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The Goal is to keep your head........

It's almost sweet and endearing how innocent and naive all of us remain, lost in the dark and stumbling around with blindfolds on as we speculate and guess our way through the tangled web of lies they weaved so well when they deceived......all of us! The Bird Cage symbolizes our lives and how we are struggling to grasp the concept of what the hell is going on around us.  It's quite a shock when we discover that we have been lied too and those we idolized are mere puppets put on display for our entertainment and we pay the powers that be to distract us from the truth.  There is no rabbit hole.  There is no con job. There is no secret society called the Illuminati and everything we know, they want us to know......there are those that actually think Kevin Spacey is talking to us, the public....let's be frank, no one gives a shit about us! Michael, Michael tried to tell us this is They Don't Care About Us, he would know, now wouldn't he? Kevin Spacey knows exactly how Michael felt and is going through his own drama, created, conjured, framed, set up, all the world is a stage, did Shakespeare not tell us this?  The more you live the more you love or so they say, the more you you love the more you go away......and this is so true! The closer we draw to Jesus, the more we give of ourselves and surrender the closer we get to seeing that from a distance nothing here matters.  It make no difference to us what happens to Kevin Spacey, our lives are the only impact we will feel and the only true experience we are having, we really don't care about Kevin Spacey or the children that all the elites have hurt, abused and lives destroyed.
          Before you are about to unveil a male as a woman desperately seeking to be both male and female, first there are rehearsals, there needs to be a sure, perfect plan in order, Everything must be precise, every detail perfectly rehearsed, there must be contingency plans and there must always be a plan, a back-up plan must be fool proof, but it must never be required! We cannot comprehend the time, energy and focus put into every single detail, every angle, every nuance is telling a story, a picture speaks a thousand words, imagine what Kevin Spacey told the elites in his 3 min clip! The washing of his hands, the apron, the mug, the carefully chosen words concealing his true agenda and his true attack, only those that know, get what that 3 min clip was truly about, we do not know, we are speculating! You cannot present speculation as a fact, making that clip is his insurance policy that we do not read in the papers that Kevin Spacey died of a drug overdose and left a suicide note admitting that he could no longer cope with the pressure. And there must be a tone of pressure, look at how Michael Jackson came apart at the seams, arriving at court in his pajamas, desperate for sympathy, but above all else, perhaps he just didn't care! 
      Men paraded dressed as women and women dressed as men and we have certainly been played for fools, fool me once.....shame on can't get fooled again, but we can and have and probably will continue to be fooled, why Lucifer has an affinity for The Joker (see 2019) undoubtedly the anti-Christ will be man pretending to be a woman pretending to rule the world and it's all just another distraction.  Hitler is reported to be an Anti-Christ. Nostradamus predicted three of them.
All of them obsessed with race cleansing and race baiting and hating, death, violence, suicide, anarchy these are the fruits this spirit shows on us. We are tasting them and we don't much like what is on the menu and what is being served, we built this city on Rock and Roll.....don't you get it? This empire of dirt that we created, we built, we sweat over it, we lost lives, families and fortunes building Lucifer's dream.

His kingdom come....take a look at that monster and know your blood, sweat and tears built this!
It already belongs to him and he longs to destroy it only he is just a servant, just a devil in disguise, just a shapeshifter, just a thief that comes to steal what does not belong to him.....YOU! Our paychecks, our bonds, our mortgages and we don't even own the land we paying for and the house we fighting to hold onto....pssst it's no longer South African soil, the land was expropriated when South Africa forfeited to repay it's debt, someone else owns your land and the deal and contract you signed with the bank is null and void triggering an economic collapse, only we cant know this until the stage is set and all the players are in place, which means we have a window of opportunity! Stop paying your bonds and mortgages, pay off the debt that will save you, change your purchasing strategy, buy in groups and form corporations, neighborhoods can form corporations and buy the properties, we need to communicate and this is what they want to avoid at all costs! Think! There is always a way out, never give up! Never quit and never surrender! Get up stand up, stand up for your rights. It is your right to own a weapon, killing is murder and thou shall not kill! Vengeance is mine, God has got our back and Jesus knows the appointed time of His arrival. The arrival of the Anti-Christ is not our problem, our problem is the arrival of the fake messiah that will say he is Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
    Jesus has confidence in us, for He says that His sheep know His voice. Do you know the voice of God? Is God speaking to your heart and are we listening?
It's not important what destroyed the houses, it's the fact that a weapon was used to destroy civilian homes and that is an act of war, but we still going to work.
Stay away from anything that is federal, in general it just seems bad for our health!  Over analyzing, we missed the obvious:
Think about what we are looking at, masonic floors, the king that must be protected at all cost and the pawns we are so happy to sacrifice in order to strategically maneuver until our opponent is cornered and the game is won. Black and White. The British Royal family with the Catholic church with Bishops, knights and castles, where is the duke? Two opposing sides. Russia and the USA, but who said the USA or Russia were ever the good guys? Sending innocent men into battle to die for money, greed and power and disguising it as patriotism, love for their country and brainwashing us into accepting the death of our sons is beyond evil.  Thankfully we have Artificial Intelligence, send them to kill each other! I really don't see the point in anyone going to war when there are machines to do it so much better! But there's no fun in killing a machine and then we realize that they are indeed all mad. We dying for nothing!
  My name is Mr. MacPhisto, I’m here to sing for your soul. The goal. Is Elevation (Laval, Rehearsals, April 14, 2018)

Prince told us he was a slave! Purple Reign.....stolen by the house of lucifer, blind in one eye and determined to outsmart God at any and all costs, don't think about it, just read it, we talking about beings from other worlds and dimensions which could possibly mean aliens and ancient aliens and lead to Egypt and pyramids, but let's not think, just read!  Cern is opening a portal to let in the coming of the fake messiah.....they going to usher in the new dawn....the dawning of Aquarius.....(interesting we just had an eclipse) Prince died in an elevator!He owns a song called elevator. The goal is elevation. The elevator only goes so high and no higher......there is always a penthouse and a basement!

Please click on the above link and watch this "food for thought "

The All Seeing Eye 88/911 Connection

Do not confuse fact with fiction.  It's a fact Kevin Stacey washed in hands in the open scene of Let Me Be speculation as to his intent! Speculation is all good and well but don't get too caught up in why, how or when, focus on the facts, they remain undisputed. Don't get caught up in paying your bills, creating the perfect image, remember a camera only has one eye and that's something we should understand. We use the one eye everyday of our lives taking selfies and why, because it's an image we present to the world, we are not always happy, we are complex, difficult, moody and frustrated because our creative nature is being suppressed and stressed. Drop the pilot of your plane if you are not heading towards the destination of your dreams. Change captains. There is only one team that you need to sign up to bat for at that is Team Jesus.  
WE Love
WE Hug
We offer no judgments
We stand and we stand beside each other because it's the Holy Spirit that keeps us focused and keeps our eyes firmly on the Cross because we don't get to do what we want, we carry our cross, we pick up our burdens and we march on and we find away to make it through each day, we are not weak, we are willing, able and committed to the Tree of Life that came down from Heaven walked among us and died so that the bond between God and His children could be restored, Jesus is forgiveness.  
You are either with me or against me....but we cannot proclaim Him as ours and we disrespect everything He gave sobbing tears of blood as He asked:
41And He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, where He knelt down and prayed, 42“Father, if You are willing, take this cup from Me. Yet not Mywill, but Yours be done.” 43Then an angel from heaven appeared to Him and strengthened Him.… Luke 22:42

What an incredible moment for Jesus and our Creator.  Father if you are willing......and it's not that God was not willing, Lucifer wanted a life for a life and only the Son of Creation could purchase back our freedom, the life of the son of God to save humanity this was the purchase price and Jesus understood this, and so he relents and says: but not my will, (not for my sake, for your sake, whatever you decide, will be done. At least that's my take on what is happening in the garden, as Jesus knows what is about to happen, his senses are keen and His intuition is fine tuned, he knows their thoughts, knows our thoughts, He is telepathic....He sent the Holy Spirit to live within us and guide us....we all have gifts of the Spirit, but no one talks about the Holy Spirit nowadays, we all so caught up in dissecting the stars......we must guard against self destruction. We will all come to know suffering, but we will endure and we will love and we will live for this is the power of Love! 

If you can keep your head when all about you   
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,   
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
    But make allowance for their doubting too;   
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
    Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
    And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;   
    If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;   
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
    And treat those two impostors just the same;   
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
    And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
    And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
    And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
    To serve your turn long after they are gone,   
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
    Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,   
    Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
    If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
    With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,   
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,   
    And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!


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