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Basic Respect for Each Other!

LGBT people! I understand you and understand you don't choose your condition! Who am I to judge? These are just a few quotes from The Pope, apparently when we are someone we can say anything and it becomes acceptable! We, The common average Joe, don't get to express an opinion, we don't get to have a view point, we die so the rich may live! If you know the expression "makes my blood boil" then perhaps it's time that you and you and you in the back over there scoffing and filled with self interest, think for yourselves! The world is the same every where! It really doesn't matter where we go, travelling and tourism is pointless! What the hell do you go on trips for if we spend our lives in more shopping malls, buying the same crap made in China. One country churning out, just churning out stuff no one needs or wants, flooding the market with the greatest rip off in decades, I give you the WISH app! There is no LGBT, every time someone says this, I am thinking sandwich!
You are the most incredible unique and beautiful soul created, you are more precious than any label you could use to hide behind, we really don't need labels, we just need to be! When we understand that no one on this planet has the answers, that everything we do is programmed for us, that we buy what we think is cool, but we actually surrendering to technology and I am talking about the" Alexa" and countless other products that everyone wants to control their lives! 
         I log onto that shopping site and there it was, in different shapes and different names and as we all are, we are curious beings so we buy because we work hard and have money to burn and why not try something new, this is a brave new world, but being brave means saying NO! Being brave means not following, but carving out your path through a road less or never traveled! We have got to get mad! We have got to get angry and we have got to stop following the crowd. South Africa, this message is so for all of us. In a country so divided by a the little irritating mosquito Julius Malema, running from our country is the last, the very last thing on our mind. We as a nation have got to hold the ANC accountable for the spectacular way they have sold our country into bankruptcy! This is not a new story, this is as old as time itself, but it is wrong to vote in a new party now, the ANC brought this shame and disgrace on us and they shall surely learn from their mistakes and together we will teach them how to build a nation! The current education system must be deleted entirely! We must return to the old ways, these are the sure tested and true methods of learning! Learning is never easy! It's not supposed to be easy, learning is growing in emotional, spiritual and mental capacities. There are keen learners out there, to some numbers come so easily, to others words are their play ground, we all have unique abilities that must be assessed and then each child must be encouraged to excel in the nature of what drives this dynamic being! No human will reach their full potential when they are forced into mindless tasks that destroy the soul. But before we can even begin to outline a new direction, we must begin with ourselves! Every citizen of South Africa must realize they are either part of the problem or part of the solution. It's white people that are cooking thousands of litres of soup to feed the starving in Port Alfred! Black people don;t have a bone of charity in their body! They were never taught to give only to receive! So when you all want to come kill the white man, ask yourself, who will provide for you, who will take what they do not have have and together feed each other! Now we can argue that this is white guilt, but we all know better! There are just awesome white folks and there are some sure as hell pretty nasty white folk! Sinners and saints! The world is made up of a collection of beautiful souls and hatred is the ugliest of emotions and has no place in our country. Hatred burns black, it's like a wild fire that takes hold of a Forrest and scorches  the trees, leaving everything dead and black in it's aftermath. The flames of a fire dance higher and higher as the fire soars out of control and there are fire fighters scrambling to fight the blaze, sometimes they are successful and sometimes the fire will not be stopped before it is done. Get the fire of hatred under control South Africa! Yesterday, a silly stupid moment happened while watching a YouTube clip of parliament in SA, this horrible sense of satisfaction rippled through me when a member of Parliament spoke out about the property of the poor being seized for millions! Then I felt sick as realization penetrated my brain that my deepest fears have been confirmed! The drought on Cape Town is economic warfare imposed on the Cape! H.A.A.R.P is being used to cause your drought! There are several reasons:
1) The Cape along with The Napa Valley produce wine, both have experienced "climate" hardships, Napa Valley experienced fires that just devoured everything in it's path and the Cape is wasting away,this is economic war on the wine industry!
2) The property that the poor fishermen use is wanted by the elites and so what better way to gain access to their land then force them to re-locate!
3) Cape Town is the head office, as I think of it of the Afrikaans nation! What better way to strike at the heart of a nation than deprive it of water.
H.A.A.R.P. was used to cause the drought in the Gauteng and Free State provinces, as soon as our farmers bought the Monsanto seeds, the rain came down!
WE need to get angry!
This shrugging our shoulders is not working for me. I speak with many people and the reaction I am getting is bewildering, white people want to go to war and black people want land that they don't really want, the leaders scream at us and we echo their words! What do you as a South African citizen want? What do you want?
Our petrol is beyond affordable!
Our food is beyond affordable!
Our education is beyond affordable!
Our hospitals are non existent!
Our lives are miserable and changing political parties is not the solution!
The answers lie within all of us!
Giving in to hatred is easy, rising above everything to extend a hand or idea is what creates everlasting change. The hope lies in your every action. Your heartbeat is our assurance that we can have a better future. Our resources have been stripped, sold and our country raped and abused, but so has our nation. The pain you feel lives within every South African, your actions determine our future. As long as you see my skin, you are blind to our problems and you remain their tool to use at their pleasure.
Basic Respect for Each Other is our starting point! Practice and preach it and sell it and become the miracle! Basic respect is beautiful, it's like a soothing cool breeze that blows the stench of the fire away, it's a fine rain that fills the soul and prepares the ground so we can plant hope, unity and regroup and start over. There is no limit to how often we will fall as long as we continue to get up and start again. It's when we lay on the ground beaten and broken that they win! South Africa belongs to South Africans, irrespective of culture, colour or whatever discrimination and division our leaders wish to place on us, we decide! It's you that has to make it to work today, don't you want to make it to work tomorrow in a better way? We can only defeat them when we remove the barriers they place around us! Break the barriers starts with basic respect for each other! There will be no difference until you decide to be the difference, the power lies within you and white tears matter! All tears matter, we should strive for a life where the tears that flow are tears of joy! The smallest gesture can change a life, please just try! It takes less than 10 seconds to chamber a bullet and one second to fire a gun and end a is for living! Our graveyards are full, we need to live! You will never defeat white people, the more you kill, the more will come! Learn to live together and learn to stand together. The last thing they want, is our nation standing strong, you have no idea how deeply I wish to prove them all wrong. The world thinks they know and understand South Africa. WE ARE THE RAINBOW NATION. Julius Malema your time is up!  


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