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I am Just a Casual Smoker!

So, they want to get your weapons? They have already disarmed a majority of the world! Please note, are you paying attention? The Crime in those countries are worse off, far worse off than the citizens armed and defending themselves! But who the hell am I! Don't take my word for it! Do you know the difference between words and worlds? The Word is written but life is not present, in world, words are written filled with life! So decide, who are we? How did we all start smoking? The Movies! How did they make us all quit? They stopped smoking in the movies! In fact, it was the movies that have set every challenge that we face! We have race wars because we watch and imitate!  We mimic because we are the children of the Creator of this Universe and creating is what we do! They can only write, they cannot be, so they use us to fulfill their sick depraved thoughts! This is a working theory many millions believe, smokers have become demonized and somehow Marijuana/Cannabis/Hemp got looped in and became ridiculed and hated! It's beyond a sin to smoke pot! The wages of their sin, know no limit! They cannot come and take your gun as long as they are using guns on the screen! The gun is the protector, the defender and brings punishment and retribution! They love the gun as much as they want you to hate it! They worship anything that takes life and ends your dynamic energy! they feed on your dynamic energy! Do you grasp you are a food source to someone, you have become the carrot or the steak! The longer you tune into negativity the stronger their hold on you becomes and they are in a feeding frenzy! We have to wake up! But I thought I was awake, no we are not! We still eating at the SizeMe up quarter pounder.....her....pound her........we still having lunch and discussing in earnest our trivial pursuit!
      This is no game they are not playing!
They coming for our jobs, our homes and our lives! We have become expendable! Deplorable and expendable! Remember Jesus Christ told us: a house divided cannot stand!
Hold to justice (hold your weapons because they are the law makers!)
Hold to love (hold on to each other, churches you have to open the doors and save lives from the FEMA camps and we simply must stop pretending!
The Annunaki are here and we are under attack! Why else would President Trump have a classified meeting with President Putin, why else would President Putin need specialized weapons and why is the body that governs us so upset about the meeting of the world powers?
They can't take your weapons as long as they endorsing using them!
The Second Amendment (Amendment II) to the United States Constitution protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms and was adopted on December 15, 1791 as part of the Bill of Rights.[1][2][3][4] The Supreme Court has ruled that the right belongs to individuals for self-defense,[5][6] while also ruling that the right is not unlimited and does not prohibit long-standing bans from the possession "of firearms by felons or the mentally ill" of firearms or similar devices.[7][8] State and local governments are limited to the same extent as the federal government from infringing this right.[9]
The Second Amendment was based partially on the right to keep and bear arms in English common law and was influenced by the English Bill of Rights of 1689Sir William Blackstone described this right as an auxiliary right, supporting the natural rights of self-defense and resistance to oppression, and the civic duty to act in concert in defense of the state.[10]

Note the special reference to the British and note that the Steele Dossier was all the work of the British, note that B.O. has a twin, there are always two! While the one rests, the other one plays, how does a man from Kenya become related to the Royal family? The British are not to be trusted! Trust no man, look within and search your Soul and think about life and where we are going, slaves need to be controlled, we are rapidly becoming slaves, if not already! 
Annie, go get your gun!


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