I, pet goat, too, is simply too disturbing, besides the declaration of "I" being a pet goat too and not a sheep, for there is only one good shepherd and that is Jesus Christ and we are sheep and not goats, but there are goats. Those that refuse Jesus, those that laugh, sneer or dismiss the notion of Jesus Christ are in fact goats.
This is someone's pet! remember the song, little boxes? https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/walkofftheearth/littleboxes.html
Well, take a look at this picture. This is a concentration camp. The spotlights, the barbed wire fence and the goat with stamp of approval on it's forehead. Count me out, I am not interested in this lifestyle. All this is; is human farming. Shan from YouTube decoded a conversation that took place between reporters on the morning of September 11, 2001. They talk about those killed as "skips" and "suet" This is what humanity is, just feeding grounds for these things, whatever they maybe, reptilians, demons, monsters from the abyss, whatever they are, there's nothing peaceful, kind or loving about them. This is not why we were created, we were made to love, laugh, hug and hold each other, to protect and share this incredible gift of life, but they want to brand us like cattle, place us in cages and use us for their entertainment. The joke is on us only if we sit back and allow them to control our mind. It's a precious gift being able to think and dream and plan and there is nothing wrong with wanting a better future for all of us, we can out think them, we can destroy them, but their mind control just might be the basis of our destruction. Greed, power, deceit, lust, sex, mostly they have used sex to feed their own filthy twisted needs and corrupted society. Unspeakable acts committed against us, but feeding us with human flesh is the last straw that simply cannot be tolerated. We do not know their sick twisted games or deeds, but there is One who sees and knows their plans. They truly believe they have incapacitated Jesus Christ. They believe they have won and we are powerless and helpless, I don't think we are as powerless as they would like us to believe. I have witnessed some powerful events in my life and there is nothing that God cannot change, break or alter. While i, pet goat, 2, is filled with predictive programming, ultimately God rules this Universe and no weapon formed against us will prosper unless He permits. In Revelation God clearly states that if we do not forgive we will be given over to the tormentors, forgiveness is essential, if we are to ascend. The day of the dead is a celebration, just discovered this, there are human beings that celebrate the dead. Seriously, what are we thinking? let the dead rest in peace. Can we focus on living? Halloween. Another bizarre holiday where innocent children are dressed as witches, wizards and demons and the dead and it's fun! We heading into some very dangerous times, many people are talking about this being it, the end of times. This is It, Michael Jackson told us, many, many people are testifying, dreaming and experiencing the end of our days on this planet. If this is the end, fill them with love, share what you can and be kind to each other. If November 2 or 3 comes into play, this is all the time we have and we can do this our way, we can love like there's no tomorrow, care and reach out and show we are more than mere goats, we are love, we are infinite possibility and we are here now. There just is too much evil in this world and if you think you don't make a difference, think again. You change everything. Your ability to love, hug and simply be there changes the cosmic vibrations, you open your heart to love and allow Jesus Christ to step into your life and create within you a new being, then everything changes and darkness is defeated. You are no longer a candle in the wind, you are light none can extinguish. They will try, they will come at you with everything in their arsenal, but you will stand firm, true and strong, unafraid and victorious. Remember these people are essentially cowards, they do not die for their cause. They do not fight wars, they hide to save their hide! They do not engage in a fight they know they will loose, we have many, many ways to defeat them, show your love for Jesus and be free! We worry about things we cannot control, we are obsessed with everything, looking back over these past 18 years, so much time and very little spent on what makes me happy. Perhaps we will make an effort to be kinder, nicer, more gentle. Throw away our televisions and spend more time doing and less time moping around, more time enjoying our lives and less time fighting, arguing and hating. More time listening and less time abusing, may we face each day with love, these are the last days of our lives and should we live to face another millennium, may we face it with hearts filled with the love of Jesus Christ, may we be all we were created and meant to be and walk in the love of the Creator who gave us this incredible planet and we call it home for a reason as it's ours.
Incredible, this most amazing beautiful, intriguing world on the verge of destruction by complete self possessed evil that seeks only to consume and destroy, in their efforts to mold us into their image, we allowed ourselves to be completely immersed in their logic, consumed by their arrogance and we turned our back on everything that was essentially unique and beautiful about us.
36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Mark 8:36
Our Soul. The most precious and beautiful of all gifts, the reason we exist and the reason they hate us. Our Soul, our being, the essence of who we are and no amount of destruction can erase the beauty that lived here. This world deserved better than what it received, the life on this planet deserved respect, majestic dolphins slaughtered and murdered regarded as pests of the ocean. Defenseless animals, their skins ripped from their bodies as they struggled alive and we can only imagine the pain, children tormented, babies raped and organs harvested. Yes, this world knows cruelty and abuse, it's dark, cold and sinister. Soon it won't matter any more and the warnings will be a waste of time. We are either sheep or goats, the clock is ticking and another day is dawning.
God bless and protect all of humanity.
In God we trust always!
i, am a pet goat too, is just more subliminal programming and more mind control! It's just a disinformation, feeding all the lies and deceit already put into this crazy world, I know very well that I cannot find truth in deceit and so looking or investigating this rubbish is a waste of time. Yes, the FEMA camps are dangerous and yes, do not follow the crowd, if we want to live, we have to think outside the box and this entire 7 minute clip is just one big deceit after another, do not ever think that President George W. Bush is a dummy. The best con artists in the world hide right in plane sight. These people corrupted the word of God, they know it better than we ever could and they know how to manipulate our minds and events. We are being ruled by highly intelligent cold, cruel, manipulative and cunning leaders, this pet goat is leading us down a path we want to go because it's all so familiar. The world wants leadership and direction, what we need to grasp is that we need each other, we are the solution, combined we are the solution, divided we are weak and defenseless. Who came up with the name of Lily for the girl in this pet goat diversion? Lilith. Now that just opens up a whole new can of worms, because if Lilith is the girl and she seduced Adam and with her twins fled from Eden taking many of the angels with her, then we would be presented with a whole new ball game. because twins is important here, they tried to convince us that this was Cain and Abel, and Eve got dumped with all the sin, but there is always Lilith that no one truly wants to talk about and we have got to ask why? The transgender, gender swapping, what did Lilith conspire and what games did she play with Adam and Eve, judging from the Game of Thrones, she was definitely not boring. Game of Thrones tells us we have a flay Earth, which is interesting, now why would they go out of their way to tell us this is a planet and all that goes with that theory. Intent. Everything is about discovering the intent that motivates the lies being forced on humanity. There may very well be an attack in November 2018, as sure as God is in Eden with Jesus beside Him, we know they are targeting our homes using weapons of weather and mass weapons of destruction, burning down our homes, leaving us homeless and vulnerable with FEMA camps coming to the rescue, there is one safe place, dead territory. No satellite, no cell phones, no signal, it's dead ground and you will be safe there. There are more questions, but for now, the answer lies in the arms of Jesus Christ, surrender all your fears, all your sorrows and all your regrets and discover peace, love and think about everything. You have a unique perspective, you are unique, precious and required here. You are not a goat, you are priceless! And the Son of Creation gave His life for all of us.
Enlightenment. The search for knowledge. A select few will know the "truth" select schools, select jobs, select lifestyles, select jobs, secure in their arrogance of knowing they know the truth, and are on the path to find enlightenment. Bill Gates actually believes he is saving the planet as he destroys lives with his vaccines, they believe that what they are doing is for the good of this planet and for the greater good of mankind, they cannot see because they have pledged allegiance and their loyalty blinds them and keeps them focused only on what they are doing. Self seeking praise as they destroy all that is worth preserving and all that is our treasures and precious to us. They don't care, because we are stupid, uninformed and cannot see the light. We see because Jesus gives us life and this is what they crave for their souls are dead to them. They have lost the ability to feel, laughter causes them pain and is manic and distasteful, we see this and know this. They have no morals and no sense of what is good, right or wrong, they only know they want and must have and they are forced to consume. Our leaders are in a desperate plight and they are leading us into the shadow of the valley of death. We don't have to follow, we follow by choice, we follow because we think it's cool, neat and Jesus is outdated. Jesus Christ breaks mind control, He comes in and restores our mind and gives us back compassion, love and caring. Jesus makes this world a better place to live in and He restores. Their enlightenment is the path to their destruction.
This is someone's pet! remember the song, little boxes? https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/walkofftheearth/littleboxes.html
Well, take a look at this picture. This is a concentration camp. The spotlights, the barbed wire fence and the goat with stamp of approval on it's forehead. Count me out, I am not interested in this lifestyle. All this is; is human farming. Shan from YouTube decoded a conversation that took place between reporters on the morning of September 11, 2001. They talk about those killed as "skips" and "suet" This is what humanity is, just feeding grounds for these things, whatever they maybe, reptilians, demons, monsters from the abyss, whatever they are, there's nothing peaceful, kind or loving about them. This is not why we were created, we were made to love, laugh, hug and hold each other, to protect and share this incredible gift of life, but they want to brand us like cattle, place us in cages and use us for their entertainment. The joke is on us only if we sit back and allow them to control our mind. It's a precious gift being able to think and dream and plan and there is nothing wrong with wanting a better future for all of us, we can out think them, we can destroy them, but their mind control just might be the basis of our destruction. Greed, power, deceit, lust, sex, mostly they have used sex to feed their own filthy twisted needs and corrupted society. Unspeakable acts committed against us, but feeding us with human flesh is the last straw that simply cannot be tolerated. We do not know their sick twisted games or deeds, but there is One who sees and knows their plans. They truly believe they have incapacitated Jesus Christ. They believe they have won and we are powerless and helpless, I don't think we are as powerless as they would like us to believe. I have witnessed some powerful events in my life and there is nothing that God cannot change, break or alter. While i, pet goat, 2, is filled with predictive programming, ultimately God rules this Universe and no weapon formed against us will prosper unless He permits. In Revelation God clearly states that if we do not forgive we will be given over to the tormentors, forgiveness is essential, if we are to ascend. The day of the dead is a celebration, just discovered this, there are human beings that celebrate the dead. Seriously, what are we thinking? let the dead rest in peace. Can we focus on living? Halloween. Another bizarre holiday where innocent children are dressed as witches, wizards and demons and the dead and it's fun! We heading into some very dangerous times, many people are talking about this being it, the end of times. This is It, Michael Jackson told us, many, many people are testifying, dreaming and experiencing the end of our days on this planet. If this is the end, fill them with love, share what you can and be kind to each other. If November 2 or 3 comes into play, this is all the time we have and we can do this our way, we can love like there's no tomorrow, care and reach out and show we are more than mere goats, we are love, we are infinite possibility and we are here now. There just is too much evil in this world and if you think you don't make a difference, think again. You change everything. Your ability to love, hug and simply be there changes the cosmic vibrations, you open your heart to love and allow Jesus Christ to step into your life and create within you a new being, then everything changes and darkness is defeated. You are no longer a candle in the wind, you are light none can extinguish. They will try, they will come at you with everything in their arsenal, but you will stand firm, true and strong, unafraid and victorious. Remember these people are essentially cowards, they do not die for their cause. They do not fight wars, they hide to save their hide! They do not engage in a fight they know they will loose, we have many, many ways to defeat them, show your love for Jesus and be free! We worry about things we cannot control, we are obsessed with everything, looking back over these past 18 years, so much time and very little spent on what makes me happy. Perhaps we will make an effort to be kinder, nicer, more gentle. Throw away our televisions and spend more time doing and less time moping around, more time enjoying our lives and less time fighting, arguing and hating. More time listening and less time abusing, may we face each day with love, these are the last days of our lives and should we live to face another millennium, may we face it with hearts filled with the love of Jesus Christ, may we be all we were created and meant to be and walk in the love of the Creator who gave us this incredible planet and we call it home for a reason as it's ours.
Incredible, this most amazing beautiful, intriguing world on the verge of destruction by complete self possessed evil that seeks only to consume and destroy, in their efforts to mold us into their image, we allowed ourselves to be completely immersed in their logic, consumed by their arrogance and we turned our back on everything that was essentially unique and beautiful about us.
36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Mark 8:36
Our Soul. The most precious and beautiful of all gifts, the reason we exist and the reason they hate us. Our Soul, our being, the essence of who we are and no amount of destruction can erase the beauty that lived here. This world deserved better than what it received, the life on this planet deserved respect, majestic dolphins slaughtered and murdered regarded as pests of the ocean. Defenseless animals, their skins ripped from their bodies as they struggled alive and we can only imagine the pain, children tormented, babies raped and organs harvested. Yes, this world knows cruelty and abuse, it's dark, cold and sinister. Soon it won't matter any more and the warnings will be a waste of time. We are either sheep or goats, the clock is ticking and another day is dawning.
God bless and protect all of humanity.
In God we trust always!
i, am a pet goat too, is just more subliminal programming and more mind control! It's just a disinformation, feeding all the lies and deceit already put into this crazy world, I know very well that I cannot find truth in deceit and so looking or investigating this rubbish is a waste of time. Yes, the FEMA camps are dangerous and yes, do not follow the crowd, if we want to live, we have to think outside the box and this entire 7 minute clip is just one big deceit after another, do not ever think that President George W. Bush is a dummy. The best con artists in the world hide right in plane sight. These people corrupted the word of God, they know it better than we ever could and they know how to manipulate our minds and events. We are being ruled by highly intelligent cold, cruel, manipulative and cunning leaders, this pet goat is leading us down a path we want to go because it's all so familiar. The world wants leadership and direction, what we need to grasp is that we need each other, we are the solution, combined we are the solution, divided we are weak and defenseless. Who came up with the name of Lily for the girl in this pet goat diversion? Lilith. Now that just opens up a whole new can of worms, because if Lilith is the girl and she seduced Adam and with her twins fled from Eden taking many of the angels with her, then we would be presented with a whole new ball game. because twins is important here, they tried to convince us that this was Cain and Abel, and Eve got dumped with all the sin, but there is always Lilith that no one truly wants to talk about and we have got to ask why? The transgender, gender swapping, what did Lilith conspire and what games did she play with Adam and Eve, judging from the Game of Thrones, she was definitely not boring. Game of Thrones tells us we have a flay Earth, which is interesting, now why would they go out of their way to tell us this is a planet and all that goes with that theory. Intent. Everything is about discovering the intent that motivates the lies being forced on humanity. There may very well be an attack in November 2018, as sure as God is in Eden with Jesus beside Him, we know they are targeting our homes using weapons of weather and mass weapons of destruction, burning down our homes, leaving us homeless and vulnerable with FEMA camps coming to the rescue, there is one safe place, dead territory. No satellite, no cell phones, no signal, it's dead ground and you will be safe there. There are more questions, but for now, the answer lies in the arms of Jesus Christ, surrender all your fears, all your sorrows and all your regrets and discover peace, love and think about everything. You have a unique perspective, you are unique, precious and required here. You are not a goat, you are priceless! And the Son of Creation gave His life for all of us.
Enlightenment. The search for knowledge. A select few will know the "truth" select schools, select jobs, select lifestyles, select jobs, secure in their arrogance of knowing they know the truth, and are on the path to find enlightenment. Bill Gates actually believes he is saving the planet as he destroys lives with his vaccines, they believe that what they are doing is for the good of this planet and for the greater good of mankind, they cannot see because they have pledged allegiance and their loyalty blinds them and keeps them focused only on what they are doing. Self seeking praise as they destroy all that is worth preserving and all that is our treasures and precious to us. They don't care, because we are stupid, uninformed and cannot see the light. We see because Jesus gives us life and this is what they crave for their souls are dead to them. They have lost the ability to feel, laughter causes them pain and is manic and distasteful, we see this and know this. They have no morals and no sense of what is good, right or wrong, they only know they want and must have and they are forced to consume. Our leaders are in a desperate plight and they are leading us into the shadow of the valley of death. We don't have to follow, we follow by choice, we follow because we think it's cool, neat and Jesus is outdated. Jesus Christ breaks mind control, He comes in and restores our mind and gives us back compassion, love and caring. Jesus makes this world a better place to live in and He restores. Their enlightenment is the path to their destruction.
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