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Port Alfred and South Africa needs more than the Democratic Alliance!

At what point do we wake up and ask ourselves just what the hell is going on? The Apartheid regime is hated and anyone who dares go back to the past is ripped to shreds, when this is convenient! South Africans are forgetting the Rule of Law! Perhaps some of us, never heard of it to begin with, but there are those that have spent their lives defending and upholding the law, so what does it say about our country when we watch our farmers brutally murdered, our pensioners raped, I am talking across the board, I a not talking about a colour or race group, violence is across the board and everyone is vulnerable and requires protection, but the ANC have their heads buried in the sand and are hiding from the reality of life in South Africa.
       My current home town is Port Alfred, it's a sleepy little village where we all try to make it from month to month, in season is our high and out of season is our low! This is a holiday village and we rely on holiday makers to boost our economy, there is big business in Port Alfred, in the Eastern Cape. Port Alfred is home to an international cooking school and we have the 43 Air School both these bring in significant currency to this little town. So surprise, surprise when I am told today that the EFF (Everything For Free) are threatening to burn down this school. This is the 43 Air school, who had to rush to court to secure an interdict preventing the school from being burned to the ground, at what point do we say this is a terrorism organisation? Economic Freedom Fighters, an oxymoron led by a complete MK Ultra mind control agent placed in South Africa to derail our economy and sabotage business!
      Explain to me with tears in my eyes how this is not a crime? Threatening to burn down private property that is required, business is precious and must be protected. How do you fail to comprehend this? How do you propose to pay all the government grants when there is no tax money because you have destroyed the business that brings in the tax?

The Eff have closed down the municipal offices in Port Alfred, the Port Alfred Hospital is closed due to wage strikes, a hospital is closed! Can you grasp the significance of this. I suffer from asthma and there is a hospital that is closed! I am told there is armed guards and the police are present and we have the best police in the entire Eastern Cape, especially in Bathurst! Under the apartheid regime, this organisation would have been banned and deemed a hazard to the safety of the public and well being of the citizens, but wait a moment, these are your heroes! These are the guys you as South Africa want to have running the show. History has taught you nothing, you have learned nothing, as an individual you are swayed by the crowd and you are clueless to voice your own opinion. My anger doesn't lie with you, my anger lies with the useless and incompetent political party that call themselves,the Democratic Alliance. At a meeting in Port Alfred, I asked you, the D.A. did you have any contingency plans regarding the EFF. You response was and I quote:
"Yes, we have plans, however the EFF is not a factor here in the East Cape, they just don't have the numbers!"
You are all bloody clueless and I can assure you that I would rather vote ANC than waist a vote on your pathetic organisation and I cannot believe I ever signed up as a member! What a joke of a political party when you have no idea how to protect our nation or understand the threat of the EFF!
You, the Democratic Alliance have to answer for this mess, ah wait, that will be another trip to the law courts! 


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