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1682 July 24 2018! Updated!

Mystery's and puzzles, the world loves it! We feed on riddles and brain teasers and Agatha Christie tapped into this along with many, many others! So here goes my "Q" input for today! I don't pay much attention to "Q" I think "Q" is using a platform to relate information to key players that cannot be communicated with on regular channels, so whatever is said, is none of my business! However I got curious, checking out YouTube videos and people who are decoding "Q" and you all missed the very first clue!
1) From Sea to Shinning Sea!  Went completely disregarded. That's FSSS! Research it.
2) Who does Huber report to? [directly]  W.H. The White House obviously POTUS!
3) Define evidence:
  1. 1.
    the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

    "the study finds little evidence of overt discrimination"

    synonyms:proofconfirmationverification, substantiation, corroborationaffirmationauthentication, attestation, documentationMore
  1. 1.
    be or show evidence of.

    "the quality of the bracelet, as evidenced by the workmanship, is exceptional"

    synonyms:indicateshowreveal, be evidence of, displayexhibitmanifestdenoteevincesignify;

4) Who has the server? 
5) Why does POTUS continually refer to the server?
6) POTUS does not speculate. 

conclusion: POTUS HAS THE SERVER! 

7) Topics stated in past. 
8)Future BIG meaning! 

  1. The Notorious B.I.G. 
    Christopher George Latore Wallace (May 21, 1972 – March 9, 1997), known professionally as The Notorious B.I.G.Biggie Smalls, or simply Biggie,[1] was an American rapper. He is considered by many as one of the best rappers of all time.[2]
    Wallace was raised in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. When he released his debut album Ready to Die in 1994, he became a central figure in the East Coast hip hop scene and increased New York City's visibility in the genre at a time when West Coast hip hop was dominant in the mainstream.[3] The following year, Wallace led Junior M.A.F.I.A. to chart success, a protégé group composed of his childhood friends. In 1996, while recording his second album, Wallace was heavily involved in the growing East Coast–West Coast hip hop feud.
    On March 9, 1997, Wallace was killed by an unknown assailant in a drive-by shooting in Los Angeles. His double-disc album, Life After Death, which was released sixteen days later, rose to number one on the U.S. album charts, and was certified Diamond in 2000 by the Recording Industry Association of America, one of the few hip hop albums to receive this certification.[4] It is also one of the best-selling albums in the United States.
    Wallace was noted for his "loose, easy flow",[5] dark semi-autobiographical lyrics and storytelling abilities, which revolved around violence and hardship. He is also noted for sometimes changing his pitch on songs. Three more albums have been released since his death, and he has certified sales of over 17 million units in the United States,[6] including 13.4 million albums.[7]
9) Repeats Important!
10) Think Twitter
  1. It's never too late to start looking for a summer job or internship! 📝 Here are some tips on creating your résumé:
  2. Use this free College Cost Calculator to help you get a sense of how much college will cost:

11) Those Awake see
12) Those asleep blind
Who is tt and why is everyone like him/her????
 Behind the ‘TT’ hand movement, what is the meaning of it?

13) Fake news [prop arm of D/DS] failing 
this takes us back to Define evidence! Democratic Senate is failing! 
14) Panic

  1. 1.
    a period of time following the moment of speaking or writing; time regarded as still to come.

    "we plan on getting married in the near future"

    synonyms:time to come, time ahead; More
  2. 2.
    contracts for assets (especially commodities or shares) bought at agreed prices but delivered and paid for later.
  1. 1.
    at a later time; going or likely to happen or exist.

    "the needs of future generations"

    synonyms:laterfollowing, ensuing, succeedingsubsequentupcoming, to come, coming
    "customers guarantee repayment at a future date"

Future Proves Past!
Ask yourself: Are you an asset or a liability to your country? 25 people died holding each other in Greece during a man made fire because our weather is manipulated and controlled and they were a liability! So ask yourself, what do they consider as assets and the answer is our children! Where do we send our children for education, Universities! Pay to play scheme sound familiar?

I don't wish for things or stuff, but I now have one wish and I am praying and hoping desperately that it comes true, I wish with all of my being that John. F. Kennedy Jr is alive and well and reclaims his rightful position! Oh to even imagine the pain on their faces....when you stand before your country having taken an oath to the flag and The People and smile at the mention of the assassination of a president, may you reap everything you have sown Poppy!


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FSSSFour Seasons Skiing & Snowboarding

What is the meaning or definition of each letter in the TFBIG abbreviation?

Meaning of TFBIG by its letters

Research it's awesome! 

This is off the hook insane! Tom Hanks has been called out named and shamed by Sarah Ruth Ashcroft and guess what? He played in a movie with the title, you guessed it: BIG!

There's something going on with this snowboarding thing, both the WH Press secretary as well as POTUS specifically named snowboards....nothing is ever nothing! There's something going on here.


YOUTUBE has shutdown SGTREPORT channel! 8 years of work gone! Erased and without his permission! Will a law firm please step forward and offer your services pro bono for the people by the people, YOUTUBE cannot erase this work, it's hours and hours of work just gone! According To Joe erased! We need justice and YOUTUBE thinks we are irrelevant, there has to be a law firm out there willing to defend free speech, hard work , truth and journalism!
Twice TT
This children are all grown up and they doing what they want and the song and video are so disturbing!
I truly don't care if I got this all wrong, reading is learning and now I know more than I did before I looked into all of this. Thank you Q! Right or wrong, I got educated!


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