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The Answer Lies Within

One of my many, many children is a secretive little shit, he won't tell anyone more than they need to know, he operates on a strictly need to know basis. When he was younger, during a conversation with his brother, he asked him a question followed by: "Do not elaborate, a simple yes or no will do!" There are four Capricorns in our family, they are all leaders in their own respective fields and they are formidable. We have two Pisces, these are gentle, laid back boys that are easy going, but here's the thing with a Pisces, you must issue explicit instructions. Don't ask them to fetch a random object from the kitchen, give them precise, details and they will execute the job to perfection. They take direction really well, and they are not shy to work hard and get their hands dirty. We also have two Cancerians, both these girls speak their minds, they are swift to defend and they have a heart for animals and anyone bullied. Cancerians do not like learning from others, they want to know things themselves and are happy to give you their opinion,  in order for Cancerians to succeed in life, they need kindness, mountains of kindness and teach them without patronizing and be patient! They learn quickly, especially with the things they are interested in, here they absorb knowledge and want to share it. Angry, bitter, hostile folks are misunderstood and badly treated Cancerians. Intensely shy and reserved this is disguised by their unique ability to defend themselves by lashing out at those that hurt them. They are strong, independent and beautiful. We also have an abundance of Scorpio. These folks like their solitary confinement. They happy to be in their room doing their own thing, they plot, plan and when things are going good for them, they are content. However, be very careful because they like to withdraw, when the chips are down and there's no going back, Scorpio tend to be depressed. Its hard to understand or know this, since they are loners, and they are stubborn. While all star signs exhibit stubbornness,  the Scorpio and Capricorn have launched formidable resistance! There are two Gemini and the interesting thing is that Gemini ranks highest on the serial killer list! There are two, never underestimate this. There is a side that is playful, joyful and happy and there is anger that makes my knees weak and scares the crap out of me. Do not underestimate a Gemini. We have an Aries, which I am still trying to understand, stubborn, willful, determined, hard working with a work ethic that is just inhumane. Did I mention determined? Oh and we have Libra's! God help us all! Libra is determined, in fact I think the book of determination was invented by Libra's they do not know how to quit and they are resourceful. Leo's are fun, they love the center of attention, will dominate and will always know better. Having a Leo around is stunning because it gives me a break from always having to keep the conversations going. My father was a Leo and he always greeted everyone with joke and a smile. He was my world. I guess all this rambling is just my way of saying we all have different, yet wonderful aspects that compliment each other and yet, we can and do annoy and aggravate each other. See here's the thing: 
So, I am watching a movie, can't recall the title and at the graveside the pastor recites whatever verse and says: never shall his face be seen again! Wow. Yes, Seth Rich won't walk through the door to his parents home and yes, everyone that our crazy, insane leaders wish to terminate because we are a waste of existence in their eyes, when they have no right to make these judgments and these decisions. They using the weather to burn down your homes and kill your family and friends and this is not my imagination.  we are here today and gone tomorrow. Never will our faces be seen again. Never will our voices be heard. Never will we be able to do the things we long to do and live the life we wish to live because we are dead! Do you understand the power of life and death? I think we are all desensitized and we are dying at such alarming rates, every weekend there is a funeral in our village back at home. How many tears do you have? How many times do you want to look at a coffin before enough is enough? 

1 Corinthians 15:51-54
51 Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed– 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 54 So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.” 

Little Cooper Harris was tied down in his baby seat and left to die in his fathers car, while his father calmly went about his day! What are you thinking, what are you planning and whom do you intend to hurt, because that is someone's love, someone's treasure and someone's reason for being! We can't pretend horrible things are not happening, and we can't pretend we don't see and we don't know and we don't care! While we are here, we have to be the miracle that makes us all want to stay here and live here and we have to learn to laugh again! We have to find a way back to life! The nastiness and the hatred is not for us, leave it where it belongs, we don't wear it, we don't want it and we won't respond with nastiness. We Are Love! 


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