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Time is just is Timeless!

The Games People Play......

A selfish, narcissistic woman determined to do her bidding, living by her rules and making herself her top priority conceived a daughter that would become her nemesis, a child brought into this world just to spite her parents.  They didn't want their daughter to marry the man from the wrong side of the tracks and in their opinion he was less than the best for their daughter. She was determined to show her parents that she will get what she wanted and she did and when she married him, she discovered that everything her parents warned her about was the absolute truth.  Unable to accept the responsibility for her decision, she blamed the child she conceived.  This became the burden that would follow this child all her life. The living walking proof that her parents were right, she was wrong, she had made a mistake, but the plot thickens because as she tells the story, she conceived a second child from the same man only to divorce him while her second daughter was barely just months old. Five long years and some months she spent living as a wife and mother before the eldest daughter walked into the kitchen and found her father pinned to the kitchen wall, a bread knife pressed against his throat as her mother glared into his eyes and he looked at his daughter and told her as reassuringly as he could that all was well and she needed to return to her bedroom. Five years old and your father, the man who towers over you, the mountain that picks you up and holds you and offers only sanctuary from everything that scares you and you stand there witnessing a knife being pressed against his throat. She remembers rain storms, thunder and lightening and she recalls him praying as she lays in her room, only he was not just praying, his voice carries to her and his voice is strong, filled with vehement conviction, this man is praying, he is begging God, pleading almost and she cannot recall the words, it's his tone she recalls, he was praying with determination while her mother and baby sister slept in the room next door.
     The child would come to know rejection, would face uncertainty, would face abandonment and would discover that liars are not those that one encounter on the street, liars are actually family members that tell you wonderful tales until you discover the depths of their lies and their betrayal will not hurt, it will serve merely to enlighten and remind you that all of us are mortal and that the only grace to be found is the grace that comes from the God of Love and the most high God.  Her life will be a series of forgiveness only to find that time and time again they will hurt her, use her and she will finally learn the lesson that it's not important what they do, it's important for her to understand she has a right to life! She came perilously close to loosing all that was uniquely her path to walk, her journey to make, her road to travel, because she allowed herself to loose perspective.  She became so concerned for their well being, she almost sacrificed everything enabling them to feed off her, stealing her money, her love, her kindness and never giving her a moments respect or thought. People play games with us.  They use us and they abuse us and we allow it for various reasons.  Her father once told her, her mother would never be happy because she was a very sad miserable person. What she came to discover is that the death eaters in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter novels do exist, they are real and her mother is a death eater! She possess the uncanny ability to sense joy, happiness and then she swoops out of her room and into the place where there is joy and life and proceeds to suck the soul and life out of all, draining the will to live from those until there is silence and laughter is a distant echo in the mind.  This death eater is dangerous for her words woo the heart, words of love and lies that are spoken, history rearranged so her deranged warped mind can find her actions excusable and she can find a way to live with herself. Only she never stops long enough to ask herself a simple question: can you be loved?  The notion of love to this woman is one that is best described as a crush, perhaps it's lust, maybe longing, but her mind, heart and soul cannot comprehend the full meaning of love and perhaps there are all too many that share this experience.  So I am here to tell you about love.
        Love is kind. Love is forgiving. Love is caring for someone when you damn well they do not care for you and they never will, love is longing to be.....sharing, caring, hugging and laughing. Love is hugging. We do not hug enough.  Love is knowing everything that is horrible and the truth and still reaching out to offer shelter, still willing to listen, remaining silent and paying respect because love cares.  Love is not wanting perfection, love is taking what there is and accepting that in it's own unique way, it is perfect. Love will not harm, scold or hurt. Love is gentle and kind and always forgiving.  Love is knowing that no matter how many times you have lied, hurt or rejected someone, if they need you, you will be there.  There is power in love for love heals all wounds.
I know the power of love for I am that child and I survived only because of love.  Looking back over my shoulder, I can see the road I walked, I can see everything so crystal clear and I feel nothing except peace.  I love my God the Father, The Creator, I honor my parents and I believe that there is no greater commandment than thou shalt love one another as I have loved you given to us by Jesus Christ.
 I watch the weather modification, the firing of HAARP that unleashes the storms as well as the drought, I see the thirst of the land and feel the aching of the dryness as the land cries out for water, only they won't unleash the rain because the world is locked in a power struggle for greed. GMO seeds that will and must rule the world.  South Africa has a particularly strong cultivation streak and we grow good food, and we produce good seed, so yes, naturally our seed companies will resist the GMO seeds and how do you counter attack? Seeds need rain, when the word of God is planted in our hearts, there is tears, tears are required in order for the seeds to grow, nothing grows in drought. Every September we receive good rain.....2012 we experienced incredible rainfall, and nothing much since.  Cape Town went into severe horrible water restrictions, and South Africa cried out for water, why? Everybody wants to rule the world. This is a game they playing and we are merely pawns on the chessboard, we disposable, dispensable, only we not!
Take a look at how Netflix markets Noah the movie, read their write up and think about it.
Here's what google had to say:
 When God decides that mankind has become too sinful and must be wiped off the Earth, he chooses Noah (Russell Crowe), a pious man, for a great task. Noah must build an ark large enough to hold his wife (Jennifer Connelly), adopted daughter (Emma Watson), sons (Logan Lerman, 

They have decided to purge the Earth and they are very skilled at what they are doing, genetic tampering, biological warfare, Geostorms, chemtrails, everything we touch is contaminated and they want to purge us because they believe we are the pests! The drugs they have sold us has poisoned their minds and they are mad. When David Icke tells us all the world is mad, he isn't wrong! Only he isn't telling us that there is only One Love.  We are all part of something so beautiful and incredible and innocent and pure.  What monster would advocate to terminate a baby that is almost near it's birth date.  They  have us so wrapped around numbers. Numbers define us. The number of days in a year, the number in our bank account, our bank account, our social security, our cell phones, the years we live, it's all numbers and it means precisely nothing! I have met ten year old's that leave me breathless and I know sixty year old's that will never grow up.  My husbands company had all their employees out in the worst weather ever today, why? Because they can. This is the abuse of power. At any given point any one of those 600 men could have decided this is absolutely ridiculous, we standing in mud, drenched wet and we cannot pour concrete we are going home, but they stayed, why? Power of a paycheck! What are we doing? We dancing to the tune of the pied piper and we are being led down a path that is slowly killing us.  Many of us cannot wait to die, we waiting for Jesus, that's not the point! The point of our existence is not death, it is life! Yes, they going to play games, yes, we are going to be stepped on, broken and crushed, but we didn't come here to be defeated, we are here because we are alive and that means we have to stand up and live! Laugh, sing, smile and be happy, find a way to make it through the day, you are not a death eater, you are not a walking ghost that sucks the life out of the party. You Are The Party and the Party is just beginning! May 2019 be the year that we all find the song that wants to be sung, the song that lives within us, may we sing it loud and may we sing it strong, may we realize we are pure potential. we not a number, we are a human being!  We are here to have a human experience, we are here to hug, hold, encourage and enjoy each other. You think skin color defines us? No! We are defined by how we react to everything that we encounter.  
Don't see me from a distance, don't look at my smile
And think that I don't know what's under and behind me
Idon't want you to look at me and think
What's in you is in me, what's in me is to help them

Roughneck and rudeness,
We should be using, on the ones who practice wicked charms
For the sword and the stone
Bad to the bone
Battle is not over
Even when it's won
And when a child is born into this world
It has no concept
Of the tone the skin is living in

It's not a second, seven seconds away
Just as long as I stay, I'll be waiting
It's not a second, seven seconds away
Just as long as stay, I'll be waiting
I'll be waiting,
I'll be waiting

I assume the reasons that push us to change
I would like that they forget about their color,
so that they can have hope
Too many views on race that make them desperate
I like the doors wide open
So that friends can talk about their pain and their joy
Then we can give them information, that will bring us all together

It's not a second, seven seconds away
Just as long as I stay, I'll be waiting
It's not a second, seven seconds away
Just as long as I stay, I'll be waiting
I'll be waiting,
I'll be waiting

And when a child is born into this world
It has no concept
Of the tone of the skin he's living in
And there's a million voices
And there's a million voices
To tell you what she should be thinking
So you better sober up for just a second

Seven seconds away
Just as long as I stay, I'll be waiting
It's not a second, seven seconds away
Just as long as I stay, I'll be waiting
It's not a second, seven seconds away
Just as long as I stay, I'll be waiting
It's not a second, seven seconds away
Just as long as stay, I'll be waiting
It's not a second, seven seconds away
Just as long as I stay, I'll be waiting

Read more:

STAY! Don't leave! Don't go anywhere, you are required here! 
You are a precious gem and no matter what has hurt you, matter what they have said about you, you are needed here! This is a war and this is a war we will win by standing for love, honor, respect, kindness and fairness!  No matter how they persuade us, stay and fight, live and love and make them regret the day they choose darkness over light! In the end, the light will lead us home for we are all children of Light, Love and we are One World defined by the choices we make and there is nothing they can do to break us! 
Hold to love! Hold to Justice! Hold because it's worth it, I promise you. Hold because you are worth it! You are so precious and unique and there is only one You. Everyone has an Alexa, but there is only one YOU! 

And when a child is born into this world
It has no concept
Of the tone of the skin he's living in.........we are all the children of God and God made each and every skin we wear! He knows our cultures, our differences and He knows we are His! 
Trust yourself! 
Trust God!
It's not about time, it's not about numbers, it's about loving each other! 
They hate we must unite!
They hate we must agree!
They hate we must forgive!
Our greatest weapon is their hatred, we need to divide and conquer! 
This is our victory cry! 

She thought she would break me, she thought she could defeat me.....but she never understood the power of love!  She holds no power over me....she maybe my mother....but she is not the winner! God wins always +++

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery

None but ourselves can free our minds
Wo! Have no fear for atomic energy
'Cause none of them-a can-a stop-a the time


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