trucks and taken to town for the Christmas shopping. Many farmers borrowed trucks and helped each other out in getting the staff to town. Every Christmas everyone got a brand new outfit, and food, cows were slaughtered and it was festive. Today for various social and economic conditions, people across the board are struggling as kids demand high price items when we are earning meager wages. I encountered love and amazing compassion from the farm workers, yes there were those individuals that were unpleasant, there was a man that particularly hated my Staffordshire Bull Terrier. While we were away, he beat my dog with a steel pipe and my dog held on until we returned home, he gave my baby a lick on his cheeks and he collapsed in my arms. We rushed him to the vet, but the internal bleeding was too horrific. He died. My in-laws were attacked on the farm. They beat my father-in-law terribly and hurt my mother-in-law this happened at 4 in the afternoon.
The hate that lives in some hearts is unfathomable. Those that seek shelter in other lands, be kind enough and open your hearts, you have no idea the fear we live with here on a daily basis and it's not just our farmers! But God please send angels to protect our farmers, they are truly suffering horrific deaths. African people are natural linguistics, sentence structure for black people is as follows: the bucket, over there, give it to me, So when we say, please hand me that buckets, it's a complete ass about face way of speaking, but they get it and there are more black people that speak other languages than whites that speak many languages. There are crimes done to humanity. Things that we cannot dispute, though our leaders hide, and lie, they stand shame faced because they chose the path of less than and not greater! There is nothing great about bombing Syria....greatness comes with compassion and here Russia holds the high ground and the UK and the West stand shamed.
27 Years President Mandela meditated and listened as the Universe spoke to him and gave him wisdom, always he had to think and chose the higher ground. Greatness does not come without offending your own people. After all these years, there is a sense of entitlement as our youth walk around with t-shirts: white tears don't impress me.
I took money to school to donate towards providing text books for you after you burned your school down in protest! How do you burn a book you need to read for knowledge? People who burn books, burn Souls and Winnie Mandela did just that, she gave Africa the Necklace! Her heart was hard with hate and she did not trust or like white people. We cannot judge each other and it would be wrong to do so. My husband is away from me and in 2017 it was 12 months before we saw each other. There is a bitterness and resentment that creeps into the heart when we understand why we are apart, and yet, we long for closeness. We all do the things we feel we have to do. But we know in our Soul the time has come to say: We cannot carry on like this. We love our country, we work together and we need each other: can we both look each other in the eye and say: I am sorry!
Our land that we so love and so dispute is not ours! Those that came to steal, kill and destroy lies dead among us, we move while their bodies lie as testament to war. War produces death.
We have been at war withe each other for way too long.
We have to let things go and let things be between us.
We have a country to save and we can save it, but we have to work together.
We have to address the white squatter camps!
The South African Government will face the United Nations if steps are not taken to remedy the situation as it stands now.
1) The White farmers, these are your people that are stranded here, come and take them to the farms and form a Kibbutz working system, there are farm schools, lets get these kids educated and the parents working and over their depression. These people have rights and the government stands charged with violating human rights.
2) Do not argue Apartheid in reverse! Even under apartheid, no man was prohibited from working, sure you can argue that Apartheid suppressed you, but you cannot argue that apartheid prohibited you from working!
Nkosi sikelel' iAfrika
Maluphakanyisw' uphondo lwayo,
Yizwa imithandazo yethu,
Nkosi sikelela, thina lusapho lwayo.
Morena boloka setjhaba sa heso,
O fedise dintwa le matshwenyeho,
O se boloke, O se boloke setjhaba sa heso,
Setjhaba sa South Afrika - South Afrika.
Uit die blou van onse hemel,
Uit die diepte van ons see,
Oor ons ewige gebergtes,
Waar die kranse antwoord gee,
Sounds the call to come together,
And united we shall stand,
Let us live and strive for freedom,
There is a class system among some cultures, if not all cultures! We all have a measuring stick to which we hold ourselves and others. The White South African is not your enemy! We are all people, victims of governments and their manic methods of governing! The only government worth paying attention to regarding leadership skills is Russia and the Philippines, President Duerte, a man worth standing behind and supporting because he cares about his people! My question is: why don't the rest of you?
The Facts of my life are as follows, these are facts and they cannot be disputed!
1) I was born to middle class parents
2) My grandparents struggled financially and were active in the community, my grandfather a preacher for the Salvation Army, my grandmother devotedly supported him.
3) It was made clear from small that Black people were inferior to us, this is what was quietly unspoken and came directly from the British side of my family. The Dutch side hated the black nation and many still do to this day.
4) Besides our gardener and our cleaning lady, I had no contact with Black people.
5) 1986 the South African Army entered our school grounds and we were assembled in classes in a an auditorium, newspapers were handed out and men in uniform spoke about a man named Nelson Mandela, a traitor to our nation, a man who plotted to overthrow the government. This is a clear memory.
6) A state of emergency was announced.
7) Elliot, my grandmother's gardener, was very, very good to me, he would watch over me as I played, he was there to pick me up when I fell off my bike and he shared his food with me, I was just a child. To this day, I have a very soft spot for older black men.
8) I married a farmer of British decent.
9) It was on the farm that I would come face to face with the Black nation that to me was such a mystery. I learned that Farm school teachers take abuse of their privilege of working out in the open, our farm school was a lovely building, rustic with windows, desks and it was a basic class room with board and had electricity. It wasn't posh, but it was a classroom and the teacher was not always at school. The department of Education sent the books which we collected and dropped off at the school. The Farmers collected the books and distributed them, not the teachers.
The staff were taken to town every Friday.
Rations were distributed to the staff one a week.
Life for the Black nation was kinder. At this point in time, everyone went to town, all the families loaded up on trucks and taken to town for the Christmas shopping. Many farmers borrowed trucks and helped each other out in getting the staff to town. Every Christmas everyone got a brand new outfit, and food, cows were slaughtered and it was festive. Today for various social and economic conditions, people across the board are struggling as kids demand high price items when we are earning meager wages. I encountered love and amazing compassion from the farm workers, yes there were those individuals that were unpleasant, there was a man that particularly hated my Staffordshire Bull Terrier. While we were away, he beat my dog with a steel pipe and my dog held on until we returned home, he gave my baby a lick on his cheeks and he collapsed in my arms. We rushed him to the vet, but the internal bleeding was too horrific. He died. My in-laws were attacked on the farm. They beat my father-in-law terribly and hurt my mother-in-law this happened at 4 in the afternoon.
The hate that lives in some hearts is unfathomable. Those that seek shelter in other lands, be kind enough and open your hearts, you have no idea the fear we live with here on a daily basis and it's not just our farmers! But God please send angels to protect our farmers, they are truly suffering horrific deaths. African people are natural linguistics, sentence structure for black people is as follows: the bucket, over there, give it to me, So when we say, please hand me that buckets, it's a complete ass about face way of speaking, but they get it and there are more black people that speak other languages than whites that speak many languages. There are crimes done to humanity. Things that we cannot dispute, though our leaders hide, and lie, they stand shame faced because they chose the path of less than and not greater! There is nothing great about bombing Syria....greatness comes with compassion and here Russia holds the high ground and the UK and the West stand shamed.
27 Years President Mandela meditated and listened as the Universe spoke to him and gave him wisdom, always he had to think and chose the higher ground. Greatness does not come without offending your own people. After all these years, there is a sense of entitlement as our youth walk around with t-shirts: white tears don't impress me.
I took money to school to donate towards providing text books for you after you burned your school down in protest! How do you burn a book you need to read for knowledge? People who burn books, burn Souls and Winnie Mandela did just that, she gave Africa the Necklace! Her heart was hard with hate and she did not trust or like white people. We cannot judge each other and it would be wrong to do so. My husband is away from me and in 2017 it was 12 months before we saw each other. There is a bitterness and resentment that creeps into the heart when we understand why we are apart, and yet, we long for closeness. We all do the things we feel we have to do. But we know in our Soul the time has come to say: We cannot carry on like this. We love our country, we work together and we need each other: can we both look each other in the eye and say: I am sorry!
Our land that we so love and so dispute is not ours! Those that came to steal, kill and destroy lies dead among us, we move while their bodies lie as testament to war. War produces death.
We have been at war withe each other for way too long.
We have to let things go and let things be between us.
We have a country to save and we can save it, but we have to work together.
We have to address the white squatter camps!
The South African Government will face the United Nations if steps are not taken to remedy the situation as it stands now.
1) The White farmers, these are your people that are stranded here, come and take them to the farms and form a Kibbutz working system, there are farm schools, lets get these kids educated and the parents working and over their depression. These people have rights and the government stands charged with violating human rights.
2) Do not argue Apartheid in reverse! Even under apartheid, no man was prohibited from working, sure you can argue that Apartheid suppressed you, but you cannot argue that apartheid prohibited you from working!
- that has been forbidden; banned."they had deliberately fed prohibited material to their herd"
How is man supposed to feed his family when he cannot work and this is what you all want, you want those farm murders, you want to see the torture and the pain. It gives you all great satisfaction. You long for our death. I understand. I can see it in your eyes when we meet on the street. You are justified in your anger, but we are angry too.
I can't really explain immigration, I have lived in many countries for various periods and as long as I meet the requirements of my Visa, people accept me and are generally welcoming and friendly, even in Pakistan we made good friends. You are not interested in hearing why people came here, you are brainwashed into believing that your land was stolen from you. You are angry and you need to take responsibility for your anger and deal with it as do the white community, English or Afrikaans, understand you are one color skin and your prejudice is stupid and outdated. The truth of our situation is we need each other. I have an unemployed son. There are two young guys sitting at home unemployed. My son has started a plot clearing business with the team of three, they work side by side, but here's the bitter pill of truth: white people commonly are the starting point and there's a reason for that, the blank page is white and the chalk board is black. Color represents what we want it to represent. If you want something to stand out, you write it on a black surface! Black and white! We belong together. Your weakness is my strength and my strength is your weakness. White people have this idea about being on time, it's my greatest source of pride, Africa has taught me well, in 2014 I took off my watch and refused to be bound by time. We all rushing past each other, so busy, busy, busy! No time for anything but work! Not in Africa! Here we do what we can, but we always make time for family. Every weekend there is a funeral in the township! Cancer is everywhere here in SA.
Chemtrails, our air poisoned, our water is poisoned, our food is poison, some food is contaminated. They sterilizing our children. The supermarkets are robbing us blind and poor and greedy too. They slowly sucking the life out of all of us, but you are all screaming over land! What are you going to do with the land? We need money. We need investment. We need to work together. The class system is abolished to a large extent, in some smaller areas it still lives, but with time this will be erased. There will undoubtedly come bloodshed.
Of course the hope is that everyone will open their eyes and look at ourselves. We are citizens of an awesome country, we have gone through the valley of the shadow of death and we are slowly climbing the mountain of peace. We will sit on the top of Kilimanjaro and we will overcome all this.
Maluphakanyisw' uphondo lwayo,
Yizwa imithandazo yethu,
Nkosi sikelela, thina lusapho lwayo.
Morena boloka setjhaba sa heso,
O fedise dintwa le matshwenyeho,
O se boloke, O se boloke setjhaba sa heso,
Setjhaba sa South Afrika - South Afrika.
Uit die blou van onse hemel,
Uit die diepte van ons see,
Oor ons ewige gebergtes,
Waar die kranse antwoord gee,
Sounds the call to come together,
And united we shall stand,
Let us live and strive for freedom,
In South Africa our land.
President Nelson Mandela was a genius!
The Red for the EFF and the blue for the DA and the ANC that ties us all together! Our founding party, the start of citizens in SA standing up and staying we are not less than we are equal, because all men are equal!
It is not a Christian belief, it is not a law or even part of our Constitution, all men are equal because God says so!
Loves covers a multitude of sins! Wow! No one ever tells us this!
Forgiveness and compassion are a giant part of the African heart, it is shared by all South Africans, we all have one unique characteristic:
WE Love our beer!
We Love our malls!
We love music!
We love family time!
We love this country!
Every morning when we awake we are creating the next moment of our lives, we write the dialogue, we determine the script, we choose anger over peace!
The Wolf that comes in sheep clothing is the PRESS! They are the wolves that feed on us and destroy our lives, they create us or destroy us and everyone is at their mercy. They hunt in packs and they feed on pain, suffering and will create destruction, they lurk in the shadows and their cries are heard late into the night. Journalism can be mass murder!
The pen will always be mightier than the sword! It's power of Facebook and Twitter, it has a life force which comes directly from you. My Twitter account is gone. I simply could not take the level of childishness! My God, could we grow up?
But there are words that demand to be spoken and things that must be said. For South Africa, we are all going to bow our heads as we listen to our fellow South Africans talk about their experiences of Apartheid, get it out in the open and let us heal the wounds. The Afrikaans community suffered under the British, in fact the British suffered under the British! If I told you I held an ounce of respect for the British blood that flows through my veins, I would say absolutely not! There is nothing but contempt for the British. They are bullies, merciless and cruel without exception. What kind of a nation will take a couple married for 69 years and place them in separate old age homes? What country would kill dogs to get people to leave land they have hijacked and stolen? Diego Garcia. What do you say to white privilege? I don't see you as having black privilege because you automatically get a job due to B.E.E. and white folks are prohibited from working. When no one will hire because you are white, is that not being prohibited from working? How do we live without work? The ANC stands accused of violating the human rights of ethnic groups within South Africa. This is an accusation that is proven by the fact that both white and black folks are still imprisoned in townships and camps!
The ANC has failed to adequately govern this country, I do not believe the DA or the EFF would be better, I do believe that if parliament actually got to work and focused on agreement and focused on the people with the collective various parties gathered unique and awesome sound policies could be achieved, but not when they clashing! For all of you have failed SA in some form or fashion, how about we take a deep breath and go solve the problems of this nation as one body dedicated to all the people of South Africa? One Nation. We can all get what we want, but we have to work together and focus and drive this nation. From sitting down and being worthless, we have to find a manner to make each South African matter! Every South African must participate in our economy, however small, however trivial, volunteer, dedicate, but contribute towards making us productive again. Proudly South African must be our slogan, we could do so much, but all you want is the path of destruction as you harp on the misery of days gone by, perhaps you should seek ways to overcome your depression, stress and anxiety! WE need strong hearts, focused minds and hearts alive with love,compassion and solutions.
Today is the day we say we are privileged to live in SA!
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