The Rules of Engagement! To understand, what difference it makes, dear lady, you need to comprehend the Rules of Engagement! There are words that are meaningless to many nowadays, words like Honor, Respect, Commitment, Courage, death and life.....watching friends, colleagues and fellow soldiers fighting for their lives and being unable to help. Complete and utter helplessness while others sat and watched from the safety and comfort of their arm chairs in a plush paid for office in Washington D.C. while men died fighting for the very freedom meaningless to those who watched their demise and issued orders to stand down.
This is what you find when you google Rules of Engagement:
This is what you find when you google Rules of Engagement:
Forgotten is the movie that reminds us of honor, where a Marine goes above and beyond the call of Duty to not only get the Ambassador to safety, but He waited until the flag was placed in the hands of the Ambassador.
Great movies that instilled pride, patriotism, values and they being erased along with our values, our morals and our lives dictated by Hollywood, we are a Hollywood creation, we think, talk and live Hollywood, they exist because of us! We don't need them, they need us and when they want to control is and change us, they do so!
And we forget about our morals, values and we become their creation. The question is: who is our Creator? We don't leave men behind when we can send help and we reach out and save each other regardless, we do not issue stand down orders and you as a woman, as a politician, as a mother, as a human watched and did nothing to save those in peril in Benghazi!
That is what happened! This is what we will never forget! Benghazi broke our hearts and shattered the oaths and betrayed all of the world especially all Americans! Ambassador Chris Stevens died and that is what makes all the difference in the world and you are not dismissed and not absolved and not forgiven, you are a traitor and your opinion is irrelevant. The time for being Civil is passed!
The Rules of Engagement were not applied as no orders were given to rescue and save the Ambassador Christopher Stevens!
RIP.....never shall you be forgotten or erased from our minds!
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