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This truly is a brave new world!

Those things that just make us go.....mmmmm! 
Well, here's one of them! Do you ever get the feeling that They just trying too hard! For those who do their research, we know that The Bible is the word of God and Gods word and it tells a story that has been changed, altered, broken, shredded, ripped and there are layers of lies and lies. So when I see this: 
and then this:
Gee,google wouldn't let me use any of the other pics under the search Barack Obama you can do your own search, but here's what bothers me, why are they going to such obvious lengths to make sure we see Barack Obama as Satan and make the connection? See, here's my theory, They planned everything out meticulously, to the precise moment in time, They wrote the end times and they have been herding us like the sheep they taunt us for being only they have grown desperate, something has changed and altered their plans. They have killed, destroyed reputations, lives and will stop at nothing to push their agenda through, but there is a problem and it's not Houston, it's the world! You, me and the next person to write, take a picture, send an email, they can stop one, two or three, but seven billion? 
This is unscripted, uncharted waters and this is not part of the plan, we not supposed to know about FEMA camps, we not supposed to care about PIZZAGATE, we not supposed to be paying attention and Donald Trump certainly should not be president and neither should he be calling the Gods that give us our daily commandments that they are fake news! We are growing higher and higher, we are learning, thinking and now we have to start feeling again. Align ourselves with ourselves, our body, mind and soul in alignment, must act, think and feel love! This is the power that will ultimately shake them from their nest and force out them out into the open where we will be deceived no longer! Yes, we take the homeless to lunch and yes, we stand for kids who like space cats and we love each other because we are decent, kind, thoughtful human beings and we do not hate; we LOVE each other. How do we do this? By gaining a slight bit of self control and deciding that if we can't say anything constructive or helpful, we just going to stay out of the situation. WE decide who we are as individuals, not the main stream media! We decide! It's perfectly acceptable for any restaurant to make a pot of soup with their leftovers and feed the homeless! It's perfectly acceptable for a corporation to decide their employees need time off and recognize that they have people working for them not just pay cheques, but real people with families and it's perfectly alright for a policeman to take a buddy aside and let him know he is not alone, we all dealing with tihs right now, but we will get through this together! HRC thought she had us sold on that, and quite frankly, she really should have pulled off the victory, enough dead folks voted for her! But here we are and this is a brave new world, so stop letting them scare you! Yes, they have compromising pictures of you! Apparently they have compromising pictures on all of us and can create anything they damn well want too, in order to destroy us. They won't win! 
Love wins! Love conquerors all! 
       No matter how badly you want to die, it is your duty to LIVE! and to be alive and to be happy, joyful and share the wonder of your life with the rest of us. We are mesmerized by the light in your smile and you shine like the star in our night, you give wonder and you give joy and you bring more to us than any amount of riches and gold. For truly, Jesus said: silver and gold, have I none, if you looking for those things, you have come to the wrong place, but what I have for you, I give in abundance and pure love, now rise up and walk! We all invalid's:

noun: invalid; plural noun: invalids
  1. 1.
    a person made weak or disabled by illness or injury.

    "she spent the rest of her life as an invalid"
verb: invalid; 3rd person present: invalids; past tense: invalided; past participle: invalided; gerund or present participle: invaliding
  1. 1.
    remove (someone) from active service in the armed forces because of injury or illness.

    "he was badly wounded and invalided out of the infantry"
    • disable (someone) by injury or illness.

      "an officer invalided by a chest wound"

      synonyms:disableincapacitateindisposehospitalize, put out of action, lay up, crippleparalyselame, put on the sick list; More
mid 17th century (as an adjective in the sense ‘infirm or disabled’): a special sense of invalid2, with a change of pronunciation.

  1. not valid, in particular:
    • (especially of an official document or procedure) not legally recognized because it contravenes a regulation or law.

      "the vote was declared invalid due to a technicality"

      synonyms:void, legally void, null, null and void, unenforceable, not binding, inoperativeworthless;More
    • (especially of an argument, statement, or theory) not true because based on erroneous information or unsound reasoning.

      "a comparison is invalid if we are not comparing like with like"

      synonyms:falseuntrueinaccuratefaultyfallaciousspuriousinadequateunconvincingunsoundweakwrong, wrongly inferred, wide of the mark, off target; More


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