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Zero Tolerance for Bullshit!

I don't care! I truly, deeply and honestly do not care! I am with my family and I am with my friends, I am out raising money for those that cannot work and need to eat! I don't care about your opinions and I care even less about your mind control tactics! You belong in the depths of hell and that's where I hope you find yourself. You have lied consistently to the people, your words do not match your actions and for those that are content being oblivious your consent empowers them! Your silence is interpreted as consent! Those that take to the street to inform the clueless, the sheep, the lost and the disinterested, are the soldiers, the brave and the courageous. This is your choice, to know, stand and fight, to fight for the flag that was given with good intentions, liberty, freedom, expression of ideas, meant everything to those that fought and died for the flag that is yours to hold and never to burn or spit on, never to be indifferent too! The country that offers you protection, the country of our respected birth is ours to cherish, defend and is the birth right of our children. We look and we see the indifference on those who sit in positions of power. How secure you all are, but the power that protects you will consume you and destroy you. There is no place to hide from the anger of the Father of Creation! There is no running, you will stand and you will face The Creator, the clay will answer to the Potter. You are educated with degrees and the holder of knowledge, yet you sit there wearing your suits and with a grin of complete ignorance agree to the destruction of mankind, which includes you! All the money and the all the agony spent acquiring this knowledge and you are all fools.
    You are required to have a smart ID!
You are an idiot for applying for one! You are enabling the system. If everyone does not apply, no one can be prosecuted, do you honestly think planes will fly without passengers? Stop complying and start resisting! How can you be the resistance if you are complying! May God give me strength as I am exhausted by the ignorance that swells like an ocean around me. I am a citizen, I am a human, I have a passport and I have identification, your smart ID can kiss my toes....I am walking away from all the bullshit and I am embracing life! Life is a choice....I am going to live and be free!


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