They are planning two attacks that will be launched at the same time!
Aaron has taken the time and brings us a compelling case that we need to take the time, make the time and watch.
Hollywood has told us Time is up!
We know they have gone underground and into their bunkers.
We have watched Deep Impact and we know we are living in the last days. They want blood, they want sacrifice and they want to harvest!
Shark as a Celtic Animal Symbol. The Celts felt the dorsal fin of a Shark looked much like the sacred sickle of the Druids. Because of that, the shark symbolizes a successful hunt, the harvest and survival ability.
Hello snowflakes, here we are, open our eyes and please watch what Aaron is telling you.
You don't have to be a sacrifice, get out and go where you are safe and there is safe territory!
Please watch the The Final solve and may God be with all of us.
In Jesus Christ we trust, rest and stand.
Our homes burning is their harvest, please wake up!
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