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The ONE Commandment no one talks about......

Oh we hear the Ten Commandments and we are reaping the sowing of very poisonous seeds that are sprouting and growing around us. Our voices stifled and silenced until we all mutter or shout out in agreement. 1984. Where the crowds chanted hate, hate, hate! Alexa = Axela (accelerate) Siri = Iris!
I am the eye in the sky, looking at you, I can read your mind! We have been warned over and over, but we buying, we are going out there and bringing in our guards, turning our homes into prisons, see we created homes, but we turn them.....everything is turned upside down. Freedom means chains, your safety means you under surveillance. Our leaders, our courts, our celebrities, are not saying Thou Shall Not Kill....on the contrary they calling for children to be abducted, kidnapped and raped by others! Thou shalt not steal is forgotten by the tax system and every politician and business man demands thou shalt steal, kill and take their homes, we want every dying penny! Thou shalt not covert.....I have a list, do you have one? No one tells us to love each other, the voices that tell us we are all drops of water from the ocean of life are silenced. Our family has launched our new daily activity, every day someone in our family nominates a name and we all focus our love and energy and a prayer. Together we are harnessing our positive and potential energy and unleashing a force that will restore and heal our family.  We all wounded, tired and broken, we can all use a little love sent our way. So if you want to be a peacemaker and want to be effective there are any and many number of ways we can change the world in order that love wins! Love will triumph with or without us, see we have a choice, we can choose to love unconditionally, accept each other and our skin color, crazy politics and find something good to like, we can tolerate each other, be kind to each other and be love. We choose. If we choose hate, greed, nastiness, bitterness, guilt, God will find someone else, so we are presented with a opportunity to be absolutely nothing in the eyes of man, but loved and cherished by our Creator. Nice guys finish last. This is the brainwashing, nice guys hide away at home and they exist, but you will never find them to break them or change them. They hold to their principles and beliefs because this is their way. Great, wonderful, dynamic women exist everywhere and they always appear when you least expect them, they like angels that step into my life and gently ease me back into wanting to live again. Friends are required as water is to wine. Peacemakers! This is my purpose for being here, love is the food I must feed on and share and i cannot quit or stumble, the nastiness and negativity is absorbed and with the help of love, every day I have to let go of the hurt, angry words spoken into my body,mind and soul by myself! I have to face myself on a daily basis and so I made this clip, just in case there are other folks out there struggling to let go, and be happy, to feel love, be love and express love. There is one ONE commandment.


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