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The Purple Reign that Rules!  New Upload!!!

Always there had been this knowing instinctively that the color PURPLE was deeply symbolic and meaningful, but it escaped my understanding; however meditation and prayer and Nikki Haley sitting beside the president opened my eyes. The color purple is a pledge of allegiance, but to whom or to what? The the song purple rain came flooding into my mind and my body grew cold and still. It's also sacrifice. When Prince sang that song he knew what he was doing and he knew it was a matter of time before he too would become a sacrifice. Take a look at the lyrics:
I never wanted to be your weekend lover! What happens on weekends? We drink too much, and pretty much do what we want too, we all do, there is no judgment here. This is how we have been programmed and how we must correct our own programming.
I only wanted to be some kind of friend? Yes, the Deceiver wants to steal what can never belong to it!
Baby, I could never steal you from another! This is crucial information, we must go willingly, this is the trick, make us choose the invert of all that belongs to us and is freely given to all of us as this is our birth right, and please notice they cannot say His name! He is another! This struck me deeply because lately when asleep I go to another place, my experience is as real as the reality of sitting here typing this. Where do I go and what do I experience? Then the words of Jim Reeves came flooding into my mind, Don't let me cross over:
Don't let me cross over love's cheating line 
You belong to another and you'll never be mine 
I know one step closer, would be heaven divine 
Don't let me cross over love's cheating line
They cannot say His name! The name of Jesus Christ will not cross their lips unless it is in blasphemy and spoken in anger, watch any movie to know this is true and how many of us take the precious name of Yeshua our Messiah in the very same manner! We don't know what we are doing! We don't know what we are singing and we don't know what we are saying! 
I only want to see laughing in the purple rain! 
There is only one Prince of Peace and His name is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He was a carpenter and He was the very first celebrity whom crowds followed and listened and He fed them and taught them and His life bought the right of passage for us. The law of the Universe is a life for a life! So God so loved the world that He gave of Himself, and He came down here and walked among us and taught us and then He died for us! Only the life of a King could ransom all our lives and save all of us! 
Love is patient. Love is Kind. Read 1 Cor. 13! We will be known by the fruits we produce!
They intend to unleash a new religion:
This is not our way! This is not what we will accept nor will we stand for this deception. 
They will take my life, I care nothing about this world, but I will defend our rights and our inheritance and I will stand because I am the child of Another, I am the living, breathing child of Jesus Christ and I am their infection! The color purple is also the bragging rights to the cross of Reptilian/alien blood with human bloodlines. 
Hybrids. Do not fear, all is well, for God so loved us that He died for all of us! He shed His blood to cleanse all of us, Hybrids or humans, if you call on the name of Jesus Christ, you will be saved! There is mercy, there is forgiveness, there is love! There is hope, faith, but always LOVE! 
This is their weapon, when we know what they do, we know how to detect their bullshit and we know how to see them and never be deceived again. Essentially their spirit is dead, they are the walking dead, they cannot create and are doomed to repeat the same stuff over and over again, because their creativity has died. This is why they repeat the same political games, they fresh out of ideas and they can only repeat themselves: Monica Lewinsky, Stormy Daniels, Chrissie Ford........same thing over and over again! Watch enough television and you will see unless they get fresh ideas that are still alive and plugged into the Creator, they are doomed to repeat and rehash the same old plot! All they want to do is feed, they must have human energy to keep them alive. 
When Michael Jackson gave us: ALL I WANT TO SAY IS THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT US!

For The Love of Purple! Only A Prince Could Give US this Song!
He claimed he didn't know what this meant!
It's the hybrid sign, when two bloodlines are mixed, then we are presented with this! Look at it!
The eye of Horace,

The Cross references Humanity, human bloodline and the arrow pointing down is as above so below! 
He knew exactly what this was and now so do you! 

There is only ONE! We belong to another, Thank you Jesus Christ! Thank you Our Creator, thank you that you are ours! Hold us now and forever always closer to you, in Jesus we trust! 

God have mercy on all of us! 
God be with us!


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