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Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
                                                       Steve Jobs

Watching the movie: WAG THE DOG we are clearly told the story of Stanley Kubrick. Johnson used MM to seduce the Kennedy's she was an MK Ultra mind slave and he was about to destroy JFK, until someone came up with a brilliant plan and that plan was to divert attention and take America to the moon. It was necessary as JFK had a job to be done, he was briefed and told by President Eisenhower; add to that the fact that he met Val Valiant Thor, he was on a mission, to make the world a safer place. There were forces that protected JFK, and they know that the day he was assassinated they dropped the ball, no one expected or saw the potential threat and the assassination of JFK was essential so that Poppy and the Cabal could further their ambitions and bring about a NEW WORLD ORDER. The moon landing was fake, staged and planned to divert attention as many, many of the events that happen in our FAKE NEWS are today! Area 51 is probably where CNN goes to create their news and we all know that Hollywood actors are chosen from the military, trained and funded, nothing is as it seems, it's all a show. This is why a very wise woman kept her son away from becoming an actor, why she pushed him into law and why the day his plane crashed, together with his wife and sister-in-law they went undercover.

These people have no shame, they are remorseless and they are dedicated to the cause of bringing about havoc on this planet, they serve a god that is insane and their actions verify the insanity. It's our job to hold to justice and demand justice. How many people have the Clinton's and the Bush's killed, millions, thanks to their poppy fields and their black ops funded by our money with the bodies of our children and loved ones stock piled for their own amusement. Their amusement, they buy, steal and lie and nothing matters to them. You have to hold them accountable! We are The Voice of The People and we will be heard, they cannot silence us, they cannot hold us in contempt, our contempt is for them!

Let me make something perfectly clear. I am not a racist and I do not hate!  When it comes to the ANC  I am disappointed. Here is a political party that was created in 1912 to represent people, people who wanted to be seen for the people that they are, all the black folks wanted was to be seen and accepted as people. Not sub-human, second hand citizens, but people with rights. They fought, they bled and they died and in 1994 everything that they worked so hard for, all the sacrifice and the suffering, came true! They were given a country that in 1960 was the richest country in the world! The tip of Africa, the southern most tip of Africa! Everything worked when our country was placed in their hands. I can look any South African in the eye and tell you I am a child of Madiba, can you do the same?

B.H.O the ex-president is always on route to SA. Look at the chaos, and look at the death, in the Eastern Cape we have a police department that specializes in satanic crimes, formed to investigate satanic crimes only! The ANC has become the tool of the NWO.

USA open your eyes and hold to justice and hold to love! 


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