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They Erasing Our Past! Do You Know What that Means?

Re-writing history, that's your intentions! But you cannot make memories disappear, we know you want too, but somewhere deep within hidden and disguised, the feelings will linger and they will break free and humanity will remember. There is only One Six Million Dollar Man, one Magnum P.I.....this junk you call television isn't worth it's weight in toilet paper! YouTube has gone to the disinformation-ers, disguising themselves as "Truthers" Humanity has been tormented and tortured with Geostorm , all we watch mentions FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, it's all bullshit that is baffling the brain and we are so gullible we actually sit and watch it! The Fact that there is a highway to hell and a stairway to Heaven speaks volumes of the intended traffic flow! Our minds are so fragile, beautiful and perfectly created, we are artists, everything we do is pure art and in every single one of us do things differently! We are beautiful beyond description and magnificent with our compassion, kindness, ability to love, hug and forgive! We have destroyed Earth! Do you understand and comprehend what we have done?
Every one of us contributed to the destruction of this! God created lavender, orange blossoms, filled the Earth with scents, fragrance, spice and aromas,and we created this:
Job well done! This is your progress, this is your amazing new inventions and creations that we just had to have and could not live without, buy, consume, spend, work, debt, mortgage, credit cards, bills, deductions, and tax! This is progress, this stench that fills the air and has windows closed, there is no fresh air and this is being written by a smoker! The irony slays me! Messing with our minds! Less sugar, no sugar, sugar free! No butter, buy margarine, no margarine is one molecule away from plastic! First we needed a typewriter, then we needed an electric typewriter, than we had to have computers, then we had windows, now we have to buy a license and renewal, upon renewals, dig deeper into our pockets! Rules, rules and regulations and this is freedom, when they done with us, we will walk the walk of the zombie, the walk of the living dead!
Cern ceremony! Miserable as they have sucked the joy, happiness and love from us! We already don't have anything good to say about each other, nothing kind, we twist everything and make each other out to be so bad, so nasty. Can we sit back and observe our behavior and give them a round of applause! Played to perfection! First they hate you, then they fight you, then you win, but you have only won your own chains! You have not won! True liberation comes in being a free thinker and a free thinker does not follow the crowd! A free thinker observes and while they telling you the water is safe and there are no more sharks, beware because there's a highway that they have opened up and they played their Trump card and now they just waiting to put the shackles on you permanently!
Barack Obama told you don't wait for a Messiah, you don't need too, He already lives within you and His children know His voice! Silver and Gold have I none, Jesus said: But what I have I give to You, freely, without costing you one dime, it's completely free, trust and obey, the voice of Yeshua that lives within you and you will not be deceived! We dance for the living God the Father, Our Creator and when He returns the deceiver is very afraid, for every day that day draws closer and the deceiver knows the depth of their crime and will face their punishment. You are called to a higher creation, you answer to love and all you have to do is forgive 77x7! This is our challenge to forgive and to love unconditionally, to be kind and be understanding because we know we are tempted daily to do anything and everything that is not LOVE! Hate is their food, their mission, their lust, we are Love and we cannot be lukewarm, we are Love! Before you throw more concrete, the Earth needs life, it needs to breathe and it needs to heal! Together we can heal the Earth! Plant and grow, feel the soil in your fingers and absorb the goodness of the Earth. We can save ourselves, plant and plant and plant, not just seeds in our gardens but in our hearts. The Constant Gardener is Yeshua for he tends the weeds that grow in our hearts and He cultivates and nurtures as He watches us grow in His Love. We are called to be constant gardeners of the Soul, our soul, pull out the hate, forgive the anger, let go of the pain, we have hurt someone, somewhere and we need forgiveness, otherwise we are pot bound, roots staggering and we will die! Plant love in the hearts of all we meet, plant kindness, care, concern and understanding, words from I shot the sheriff!
Sheriff John Brown always hated me
For what I don't know
Ev'ry time I plant a seed
He said, "Kill it before it grows."
He said, "Kill them before they grow."
2841/darkness comes from waters gathering above, were we not told there was a storm coming? He returns this darkness, for what? A fav Bob Marley quote!
Jesus Christ asked: Why do you hate me?

You could embrace all that is beautiful and all that is pure and glorious, but we chose this stench and it makes no sense! I am in a period of great testing, teaching me to let go and the anxiety, fear and panic happens simultaneously, we have been told the time is up, embrace each other and live to be happy now! Seize this moment and feel joy, feel love, feel sorrow, just feel! Open up and feel because this is why were are created and we are compelled to feel and be felt and be understood as to understand. 

God be with all of us! 
We Are Constant Gardeners
Planting Love and Kindness as we go
shielding, protecting, standing; 
never doubting, we know our Messiah
We know He returns and we Know we are ONE!
One Body, many separate and individual functions,
we reach for the Son of Creation and we Grow Strong!

So many lies, so much deceit, lives built on sand castles
the past is gone, it's dead and buried, stolen from us
But we are here now, we are alive and living!
Being a material girl is like a virgin,
but not a virgin at all!
Our first car, first kiss, first....
life is about first and the lack of respect 
for all that has gone before will not be tolerated!

Our past stands and it stands as it was created
The firsts of our lives will never die
The first is all that matters
The first, the last is our everything!
The first celebrity was Jesus Christ of Nazareth!
No admittance fee, no ticket sales, 
The first Martyr 
a person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs.

It said: “For what profits a man if he gains the whole world but loses his own soul”. If I had won that Senate race I might well have gone on to “gain the whole world” and lost my own soul.Apr 26, 2008

It is said? Who said? 
Take Up Your Cross
25For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. 26Whatwill it profit a man if he gains the whole world, yetforfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? 27For the Son of Man will come in His Father’s glory with His angels, and then He will repay each one according to what he has done.…Matt 16:26

We have a right to our history and hands off our history! It is what it our history is erasing our past and that's just unacceptable! 


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