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Thank you Shanann!

If I sit long enough and watch enough footage and wrack my brain enough, there will never be an answer to some questions, but what is clear is that one of two things happened on the 13 August 2018.  Either police knew from the start that he was the subject, the principal suspect or they were incredibly incompetent. A missing pregnant mother with her two small children and they question Chris Watts as though its just an ordinary day.  She is missing. Where is the sense of panic, rush the first 48 hours are the most important, the police had to know he killed his wife and children or they were just damn useless. The only sense of urgency came from Shanann friend, where is Shanann? Where are the girls? Christopher Lee Watts what have you done with your wife and children? Where are they? We need to go get them Chris, we have to save them, where are they? Their lack of interest, their calm demeanor and the way they simply went through the steps suggests that there is something incredibly wrong with this case. No death penalty? Perhaps the only person to ever warrant the death penalty isn't going to get a trial? He searched the lyrics of Metallica: Battery, but no one wants to talk about how Hollywood and the entertainment industry is killing our societies worldwide! No, let's not go down that road! Everyone is making contact with Shanann Watts, who contacted Seth Rich? Who killed you Seth? People from across the board have taken the time to show us alarm systems, proved shadows, hunted for clues, wanting answers, how can this be real? How can a candle so alive and living be taken from us and there are no answers.  But Shanann sowed great seeds. She left us hours of footage and she gave us words of wisdom. When Bella was afraid of the hailstorm,it was Shanann who took her and showed her the ice and that everything was going to be alright. Shanann taught us to confront our fears, and she certainly confronted hers head on. This is a lady we cannot allow to be forgotten.  It is with great sadness that we allow our differences to come between us. Cindy denied herself so much pleasure and happiness, we all do on a daily basis. Because we simply think we are the enemy of each other, but I am not your enemy, I am your friend and we are both in this together. This is the mindset we must strive to cultivate, break the hatred and we must stand for love and life for Shanann. Unconditional love is what is demanded of all of us. But a man who sits and stares at the picture of his murdered children, children he killed and he sits there and after twenty minutes of staring at the picture, smirks with satisfaction, and you want to save his life? But you want to assassinate your president? OMG are we twisted!
        My question is: at what point did they realize he killed them and my guess is they had to have known almost immediately and the dogs were brought in to confirm their suspicion. They simply had to know. My second question: is how did Chris load the bodies of three people and move them, he dug a grave and buried them with no assistance? Other than googling lyrics, what searches did he run, because we know that Justin Cooper searched car deaths for his baby son Cooper. Little Cooper was strapped into his car seat and left in his fathers car where he died a terrible death. What the hell is wrong with people?
    Perhaps someone will be kind enough to document the life of Shanann and publish a book of her values, work ethics, he hopes, dreams and aspirations.  Shanann gave us more than we can ever afford to loose and there are many who are blind and do not see her light, but her light must shine on in our hearts, thoughts and minds. She was surely what I think of as a sower of seed, wherever she went she invested,  positivist, she effected change and she lived to grow and become, she was taken without warning and there is nothing we can do about her loss, but we will hold to her memory and we will remember the woman who stepped into her haven and encountered her husband for the last time. The man who pledged to love, honor and protect, the man who should have died to save her, fought with his life for theirs has the audacity to think they never mattered to anyone? No! This is such bullshit it's unfathomable! It's insidious. She deserves better and we have the power to remind predators that they will not prey on us and escape.  Her story must be told, Her life documented and her memory and reputation preserved and protected. It wasn't hard to fall in love with little Cooper Harris and find his parents completely unfathomable, it wasn't hard to love Shanann and it certainly wasn't hard to love Bella, admittedly CC has stolen my heart, (But I adore outgoing kids) but it's impossible to want to advocate saving this bastards life. He is a cold calculated predator, he met his match when he met NK, suspect it was fireworks from the beginning, suspect she was playing him as much as he was playing her. We play games every day of our lives. Our lives are games to those that walk over us, burn down our land and take our property, as the world collapses we will be caught watching and here we are watching as they display before us, hours of painful interrogation and not once ask him: what if the kids are hurt or sick, what if they need medical attention, we have to find these kids, help us find them. Let's bring them home. Where are they?
Were they having any financial problems?
This isn't a soap opera, this is our lives and here in reality, money doesn't drive everything, that's just surface talk, this was never about money, this was about a man who wanted his freedom at the cost of four lives! A baby born in the dirt, my God this would break her heart forever! It's broken mine and it's broken all of ours, because why? We not Artificial Intelligence, we are not an algorithm.  This is real life and money changes things, but that's seldom the reason people die.
Watch over ourselves and be kind to each other, share love and if we could breed a million more Shanann's the world would be a better place. We love you and we will let you rest in peace now sweet, precious, Shanann. The worst part is knowing that your last weekend was not one of happiness, you were hurting, tired and deserved much more!

Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior we thank you for the precious life of Shanann, Bella, CC and baby Nico, thank you for the joy, happiness, love and the gift of life you bestow on us. Open our hearts, minds and souls that we may treasure each other, fight for one another and not fight against each other. Help us to see that we are not the enemy, we stand beside each other, not opposed, we are yours and You are Ours. in Jesus name Amen.  


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