I owe, I owe, it's off to work I go......only the Government has no problem with a shutdown! My son has a theory, when you want an animal to do something starve them and then place the food where you want the animal and they will find a way to get there.....so if you want to load pigs, starve them and then put the food on the back of the vehicle and they will walk that ramp......but we have no problem paying our taxes despite everything we know to be wrong, unjust and a violation of every law created to protect respective citizens for our constitutions are being violated worldwide!
It's amazing how we will pay our taxes and yet stand by and submit to a government shutdown. Obama did it and now Trump! They have absolutely no problem closing down a system that is supposed to be there by the people, for the people, yet the people are the first effected and the last anyone of our elected are concerned about. Are you getting a tax cut while everything has ground to a halt? You paying for this shutdown in ways you will find out sooner than later! Don't you think it's about time you shutdown your ability to be a coward and make a stand and simply refuse collectively to be bullied? Passive protest is still protest, I know because I passive protest on issues that effect me and it works! I get results when I refuse to comply, imagine the ocean of humanity simply standing up and saying: no more now! Mandatory flu shots given at the Golden Globes....it's just a ploy, more brainwashing until you walking on the street and are forced to take a flu shot are you ready for this?
Are you prepared to be bullied into situations where you acquiesce? We accept without protest on a daily basis, we watch and absorb as the greatest pile of steaming defecation which we have to live in and then they create ways that cost us more money when it's not our defecation that is our problem.
Every day I am hearing: It is what it is and I can tell you all that right about now, it is what it is, may very well be the truth, but I don't have to accept it! It will be what we want it to be because that is the power given to us! We have forgotten our power, our influence, we voted in Trump, we voted in Obama, sure they danced their dance, spilled their magic, but nothing could be done without our collective agreement! So agreeing to stuff that is killing us! Any way this is just another pointless blog that no one will care about and everything I write is just words in the matrix, but that's okay, I don't plan on changing the world, I plan on speaking my mind and this is my intent and whatever is on my mind will be discussed, disclosed and confined to this space. This is mine and these are my words and this is my thoughts and they live here! Nothing would give me greater pleasure than watching us come together and saying collectively no more today! It's happened in France, It happened in Bangkok, it happened England (Tommy Robinson as well as the London riots) I believe in law and order when it protects the citizens and defends the citizens of respective countries, but I am done with being bullied by those elected to protect us and all they do is drain us of our resources and sit back and make us squirm as the prices increase, our stress skyrockets and our lives become less than......I don't want government assistance, I would sooner starve than put myself at the mercy of any government department! I don't want food stamps and I am not asking for discount, I am simply saying that if they can shutdown the government, why are we afraid to stand our ground?
There's a hero that lives within all of us and that hero wants an opportunity to stand up and declare: Hey you, I am not a doormat, I am not here for you to take a dump on, I am a citizen and I am invoking my right to say no more now! Say No....because no one asked us any way! The game of monopoly is becoming very interesting, every January we pass begin and we are yet to collect our 200 dollars and there is no free parking, hotels and accommodation, trains and buses, community chest and take a chance just gets us jailed with no get out of jail free card! Did you know you a pawn in the game of monopoly and that no one cares if your home burned down, a home you signed title deeds, applied for a loan and that home is gone because of a random camp fire that is perfectly controlled? They truly think we are stupid! In their arrogance they have forgotten that we might be silent, but that's just shock, when the shock wears off and the anger sets in, anarchy is pointless, it's what they waiting for, it's their wet dream, mass murder caused by our stress and inability to cope with the outrageous unfairness! WE KNOW our leaders have betrayed us, we know weapons were deployed to take away everything that is sacred and represents safety, security and that's our homes! Burning our homes is cowardly, killing those that speak out is cowardly, censorship is cowardly, let's face it....they cowards! So what are we waiting for? If you know a currency collapse is coming pay the stuff that matters and stop paying your mortgage, keep cash on you at all times, refuse to go cashless! When you know what they want, why are you giving it, why are you feeding the beast? The banking system is the beast, surely we have come to understand that by now? Cash is King.....why should we go down without a fight, hold on tight to your cash and spend it wisely! Wisdom is required.....forget the distractions.....think about your actions! You buy and you created the giants that are planning our destruction. Amazon is a monster company....bet you have an Alexa in your home? Standing on the sidewalk yesterday in peak hour traffic watching the cars move bumper to bumper and the drivers are texting as they drive! Not kidding, true story! It's only your life behind the wheel.......but that little black phone lives in the palm of your hand and you cannot wait a second......incredible. I am on the sidewalk watching as you drive past with the cell phone in your hand and it's bumper to bumper traffic and every time you hit the brake, you check your phone.....what are you doing? What are we doing? Do you know where you going? Do you like the things that life is showing you? Where are you going to? Do you know? Do you care?
It's amazing how we will pay our taxes and yet stand by and submit to a government shutdown. Obama did it and now Trump! They have absolutely no problem closing down a system that is supposed to be there by the people, for the people, yet the people are the first effected and the last anyone of our elected are concerned about. Are you getting a tax cut while everything has ground to a halt? You paying for this shutdown in ways you will find out sooner than later! Don't you think it's about time you shutdown your ability to be a coward and make a stand and simply refuse collectively to be bullied? Passive protest is still protest, I know because I passive protest on issues that effect me and it works! I get results when I refuse to comply, imagine the ocean of humanity simply standing up and saying: no more now! Mandatory flu shots given at the Golden Globes....it's just a ploy, more brainwashing until you walking on the street and are forced to take a flu shot are you ready for this?
Are you prepared to be bullied into situations where you acquiesce? We accept without protest on a daily basis, we watch and absorb as the greatest pile of steaming defecation which we have to live in and then they create ways that cost us more money when it's not our defecation that is our problem.
Every day I am hearing: It is what it is and I can tell you all that right about now, it is what it is, may very well be the truth, but I don't have to accept it! It will be what we want it to be because that is the power given to us! We have forgotten our power, our influence, we voted in Trump, we voted in Obama, sure they danced their dance, spilled their magic, but nothing could be done without our collective agreement! So agreeing to stuff that is killing us! Any way this is just another pointless blog that no one will care about and everything I write is just words in the matrix, but that's okay, I don't plan on changing the world, I plan on speaking my mind and this is my intent and whatever is on my mind will be discussed, disclosed and confined to this space. This is mine and these are my words and this is my thoughts and they live here! Nothing would give me greater pleasure than watching us come together and saying collectively no more today! It's happened in France, It happened in Bangkok, it happened England (Tommy Robinson as well as the London riots) I believe in law and order when it protects the citizens and defends the citizens of respective countries, but I am done with being bullied by those elected to protect us and all they do is drain us of our resources and sit back and make us squirm as the prices increase, our stress skyrockets and our lives become less than......I don't want government assistance, I would sooner starve than put myself at the mercy of any government department! I don't want food stamps and I am not asking for discount, I am simply saying that if they can shutdown the government, why are we afraid to stand our ground?
There's a hero that lives within all of us and that hero wants an opportunity to stand up and declare: Hey you, I am not a doormat, I am not here for you to take a dump on, I am a citizen and I am invoking my right to say no more now! Say No....because no one asked us any way! The game of monopoly is becoming very interesting, every January we pass begin and we are yet to collect our 200 dollars and there is no free parking, hotels and accommodation, trains and buses, community chest and take a chance just gets us jailed with no get out of jail free card! Did you know you a pawn in the game of monopoly and that no one cares if your home burned down, a home you signed title deeds, applied for a loan and that home is gone because of a random camp fire that is perfectly controlled? They truly think we are stupid! In their arrogance they have forgotten that we might be silent, but that's just shock, when the shock wears off and the anger sets in, anarchy is pointless, it's what they waiting for, it's their wet dream, mass murder caused by our stress and inability to cope with the outrageous unfairness! WE KNOW our leaders have betrayed us, we know weapons were deployed to take away everything that is sacred and represents safety, security and that's our homes! Burning our homes is cowardly, killing those that speak out is cowardly, censorship is cowardly, let's face it....they cowards! So what are we waiting for? If you know a currency collapse is coming pay the stuff that matters and stop paying your mortgage, keep cash on you at all times, refuse to go cashless! When you know what they want, why are you giving it, why are you feeding the beast? The banking system is the beast, surely we have come to understand that by now? Cash is King.....why should we go down without a fight, hold on tight to your cash and spend it wisely! Wisdom is required.....forget the distractions.....think about your actions! You buy and you created the giants that are planning our destruction. Amazon is a monster company....bet you have an Alexa in your home? Standing on the sidewalk yesterday in peak hour traffic watching the cars move bumper to bumper and the drivers are texting as they drive! Not kidding, true story! It's only your life behind the wheel.......but that little black phone lives in the palm of your hand and you cannot wait a second......incredible. I am on the sidewalk watching as you drive past with the cell phone in your hand and it's bumper to bumper traffic and every time you hit the brake, you check your phone.....what are you doing? What are we doing? Do you know where you going? Do you like the things that life is showing you? Where are you going to? Do you know? Do you care?
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