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I don't do YouTube videos and I respect each and everyone who does! From the moment that I am aware that a camera is on me, I go into portrayal and I can't keep it real, so this is my release, what you read here, this is the message that lives within me and that wants out. Thoughts spark in my mind and thoughts lead me to this place where I seat myself and begin to pour from some place deep within me comes a message for me! I share this only with the intention that perhaps someone else is sharing this experience, this is neither wrong nor right, this is an experience and thought process that is being shared in the interest of understanding and experiencing Infinite unconditional love.
        Ernst Roets

  1. resulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction.

    "an earnest student"

plural noun: roots
  1. 1.
    the part of a plant which attaches it to the ground or to a support, typically underground, conveying water and nourishment to the rest of the plant via numerous branches and fibres.

    "cacti have deep and spreading roots"

    synonyms:radiclerhizomerootstocktuber, tap root, rootlet;
    "the fungus attacks a plant's roots"
  2. 2.
    the basic cause, source, or origin of something.

    "money is the root of all evil"

    synonyms:sourceoriginstarting pointseedgerm, beginnings, genesisMore
3rd person present: roots
  1. 1.
    cause (a plant or cutting) to grow roots.

    "root your own cuttings from stock plants"

    synonyms:plant, bed out, sow
    "June is a good month to begin rooting cuttings"
  2. 2.
    establish deeply and firmly.

    "vegetarianism is rooted in Indian culture"

    synonyms:embedded, fixed, firmly established, implanted; More

Who but Ernst Roets would step forward to lead his nation. This is his destiny. Black anger and black self righteousness is so obviously in all our faces that we know instinctively this is a trap, we are being forced into a situation non of us want to go. This is not our direction and I am struggling because I don't want to choose sides, I want to love my country. Please, Mr Cyril Ramaphosa , 

 variable noun [adjective NOUN]
The effect of one thing on another is the change that the first thing causes in the second thing.
This is the perfect characterization for our current president, this man is firstly a business man! He believes in Capitalism and the right to ownership! He owns properties. Do not think this man is an idiot, for what you give to him he will return, your scorn will be met with scorn, South Africans need to stand behind this man and demand of him to do right by the constitution of South Africa, a gift to us from all those that brought pain and suffering to this country and did not wish pain and suffering on us! We are not the generation for war. That time is OVER, it is gone. Julius.....
Well.. I'm Julius and I don't know if there are any other Julius out here so I will try and define us as intricately as possible.. ok.. here we go.. WE ARE THE BEST AT EVERYTHING WE DO! NO MATTER HOW HARD SOMEONE TRIES TO STOP US.. WE STILL GET THE JOB DONE. THE END.
  • publisher

Given name[edit]

  • Julius Aghahowa (born 1982), a football striker from Nigeria
  • Julius Akosah (born 1982), Cameroonian-Hongkonger professional association football player
  • Julius Axelrod (1912–2004), an American biochemist
  • Julius Bacher (1810–1889), German playwright and novelist
  • Julius Bär (1857–1922), German banker
  • Julius Boros (1920–1994), Major winning golfer
  • Julius Brink (born 1982), German beach volleyball player
  • Julius Büdel (1903–1983), German geomorphologist
  • Julius Erving (born 1950), American basketball player
  • Julius Evola (1898–1974), Italian philosopher
  • Julius Fučík (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Julius Gregory, (born 1988), American football player
  • Julius Ingram (1832-1917), American politician.
  • Julius La Rosa (1930-2016), American pop singer
  • Julius Ludolf (1893–1947), SS officer and concentration camp commandant executed for war crimes
  • Julius Malema (born 1981), South-African politician
  • Julius Masvanise (born 1966), Zimbabwean track and field athlete
  • Julius Nyerere (1922–1999), president of Tanzania
  • Julius Richard Petri (1852–1921), German bacteriologist
  • Julius Rudel (1921–2014), Austrian-born American opera and orchestra conductor
  • Julius Petersen (1839–1910), Danish mathematician
  • Julius Rosenberg (1918–1953), American communist
  • Julius Schwartz (1915–2004), comic book and pulp magazine editor
  • Julius Seligson (1909–1987), American tennis player
  • Julius Streicher (1885–1946), notorious Nazi newspaper editor
  • Julius the Veteran (255–302), Catholic saint and martyr
  • Julius Zeyer (1841–1901), Czech romantic writer
  • Pope Julius (disambiguation), three popes
  • There is a list of actual names of actual people living with the name Julius.......and Malema is on this list! Imagine your son at the age of nine joining a political party? MK ULTRA IMPLANT> THE BLOODY AGENT> Wherever this man goes there is chaos, he is either the Anti-Christ for Africa or he is MK ULTRA IMPLANT....he is a liar, a thief and he is programmed to destroy us, do not take this man as a fool, this man is not an idiot! This man is sent here to enslave all of us, you better wake up South Africa. Everything For Free will kill all of us! If you want to live force the DA and ANC and Lekota to join as ONE! If we do not unite, we are dead. It's this simple. So the boere are not lying, they just looking out for their own interests, our combined voices will force our leaders to comply and join. South Africa never belonged to one, it was never designed this way, God brought all of us here, from different places for different reasons, we have overcome and we have survive to encounter this? and allow this? No! We are the Rainbow Nation, WE ARE Nkosi SikeleliAfrika! 
If you could see the beauty and potential in all of us, 
  1. the state of being diverse.

    "there was considerable diversity in the style of the reports"
    • a range of different things.
      plural noun: diversities

      "newspapers were obliged to allow a diversity of views to be printed"


  1. 1.
    the state of being united or joined as a whole.

    "European unity"

  2. 2.
    the number one.

    "the slope of each dotted line is less than unity"

Black Pride. Black Consciousness. Black Awareness. Black Elites vs White Supremacists, your days of ruling and dividing are over! How did we get here? We all wanted Zuma to fall only to discover we have all fallen in the process, but that's just how it seems, you still get up every day and you go to work. You still get up and run the farm. You still get up and sit and hope today I will find a job. This is the wonder of all of us. The glory of God that keeps this nation and will hold this nation and will guide this nation despite what our leadership lacks, we will be led because this land is blessed and this is the land of God and what God has joined no man can separate. I am sorry our pastors are asleep and little me can;'t believe that I am the only South African who believes this, our voices are being silenced and we feel we are drowning, we ineffective, but I believe this is a lie!  No matter if one person reads, it has been written. Write the words that live within your soul and leave behind all that is uniquely you. Fights the Malema's of this world, they are liars and deceivers and do not care about you, they send you into battle, while they hide in safety! No South Africa, we need work, we need investment, we need plans and creativity and we need healthy, smart, successful leaders. Listen to your hearts and let the words of all that once was wash away, let us all let go of the hate and come together and face our common enemy, economic enslavement! We are not slaves! Rise together, invest in business together, stop waiting for a hand out, become the hand and find a way out! This is Africa! Yes, we take our time, but when we get there, we get there with peaceful, respectful ways! We are not savages of old, please, we are not cavemen, we are not the settlers, nor the voortrekkers, we are South Africa and this is 2018! We are the children of here and now. Xenophobia unfortunately is the proof that black people are racists, far more so than the rest of South Africa. This hatred and anger must be addressed before we can move further as a nation and we should have town hall meetings where the people of South Africa can meet and exchange ideas, as a leading attorney pointed out, the intellect of South Africa has degenerated to such a point that the madness of Julius Malema is accepted, and even embraced as leadership.   This brings us to the ANC. After all the theft and the corruption, can you see now why we need good high standards of education. Its embarrassment having to write this sentence, but please understand that when the pass rate is 80% this is an indication that 80% of the pass rate was achieved by also that the student knows 80% of the work! The higher the grade the more the student knows! The lower the pass rate, 20% that means that person only knows 20% of the work. This now goes into Maths as we start seeing how equations and fractions are born, for surely 80% is greater than 20% and how is it possible that 20% is earning more than 80% who is unemployed due to the many incredulously inhumane labor laws the ANC introduced into parliament. No wonder Julius Malema is offering South Africans jobs at municipalities, he doesn't know what real people do for a living! He has no real world experience. Yet, this is our Economic Freedom Fighter, Economics is born free, there cannot be a liberator, for economics works on a scale, where there is goodwill and intentions, there is prosperity, where there is theft, negativity and ill will, money retreats! 
We all need to examine our hearts and our minds and before we walk around wearing a shirt that says: 


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