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A Tribute to September 2001!

Orio, a New York Fire Fighter,managed to get the elevator to work and made it to the 40th floor, here he double timed the stairs in South Tower. He found bodies with 2-3 degree burns over 60% and 90% respectfully, on the 78th floor he found multiple 10-45's code for dead bodies! We know the doors to the roof: locked; as at least four people made their way to the roof and the doors were locked!
 Doors where people had previously stepped out onto the roof and drank in the view of the world. There is ample footage on YouTube that shows the splendid, incredible view from the towers, but on this day, the doors to the roof are locked! The floors 78-88 were renovated and the asbestos removed, this is the same place the plane it! The incredible co-incidence is mind blowing! This weakened the building considerably asbestos absorbs heat.
In the initial stages of extinguishing a fire the burning asbestos may become damaged to the point where the fibers are easily released into the air. Once exposed into the air, it is easy to breathe it, where it becomes lodged in tiny sacs lining organs, and the victim is not able to breath or cough them out.
FiresFire and asbestos have an intriguing history. Asbestos is one of the most heat-resistant substances known to man, yet it can be highly toxic when it is damaged by fire. ... But when structures catch fireasbestos products become damaged and release carcinogenic fibers that become airborne and transportable by smoke ...
Asbestos protects up to 1600 Fahrenheit, the building reach a temperature 3 times that of a nuclear plant and the building was able to sustain and hold this for an hour before it collapsed taking with it a tsunami of heat, the aftermath fills the heart with the knowledge that this is hell. The screaming of those trapped within the buildings can be clearly heard on various audio, at first I thought it was the crowd, but then I realized that they standing there hands over their mouths gasping in horror at what their eyes are seeing as people are throwing themselves from the building. 3 degree burns means the burn goes all the way to the actual flesh, a medium rare steak! This is important to read and we have to understand exactly what happened to these people. 14 000 people worked in the shopping mall beneath the towers, what happened to them? Unreported! There were 2 levels of parking and then the subway stations. Inside the building the alarm systems are telling the people not to leave the building! The voice is clearly recorded on the 911 tapes, do not vacate the building!    
This is a warning, in a neat orderly fashion please vacate the building is what I would have expected to hear, but they told not to panic and to remain inside the building. It took just ten seconds for the asbestos and the steel to crumble and crush and spread all over New York city, as asbestos was breathed in by a city notified that the air was safe to breathe. 
     You need to understand the extent of the fact that our leaders don't care about us! Can you grasp this now? They not coming to save you! Don't run with the crowd, run in the opposite direction, stand tall and stand proud, you an economic slave and you are on the kill list! We are being targeted and this is war and the war is starting with the poor. Just as there are people starving now, we too shall starve. They don't care! The building was a health hazard and it needed to come down, in taking down the tower many, many hundred and thousands will die and this is a win for Agenda 21. (reduce the population by 7 Billion, just how successful have they been?) 
Fires taking our homes, manufactured weather, chemtrails and vaccines, incredible times, but we better understand, our enemy is ruthless and wins at all costs, so think about what it is you want from life, because this world belongs to our children and their children and we have to break their evil and step up our game plan. Do you have a game plan? We govern technology, it does not govern us! Get off your knees and stop praying to God, He needs you fighting fit and ready to stand your ground, Love wins! The victory is ours because life lives and their evil is their death! 

I got to ask a few questions and these are the answers I received, from a certified fire prevention expert! The above is information he shared with me regarding his expertise with asbestos and Orio died in the towers, an incredible man who left loved ones that will never forget him, but none of us can forget him ever or the rest of those that died that day! The 14 000 workers in the shopping mall below the Twin Towers! WE REMEMBER YOU! 


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