The Ugly Lie of Homelessness!
So the price of our rent is increasing, they are burning down our homes, our havens, taking our sovereign right, our place of safety and when there is no haven from life's storms, we make shelters and we become homeless! Not every homeless person is a drug addict! Not everyone living on the street is an alcoholic! There are laws that prohibit us from feeding homeless! Those homeless are you and they are me! It's a matter of time, I have been down this road, I know what struggling is all about and I know what is happening out there. We have a family that we provide free accommodation too because they would be out on the street and they cannot afford to eat, let alone pay rent! My hubby and I are all that stand between them and a world of what? Nothing? Is nothing an option? There are hundreds and thousands of South Africans that are living on the charity of other South Africans, it's the only reason South Africa is still standing, because we help each other!
This has got to get to the rest of the world! Churches! No one is talking about the churches! Not one video is being made on YouTube about homeless and churches! You all silent and your doors are closed! FUCK YOU! Do you think Jesus Christ lived and died so that you can make money and drive your Mercedes and turn a blind eye, but your eye is blind, because you are corrupt! Those doors should be open, those pews should be burned and mattresses and bathrooms with showers should be added, you should be having families cooking and living in the house of the Lord, because this is why those buildings were built, this is why they are tax deductible, this is the plan God had for the world!
How dare you take money from us and then when we need you, you shun us away because we are homeless! Do you imagine that all those people who have lost their homes and loved ones are not shattered and traumatized? But you pastors and preachers and priests, don't care! The Salvation Army was killing people in Houston! I was born and raised in The Salvation army! Onward Christian have nothing to say to me and I have no time to listen to you! Liars and deceivers and thieves....the homeless are people, people who are suffering and God help me, there had better be a church out there that will do as Jesus Christ instructed and open your doors! What is wrong with you? The people living in shelters are your congregation, go and fetch them and take care of them! How much pain can we endure before we reach out and open those doors and walk in and claim what belongs to us? Why are you sleeping out in the cold when there is room in our Father;s house for all of us? Greed. Lust. Hunger for power. Your days are over and your time is marked! The people require shelter, love and protection, feed my sheep! This is a direct commandment! To love one another, the only true commandment we have is to love each other! Open the doors and feed the sheep! This is a final warning! You have been warned and you know better! You, the leaders of the churches know better! You are hereby charged with neglect and cruelty and dereliction of duty!
Amend your ways and start working towards bringing glory to the Kingdom of God or watch how you will crumble in despair and ashes! God speaks.....please listen! The message is coming from many sources and stubbornly you are the doors and feed the the doors and love all who require shelter from life's storms! Open the doors!
To the rest of us, judge not, condemn not, we have not had our homes taken from us yet, when we are homeless, we shall know the shame of labeling and we shall become invisible! I don't want to wait for disaster, I want to save us all from disaster now! We can do this, if we stand as ONE! One LOVE, ONE heart, ONE tomorrow for all!
So the price of our rent is increasing, they are burning down our homes, our havens, taking our sovereign right, our place of safety and when there is no haven from life's storms, we make shelters and we become homeless! Not every homeless person is a drug addict! Not everyone living on the street is an alcoholic! There are laws that prohibit us from feeding homeless! Those homeless are you and they are me! It's a matter of time, I have been down this road, I know what struggling is all about and I know what is happening out there. We have a family that we provide free accommodation too because they would be out on the street and they cannot afford to eat, let alone pay rent! My hubby and I are all that stand between them and a world of what? Nothing? Is nothing an option? There are hundreds and thousands of South Africans that are living on the charity of other South Africans, it's the only reason South Africa is still standing, because we help each other!
This has got to get to the rest of the world! Churches! No one is talking about the churches! Not one video is being made on YouTube about homeless and churches! You all silent and your doors are closed! FUCK YOU! Do you think Jesus Christ lived and died so that you can make money and drive your Mercedes and turn a blind eye, but your eye is blind, because you are corrupt! Those doors should be open, those pews should be burned and mattresses and bathrooms with showers should be added, you should be having families cooking and living in the house of the Lord, because this is why those buildings were built, this is why they are tax deductible, this is the plan God had for the world!
How dare you take money from us and then when we need you, you shun us away because we are homeless! Do you imagine that all those people who have lost their homes and loved ones are not shattered and traumatized? But you pastors and preachers and priests, don't care! The Salvation Army was killing people in Houston! I was born and raised in The Salvation army! Onward Christian have nothing to say to me and I have no time to listen to you! Liars and deceivers and thieves....the homeless are people, people who are suffering and God help me, there had better be a church out there that will do as Jesus Christ instructed and open your doors! What is wrong with you? The people living in shelters are your congregation, go and fetch them and take care of them! How much pain can we endure before we reach out and open those doors and walk in and claim what belongs to us? Why are you sleeping out in the cold when there is room in our Father;s house for all of us? Greed. Lust. Hunger for power. Your days are over and your time is marked! The people require shelter, love and protection, feed my sheep! This is a direct commandment! To love one another, the only true commandment we have is to love each other! Open the doors and feed the sheep! This is a final warning! You have been warned and you know better! You, the leaders of the churches know better! You are hereby charged with neglect and cruelty and dereliction of duty!
Amend your ways and start working towards bringing glory to the Kingdom of God or watch how you will crumble in despair and ashes! God speaks.....please listen! The message is coming from many sources and stubbornly you are the doors and feed the the doors and love all who require shelter from life's storms! Open the doors!
To the rest of us, judge not, condemn not, we have not had our homes taken from us yet, when we are homeless, we shall know the shame of labeling and we shall become invisible! I don't want to wait for disaster, I want to save us all from disaster now! We can do this, if we stand as ONE! One LOVE, ONE heart, ONE tomorrow for all!
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