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The ANC Stands Charged and Accused of Economic Disaster in South Africa

A list of my crime.....according to whom?

In 2004, we gave a cheque to our attorney to purchase a 3 bedroom house for the value of R120 000.00. This was the complete purchase price, not including transfer costs etc. My husbands father bought a home for R 260 000.00 and my mother inherited a 6 bedroom house at the sea for R280 000.00. In 2012 we sold the house my father purchased for R260 000.00 sold at R680 000.00. 
This was a clean R680 000.00 in our pocket. The house had long ago been paid off and there was nothing owning, the housing market had spiked in South Africa and many, many home owners were elevated to instant millionaires. There's a big difference in purchasing a home that is affordable and we just bought a home for R1.2million. 
My husband works six days a week, he does not have his own business, he answers to a boss and has to make his plans and payments and meet the demands placed on him because he is responsible and the economy depends on our contribution. It is the ANC that allowed the housing market to spiral out of the reach of the average South African and it is the Black South African that has the money, the cash, the loot, and chooses to live in townships because it comes with loads of free benefits. 
This is the reality for black and white and many other economic challenged families. We at war with economics because we are essentially economic slaves! Jobs are available only to any ethnic group except whites. But here's something no one wants to talk about:
1) Most jobs are government jobs and the people have chosen to stay in townships, because housing is ridiculously expensive. 
2) Living in the township means no rates or taxes.
3) Free water
4) Free electricity
5) no service provided. 
Living in residential areas:
Rates and taxes a percentage of the purchase price
Electricity prepaid meters
Surplus water charges
Home loans
Garbage removal costs
Lawn and garden services
Security charges
How do you expect someone who has received everything for free to grasp that suddenly everything costs money, our municipalities operate on funds gathered from rate payers and our beautiful neighborhoods may scream privilege, but what they are saying is look this costs money! It takes money to look good. Our Black ladies pay a fortune for their hair, yet Black hair salons look awful! When you paying R1200.00 to have your hair done, one would think you expect your hairdresser to do something with the appearance of their salon.  

Beautiful people whom their government, their ANC KEPT them in townships and in horrendous living conditions, because it is the ANC that allowed the housing market to soar when non-citizens were allowed to buy property and pay exhorbitant prices for the luxury of living in South Africa. Your ANC mad the White home owner rich! Your ANC sold farms to farmers at exorbitant price increases and the farmers have huge loans on their farms. It is the ANC that created this mess and now the Everything For Free party wants to come and take it because they have no idea what it takes to work, plan and pay for the luxuries in life. 


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