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South Africa: A Product for Tomorrow!

  1. 1.
    a detailed analysis and assessment of something, especially a literary, philosophical, or political theory.

    "a critique of Marxist historicism"

  1. 1.
    evaluate (a theory or practice) in a detailed and analytical way.

    "the authors critique the methods and practices used in the research"

plural noun: critics
  1. 1.
    a person who expresses an unfavourable opinion of something.

    "critics of the new legislation say it is too broad"

    synonyms:detractor, censurer, attacker, fault-finder, carper, backbiter, caviller, reviler, vilifier, traducer,
     disparager, denigrator, deprecator, belittler; More
  2. 2.
    a person who judges the merits of literary or artistic works, especially one who does so professionally.

    "a theatre critic"


The world has become a very dysfunctional family, we imitate and think this is creativity.
One source controls the mindset of the world and is prescribing conduct, thought control and behavior modification. 
Ownership, Leadership and Surrender. Ownership is the right we are told we have by title deeds and paper and citizenship. Ownership is what we strive for, our success is based on ownership, why else are there exclusive properties and exclusive neighborhoods, and exclusive restaurants. We have elite because this is the goal post by which we are taught to measure, the measuring stick, the sign of achievement. President Nelson Mandela spoke at the benefit for his project for South African children, his vision, his dream. You may say anything you like about anyone, but you will give credit where credit is due and President Nelson Mandela when he tasted the beauty of forgiveness and he saw the unity he built, he knew that what he was doing was way more powerful than anything he had done in the past and he began to see and speak about a new vision. Johnny Clegg sings about a New Earth!
We don't have to die to experience Heaven, together starting with mutual respect, we become the way forward. The Afrikaans nation came here because they were deemed to radical to remain in their country. The Afrikaans nation can testify as a nation to God's protection. Now when we know that when God is with you, who can be against you, this begs the question that 1) why would anyone want to take on a nation that prospers despite the attacks continuously launch against it? 2) The all consuming hatred towards this nation is fed from which source. Find the Source. You can wage war against symptoms, but unless you find the cause, the root of the hatred, you will never defeat it. The Black nation is experiencing recognition, wealth and success, but they are so consumed with hatred, that they don't know what to do with this success. Diamond and Silk are the product of YOU! 
Their success is our success. They are the voice that we have chosen to represent us, their popularity cannot be challenged, you chose them. This is the beauty of the liberation that is happening worldwide, our voices are being heard and we are responding. This seems a mess at the moment, but that's because we just discovered that we are critics. We have opinions and wow, they matter. Learn to master ourselves. Know thyself. Introspection. There are so many of us all wanting our own popularity. How about we all join as opposing view points offering the view their own conclusion. Getting the world to think. My sister and I sat watching some or other ghost story. The most haunted house or something and I turned to her and this is what came tumbling from within me:
"All my life, I seek the voice of God. I want to talk to God so bad and hear his Voice, I have thoughts, feelings and knowing, but I want to be One with God. Why are these people seeking the dead? I don't want to watch this." and we agreed and searched for something else. My sister is incredible. During one of our legendary fights one day I screamed at her:
"Out of all the sisters in the world, why did God give me you? You the worst sister ever!" 
Never forget those words, they have come to haunt me from time to time, today I can let them go! God gave me my sister because he was giving me not only the best sister in the world, but a saint! She is not perfect, she is broken, hurt and wounded, but she is fierce, courageous and beautiful beyond anything physical, she is gentle, kind and to know her is to love her, for she will stand by you no matter your color, status etc, she attaches no labels, she attaches values and she lives a quiet solitary life. Her children know hunger and they know suffering, yet she meets their needs and creates miracles because God opens doors for this woman and her children.  She came to cook me sweet and sour chicken and it's just a dish she knows how to prepare instinctively. She hates cooking. The only reason she has a kitchen is because it came with her house. The significance of her actions was not lost on me. She gave me something so precious and priceless. This is life. These are the moments that I treasure, this is my treasure chest that I hold so dear, my memories of all of us. We were on the verge of buying a home we had been renting and we wanted to put down roots and settle, we wanted a place to call home. Our house burned down in the week we submitted a cheque for the full amount to purchase and we had to fight to get our money returned, we had to hire a lawyer, we lost everything in that fire. To this day that house was never rebuilt. It stands broken and the garden that I loved has overgrown the burned ruins. 
Leadership. Life is learning about being our own leader, pushing ourselves or rotting in a rut. If you waiting to be led, then we are missing the point of our existence. Surrender. When we surrender everything to the almighty power that pushes and nudges at our soul, when we surrender completely and lay back in the arms of someone we discover we are complete. We have everything, we are happy, fulfilled and at peace. Surrendering is a process. 
Here's the thing: I lived in Rwanda for 15 months. 
South Africa, google or take a trip to Rwanda and speak with the people. Someone told me that killers walk among them, because the world for Rwanda went mad and the killing was madness. You cannot prosecute everyone. The knowledge that every day my country drifts closer and closer to this sickens me and the panic spreads as I feel powerless to speak and warn us, please listen to the words you are speaking, in your heart, soul and mind, the reality of your thoughts will sicken and frighten you. There can be nothing more horrific being done to our farmers, but I am going to tell you, its done to all South Africans. The evil is rampant and it has a source. Julius Malema is symptom,  cut the head of the snake and seven more will grow! The media is teaching violence and we are responding! Create our own media and change the frequency and conversations, be creative and inventive. WE are responsible for our actions, our words and our conduct! Have a code of conduct! The time for sleeping in church is over, the church is arising and becoming, we are not sheep, we are eagles and as we take to the skies, remember the message is love. The reason is love. The answer is love. The question is can you be love and be loved? You Are. 

Let no man put asunder 
what God has joined
no weapon formed against us
will penetrate God's protection
When God speaks, we shall listen
We shall obey for God makes a way
He casts aside the barriers
He breaks the molds and cut the labels
He shapes and forms, His will be done
For His kingdom come.......

This nation on it's knees
Broken and torn apart
We, The People of God cry
Our words and offerings
We stand here on this land
The place where we all stand
We claim this as our own
We claim this land in Jesus name
To love, protect and all defend
from Communism and dictatorship
give us freedom, the freedom to be free
give us opportunity pour out your love
pour out Your Love, Oh Lord
pour out your love

Let no man come against
what God has blessed and protects
Let no man hunger
Let no man hurt
Let us come together in unity
Let us stand beside each other
not as color but in His divinity
Let us be the Rainbow Nation
Let us be and set us free
What God has joined
Let no man put asunder! 

There's a song for South Africa, do with it what you may, take it and sing it, and set it free!
My words, is your music so go and do what needs to be done! 


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