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You Have Been Warned! (The Cry of the Human Spirit)

There are days when I have absolutely nothing to say to anyone! There is no hope, no faith, there is only despair. I see the negative and even come to embrace it. This has been happening a lot lately, but then there are days like today, when the sun burst through the darkness and light, love and endless possibility burns within the depths of my soul and I know it's always there. I just tend to ignore it. I allow myself to get caught up in the script of life. The narrative for the play we insist on acting out.
Life is a two edged sword. Everything is birthed with good intent, but for every good intention there is a direct opposite reaction, consequence or benefit, however you choose to phrase it. Complete the sentence....for every good intention there is........
The entire Universe was birthed in good intentions. A Creator is doomed to create this is what the Creator does, there must be because there matter how the New World Order sees it's path or maps out it's progression it will die because it is death. Nothing lives under control. A controlled environment is devoid of life. There is no germs, no contamination, nothing that happens under spontaneous creation....we cannot say that any race is chosen or desired, for all races are bred and born out of the stubbornness and the rebellion and the will to survive. Humanity will not be controlled we are the rebels and we will never concede to being chained, unless we willingly choose our chains. We have chosen our chains and we like our chains. We enjoy bullying each other, the illusion of power that comes with artificial intelligence and the power of the devices we use to hurt, destroy and take away everything from anyone we choose, we destroy each other lives and we don't care.
    If you have not come to realize that Q and President Donald Trump are a hoax then you still walking around with the zombies. The war between CNN and the President is just a massive excuse to take away more of our liberties and more of our freedom and more chains will be locked, sealed and we will stand here lost, wondering how we never saw this coming. Nothing is real. It's all just a huge smokescreen. We all breathing in poisoned air, eating contaminated food, our homes are burned, our jobs taken and we dying and as Michael Jackson told us, they really don't care! No one is coming to save us. Ambassador Chris Stevens had that terrible realization when the mob of terrorists pulled him from his "safe room" . Do you ever think about him? How he leaned against the walls listening to the mob, the shots fired, the bashing at the windows, the smell of smoke and his heart beating in his chest, no one is coming to save me! No one is coming! What did Jackie Kennedy think as she watched her husbands murderer sworn in as President: No one is coming to save me! They killed my husband right in front of me! No one went to prison. No one suffered for the death of innocents lives taken and no one ever will! This game that is being played is played with our lives and there are days when thinking about them and their sick evil twisted plots and plans sucks the life from me, but it's their lives that will die, their plans that will wither up and fade and will be crushed, death only encounters death! Life demands living! So, there is a new light that lives within me, whatever they do, death will find them, but there is every possibility that life and love will find you! All just appears lost, it's not lost, it's waiting for the right time to surface and claim the prize, life is for the living and in order to live we must be human!
Celebrate life! Victory belongs to humanity!
No one came to save many thousands of South African farmers, but someone came to South Africa and set the fire ablaze and that someone knows exactly the fate that awaits him. He knows exactly how he betrayed a race, he came wearing the skin of the black man and he betrayed this nation, the nation he choose to represent. Africa has had it's share of sorrows and hardships and African countries have cried, died and bled for their lands. Always it is a foreigner until the man from Africa came to destroy Africa itself! The Deceiver that delighted the ANC and with his smooth words and magic set about to destroy South Africa. Agenda 21 is replaced by Agenda 30! South Africa is well on it's way to being shell of a country, unless people of love and courage stand up and refuse to be controlled.
The most beautiful country, wild, free and untamed, with great blistering winds and big wonderful waves that crash on age old rocks, beautiful mountains and sunsets that are breathless as the rising sun is reassuring. This is our country and it does belong to you and me, but it is not ours. We cannot own anything, everything is on loan to us, when we die we do not take it with us, this is the inheritance of our children, can we find a truce and a peace that works for our children and brings peace, love and happiness back into our country. Of course we can negotiate peace and happiness, but that's not your agenda.
You can load the weapon, aim the weapon and fire......those are your decisions.....remember you raised the weapon, remember you loaded the weapon and remember you aimed and you fired....I gave you ample opportunity to think about your actions......there are many, many ways to resolve our issues, violence, anger and hatred are the weapons of your choice! I choose patience, wisdom and my resolve to never falter is firmly instilled.

The Cry of the Spirit:
Respond.....we will
Defend....we will
We will never back down
Idol threats is not what we make
We stand.....when men have fallen
We stand and We shall prevail!


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